
Различные книги в жанре Физика

Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes

Группа авторов

Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes A comprehensive system-level discussion of the geomicrobiology of the Earth’s oceans In Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes , a team of distinguished researchers delivers a systemic overview of biogeochemistry across a number of major physiographies of the global ocean: the waters and sediments overlying continental margins; the deep sub-surfaces; the Arctic and Antarctic oceans; and the physicochemical extremes such as the hypersaline and sulfidic marine zones, cold methane seeps and hydrothermal ecosystems. The book explores state-of-the-art advances in marine geomicrobiology and investigates the drivers of biogeochemical processes. It highlights the imperatives of the unique, fringe, and cryptic processes while studying the geological manifestations and ecological feedbacks of in situ microbial metabolisms. Taking a holistic approach toward the understanding of marine biogeochemical provinces, this book emphasizes the centrality of culture-dependent and culture-independent (meta-omics-based) microbiological information within a systems biogeochemistry framework. Perfect for researchers and scientists in the fields of geochemistry, geophysics, geomicrobiology, oceanography, and marine science, Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes will also earn a place in the libraries of policymakers and advanced graduate students seeking a one-stop reference on marine biogeochemistry.

Beleuchtung in Innenräumen - Human Centric Integrative Lighting

Tran Quoc Khanh

Ausführliche Darstellung der technischen und nicht-technischen Aspekte der modernen Beleuchtungstechnik im Blick auf die Wirkung auf den Menschen!<br> <br> Die moderne Lichttechnik befasst sich nicht nur mit den technischen Aspekten von Beleuchtung in Innenräumen, sondern auch mit der Wirkung unterschiedlicher Arten von Beleuchtung auf den Menschen. Über die genaue Kenntnis der physikalischen Eigenschaften von Licht und der Lichterzeugung hinaus werden dazu validierte physiologische und psychologische Wahrnehmungsmodelle benötigt, auf deren Basis Hersteller von Leuchtmitteln und Anbieter von Lichttechniklösungen Design- und Entwicklungsentscheidungen treffen können.<br> <br> Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über das Forschungsgebiet des Human Centric Integrative Lighting, also der menschzentrierten Innenraumbeleuchtungstechnik. Nach einer Zusammenfassung der Grundlagen der Lichttechnik im Zusammenspiel mit der menschlichen Wahrnehmung und dem aktuellen Stand der heutigen Innenraumbeleuchtung legen die Autoren die Grundprinzipien des Human Centric Integrative Lighting dar und schildern ausführlich Aspekte wie visuelle Leistungen, Farbqualität und emotionale Wirkung sowie die Korrelation der relevanten Parameter. Im Anschluss diskutieren sie umfassende Lichtqualitätsmodelle und leiten daraus Empfehlungen für die praktische Umsetzung des Konzepts des Human Centric Integrative Lighting ab.<br> <br> * Geballtes Expertenwissen: das Buch ist geschrieben von Deutschlands führenden Wissenschaftlern auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik<br> <br> * Kohärente Zusammenfassung des Forschungsstands: das Buch kombiniert die relevanten Forschungsergebnisse aus Zeitschriften, Patentschriften und Normen zu einem einheitlichen Ganzen<br> <br> * Praxisorientierter Ansatz: die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse werden zu Modellen kondensiert, die für Entwickler direkt nutzbar sind<br>

Computational Geomechanics

Manuel Pastor

COMPUTATIONAL GEOMECHANICS The new edition of the first book to cover the computational dynamic aspects of geomechanics, now including more practical applications and up-to-date coverage of current research in the field[/b] Advances in computational geomechanics have dramatically improved understanding of the behavior of soils and the ability of engineers to design increasingly sophisticated constructions in the ground. When Professor Olek Zienkiewicz began the application of numerical approaches to solid dynamics at Swansea University, it became evident that realistic prediction of the behavior of soil masses could only be achieved if the total stress approaches were abandoned. Computational Geomechanics introduces the theory and application of Zienkiewicz’s computational approaches that remain the basis for work in the area of saturated and unsaturated soil to this day. Written by past students and colleagues of Professor Zienkiewicz, this extended Second Edition provides formulations for a broader range of problems, including failure load under static loading, saturated and unsaturated consolidation, hydraulic fracturing, and liquefaction of soil under earthquake loading. The internationally-recognized team of authors incorporates current computer technologies and new developments in the field, particularly in the area of partial saturation, as they guide readers on how to properly apply the formulation in their work. This one-of-a-kind volume: Explains the Biot-Zienkiewicz formulation for saturated and unsaturated soil Covers multiple applications to static and dynamic problems for saturated and unsaturated soil in areas such as earthquake engineering and fracturing of soils and rocks Features a completely new chapter on fast catastrophic landslides using depth integrated equations and smoothed particle hydrodynamics with applications Presents the theory of porous media in the saturated and unsaturated states to establish the foundation of the problem of soil mechanics Provides a quantitative description of soil behavior including simple plasticity models, generalized plasticity, and critical state soil mechanics Includes numerous questions, problems, hands-on experiments, applications to other situations, and example code for GeHoMadrid Computational Geomechanics: Theory and Applications, Second Edition is an ideal textbook for specialist and general geotechnical postgraduate courses, and a must-have reference for researchers in geomechanics and geotechnical engineering, for software developers and users of geotechnical finite element software, and for geotechnical analysts and engineers making use of the numerical results obtained from the Biot-Zienkiewicz formulation.

Квантовая физика. Знания, которые не займут много места

Группа авторов

О том, что все в мире состоит из частиц, мы все знаем со школьной скамьи. Но о том, насколько широко квантовая физика вошла в нашу жизнь, большинство из нас не имеет четкого представления. А ведь многими благами современной цивилизации мы обязаны именно ей, сколь бы отвлеченной отраслью знания она ни казалась на первый взгляд. Весь XX век прошел под знаком открытий в области квантовой теории, а ее пока не решенные вопросы – увлекательнейший научный детектив. Приобщиться к тайнам этого самого молодого раздела физики вам поможет эта книга.

UAS Integration into Civil Airspace

Douglas M. Marshall

UAS Integration into Civil Airspace Explores current Unmanned Air Systems policies with a view to developing a common airspace access and integration strategy UAS Integration into Civil Airspace: Policy, Regulations and Strategy examines the current state of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) airspace access and integration around the world, focusing on the efforts that have produced a regulatory response to the demand for access. This analysis discusses the proposed architectures for a common strategic and analytical thread that may serve as templates for the entire community, as well as for regulators and policymakers who must balance the needs and demands of UAS users with the general public’s right to safe skies and privacy. An understanding of the market forces and business cases that are fuelling the development of the technology is also covered with a focus on the economics of the industry. The book presents a strategy for airspace access and integration that will facilitate humanitarian, environmental, social and security uses of unmanned aircraft systems on a global scale. Key features: Discusses existing and evolving policies and regulations from nations around the world for operating Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in civil airspace Examines the current status of technological developments such as UTM and U-space and explores the technological potential in the years to come Presents a comprehensive airspace integration strategy that balances the many conflicting interests in the UAS world, with due regard for safety, utility and affordability UAS Integration into Civil Airspace: Policy, Regulations and Strategy is essential reading for all professionals involved in UAS industry, as well as students in mechanical engineering and law.

Атом. Строение и расчет основных параметров. (Бакалавриат). (Монография)

Алексей Алексеевич Потапов

Настоящая монография посвящена исследованию атома как исходного структурного элемента вещества. Сформулированы основные законы структурообразования атомов. На богатом экспериментальном материале и в логике рационального познания дается обоснование электронного строения атомов. Атомы водорода и гелия выделены как атомы, играющие ключевую роль в понимании устройства атомов. В рамках диполь-оболочечной модели установлены природа и механизм формирования многоэлектронных атомов. Дан расчет основных параметров атомов, таких как константы экранирования, большие и малые полуоси эллиптических орбит и их эксцентриситеты, эффективные радиусы атомов и ионов. Определено место атома в структурной иерархии вещества. Обсуждаются механизмы самоорганизации атомов. Предложена естественно-научная классификация элементов, основанная на понимании электронного строения атомов. Сформулирован закон периодичности элементов, признаком периодичности которого выступают высокосимметричные электронные конфигурации атомов. Книга рассчитана на специалистов, занимающихся исследованиями электронного строения атомов и вещества в целом.