
Различные книги в жанре Физика


Tim James

Swedenborg's Cosmology

Lillian G. Beekman

In this 1907 publication, Lillian G. Beekman discusses the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish theologian, philosopher, mystic, and scientist born in 1688. A fascinating character, Swedenborg devoted himself first to scientific endeavors including engineering and natural science projects, switching his attention later to anatomy and physiology. Overlapping with this period in his life, he became interested in spirituality which led to some interesting visions and encounters leading him to study scripture and eventually publish his own thoughts on God, the spirit world, the universe, and pretty much everything else. Thanks to Ms. Beekman, a portion of his writings on the physical sciences, including geology, astronomy, and botany are outlined in relationship to his thoughts on the infinite and creation.

Elevator Troubleshooting & Repair

David Herres

Elevators move large numbers of people up and down each day, mostly without incident, thanks to a strongly developed system of safety measures and the work of highly trained and experienced professionals.             In performing elevator maintenance and repair, there are numerous technical factors, not to mention huge moral and legal issues. Workers need to fully understand proper maintenance procedures so that all safeguards remain in effect. It’s also essential to be aware of applicable regulations, and to maintain compliance at all times.             For those serious about engaging in elevator work, the appropriate licenses must be acquired—an electrician’s license and elevator mechanic’s license. These are not achieved overnight.             This work covers everything a student or current technician needs to know to perform elevator diagnosis, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair, and details all the knowledge a technician must have to properly service elevators in various situations. It is also the only work that includes helpful questions and corresponding answers for those who are studying to obtain their elevator mechanic’s license.  FeaturesOffers sample certification questions and answers for those looking to get their Elevator Mechanic’s license.Places an emphasis on safety interlocks and the elevator system as a whole.Includes a history of elevators to give readers perspective on the industry and advancements in technology to date.Written by a renowned electrician with regular columns and contributions in Elevator World and Electrical Construction and Maintenance magazines.

Добро пожаловать во Вселенную

Нил Деграсс Тайсон

Предвестником этой книги был вводный курс астрономии для гуманитариев, прочитанный Нилом Деграссом Тайсоном, Майклом Строссом и Ричардом Готтом в Принстоне. Здесь рассмотрены более 100 задач, и этого количества, по мнению авторов, как раз должно хватить, чтобы научиться думать как астрофизик. В игривой манере авторы демонстрируют, что нам доступно более глубокое понимание свойств бесконечно большого и бесконечно малого, более осмысленный диалог с космосом, причем для этого довольно университетских знаний по алгебре. Авторы предлагают решить физические проблемы микроорганизмов на Европе, сталкивающихся черных дыр, расширяющегося космоса и даже двумерной машины времени ТАРДИС. Не стоит терзать себя вопросами о том, достанет ли вам смекалки, потому что авторы уже позаботились об этом: они снабдили каждую задачу подробным объяснением и привели решение для нее. Курс космической науки для новичков, проверенный временем!

Training Facility Norms and Standard Equipment Lists

Fook Yen Chong

This publication aims to support good practice in establishing facilities for mechatronics technology training programs. It is the second of four technical specification reference guides on training facility norms and standard equipment lists. It includes equipment specifications aligned with current industry standards. Designed for technical and vocational education and training practitioners and policymakers, the series covers the following strategic manufacturing trades: (i) precision engineering or machining, (ii) mechatronics technology, (iii) mechanical technology, and (iv) electrical technology.

Training Facility Norms and Standard Equipment Lists

Fook Yen Chong

This is the first volume comprising a series of technical specification reference guides that the Asian Development Bank prepared regarding the design of training facility norms and standard equipment lists based on industry standards. Provided here are examples and guidance on how to establish training facilities for precision engineering training programs. Equipment specifications aligned with current industry standards are also identified. Designed for technical and vocational education and training practitioners and policymakers, the series covers the following strategic trades in the field of manufacturing: (i) precision engineering or machining, (ii) mechatronics technology, (iii) mechanical technology, and (iv) electrical technology.

The Human Cosmos

Jo Marchant

Die groot gedagte

Gideon Joubert

Hier staan ek in 'n heelal van dooie atome. Ook in my liggaam is nie 'n enkele lewende atoom nie. Maar ek lewe. Wat is lewe? Waar kom dit vandaan en hoe het dit ontstaan? En waar pas God in?

Die groot gedagte, die eerste omvattende kosmologie-boek in Afrikaans, het by eerste publikasie groot opslae gemaak. Dié boek is 'n uitgebreide uitgawe van daardie eerste een, en sluit nuwe kennis in oor die talle ontdekkings oor die kosmos en kwantumfisika die afgelope dekade. Veral data wat deur die Hubble-teleskoop deurgesend is, het baie teorieë laat wankel.
Bekende oud-joernalis Gideon Joubert bied die inligting pakkend aan vir kenners én leke, en maak met helder, verstaanbare taal selfs ingewikkelde begrippe toeganklik.

On Electricity

Nikola Tesla