IMPORTANT NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR:<br>"This is my third version of Brainstorm. The first one (my initial writing effort) I wrote before 2003 and managed to get published by a California publisher who promptly, after printing a few hundred copies, declared bankruptcy. My luck! As my first attempt at writing, I can safely say the book was not very good. But I persisted and rewrote it as I slowly learned my craft. The second version, under the title Possessed, is currently in softcover print. Brainstorm, the current and third version in ebook form, represents my latest effort at revision. I believe this third version is the final and best version in my evolution as a writer."<br>– Sheldon Cohen<br><br>One Friday night in Chicago, two friends leave their neighborhood bar and head home. One man never makes it. Stabbed in the heart by a crazed assailant, the victim is brought to a nearby hospital. A respected young carpenter who seems to have it all…wife, children, friends…finds himself at the same hospital. Mysterious stomach pains, violent mood swings, and uncharacteristic forgetfulness have plagued George Gilmer. Though he remembers nothing, it was George's knife that killed the man, his blood on the man's body<br><br>Brainstorm leads the reader into a world where the human capacity for evil extends beyond belief, into a world where it hard to draw the line between insanity and innocence.
Physics is the science that deals with the properties and interrelationship of matter and energy. It studies mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, radiation, and atomic structure. This tale stretches from 2000 BCE to 1945 and introduces the reader to the brilliant men and women from Thales of Miletos to Albert Einstein who working alone or collaboratively made it all possible.