Enables readers to easily understand the basics of solid state physics Solid State Physics is a successful short textbook that gives a clear and concise introduction to its subject. The presentation is suitable for students who are exposed to this topic for the first time. Each chapter starts with basic principles and gently progresses to more advanced concepts, using easy-to-follow explanations and keeping mathematical formalism to a minimum. This new edition is thoroughly revised, with easier-to-understand descriptions of metallic and covalent bonding, a straightforward proof of Bloch's theorem, a simpler approach to the nearly free electron model, and enhanced pedagogical features, such as more than 100 discussion questions, 70 problems–including problems to train the students’ skills to find computational solutions–and multiple-choice questions at the end of each chapter, with solutions in the book for self-training. Solid State Physics introduces the readers to: Crystal structures and underlying bonding mechanisms The mechanical and vibrational properties of solids Electronic properties in both a classical and a quantum mechanical picture, with a treatment of the electronic phenomena in metals, semiconductors and insulators More advanced subjects, such as magnetism, superconductivity and phenomena emerging for nano-scaled solidsFor bachelor’s students in physics, materials sciences, engineering sciences, and chemistry, Solid State Physics serves as an introductory textbook, with many helpful supplementary learning resources included throughout the text and available online, to aid in reader comprehension.
A Course in <b>Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry</b> <p><b>A complete approach to the three key techniques in luminescence dosimetry</b> <p>In <i>A Course in Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry,</i> expert researcher Stephen McKeever delivers a holistic and comprehensive exploration of the three main luminescence techniques used in radiation dosimetry: thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, and radiophotoluminescence. The author demonstrates how the three techniques are related to one another and how they compare to each other. <p>Throughout, the author’s focus is on pedagogy, including state-of-the-art research only where it is relevant to demonstrate a key principle or where it reveals a critical insight into physical mechanisms. The primary purpose of the book is to teach beginning researchers about the three aforementioned techniques, their similarities and distinctions, and their applications. <p><i>A Course in Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry </i>offers access to a companion website that includes original data sets and problems to be solved by the reader. The book also includes: <ul><li>A thorough introduction to the field of luminescence applications in radiation dosimetry, including a history of the subject.</li> <li>Comprehensive explorations of introductory models and kinetics, including the concepts of thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, and radiophotoluminescence.</li> <li>Practical discussions of luminescence curve shapes, including the determination of trapping parameters from experimental thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence data.</li> <li>In-depth examinations of dose-response functions, superlinearity, supralinearity, and sublinearity, as well as the causes of non-linearity.</li> <li>Detailed examples with well-known materials.</li></ul> <p><i>A Course in Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry</i> is an invaluable guide for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of radiation dosimetry, as well as faculty and professionals in the field.
A complete overview of the topic of viscoplastic flow in metallic solids produced by shear banding This book presents novel ideas about inelastic deformation and failure of the material in a clear, concise manner. It exposes readers to information that will allow them to acquire the competence and ability to deal with up-to-date manufacturing and failure processes. It also portrays an interdisciplinary and revolutionary understanding of deformation processes in solids. Shear banding's typical mechanism becomes the active cause of viscoplastic flow and not the passive effect. Viscoplastic Flow in Metallic Solids Produced by Shear Banding begins with discussing the new physical model of multilevel hierarchy and evolution of micro-shear bands. It then covers the physical motivation and heuristic foundations of theoretical description concerning known results in the literature. It examines the difficulties of applying a direct multiscale integration scheme across the scales. It also presents an extension of the representative volume element (RVE) concept using the general theory of propagating the singular surfaces of the microscopic velocity field sweeping the RVE. It also reveals a new formulation of the description of the shear strain rate generated by the multilevel hierarchy of shear bands in the workflow integration approach, in which information from the simulation at different levels flows. This book: Presents fresh ideas about inelastic deformation and failure of materials Provides readers with the competence and ability to deal with up-to-date manufacturing and failure processes Sheds light on the interdisciplinary revolution in the recent understanding of deformation processes in solids Viscoplastic Flow in Metallic Solids Produced by Shear Banding will appeal to researchers studying physical foundations of inelastic deformation of materials and dealing with numerical simulations of manufacturing processes. It is also an excellent resource for graduate and postgraduate students of material science and mechanical engineering faculties.
The electric grid is on the threshold of a paradigm shift. In the past few years, the picture of the grid has changed dramatically due to the introduction of renewable energy sources, advancements in power electronics, digitalization, and other factors. All these megatrends are pointing toward a new electrical system based on Direct Current (DC). DC power systems have inherent advantages of no harmonics, no reactive power, high efficiency, over the conventional AC power systems. Hence, DC power systems have become an emerging and promising alternative in various emerging applications, which include distributed energy sources like wind, solar and Energy Storage System (ESS); distribution networks; smart buildings, remote telecom systems; and transport electrification like electric vehicles (EVs) and shipboard. All these applications are designed at different voltages to meet their specific requirements individually because of the lack of standardization. Thus, the factors influencing the DC voltages and system operation needed to be surveyed and analyzed, which include voltage standards, architecture for existing and emerging applications, topologies and control strategies of power electronic interfaces, fault diagnosis and design of the protection system, optimal economical operation, and system reliability. This groundbreaking new volume presents these topics and trends of DC microgrids, bridging the research gap on DC microgrid architectures, control and protection challenges to enable wide-scale implementation of energy-efficient DC microgrids. Whether for the veteran engineer or the student, this is a must-have for any library.
В брошюре рассматривается понятие вектора применительно к теоретической механике. В частности, обращается внимание на неверное представление векторных величин и действий над ними. Так, скалярное произведение, одно из известных действий над векторами, оказывается очень полезным в механике, позволяющее получить важные результаты, повышающие компетенцию учащихся. Некоторые из них будут рассмотрены в этой статье как по отношению к абсолютно твердому, так и твердому деформируемому телам. Небезынтересно узнать о действии деления на вектор. Текст печатается в авторской редакции.
В книге приведены фактические данные о наблюдениях в естественных условиях малоизученного и опасного природного феномена – шаровой молнии. Около трехсот сообщений очевидцев иллюстрируют наиболее редкие свойства шаровой молнии, такие как ее способность проходить сквозь оконные стекла, не оставляя отверстий, вызывать у людей ожоги кожи под одеждой, зажигать не включенные электролампочки, вызывать теле- и радиопомехи, проникать в закрытые помещения и т. п. На основе статистического анализа нескольких тысяч описаний составлен портрет «средней» шаровой молнии и найдены корреляционные зависимости между различными ее свойствами. Проводятся в рамках обычного курса математической физики оценки отдельных свойств шаровой молнии, таких как собственный электрический заряд или интенсивность электромагнитного излучения. Книга рассчитана на физиков, но будет интересна и широкому кругу читателей. Она содержит редко встречающиеся описания поведения шаровой молнии в естественных условиях— фактический материал о спорных, наиболее редко наблюдаемых свойствах этой разновидности грозового электричества, а также качественные и количественные оценки свойств шаровой молнии. Текст печатается в авторской редакции.
Станислав Михайлович Аполлонский
Во 2-м томе монографии рассмотрены граничные условия на поверхностях сложных экранирующих конструкций. Разработана методология расчёта эквивалентных граничных условий, позволяющая при решении граничных задач математической физики переходить от векторных электрических и магнитных величин к скалярным, что в ряде случаев приводит к существенному упрощению задачи по нахождению экранирующих функций сложных конструкций. Изложение материала книги проведено с единой методологиче-ской позиции, доступной для широкой аудитории специалистов, зна-комыми с теоретическими основами электротехники в объёме универ-ситетского курса. Книга рассчитана на математиков, занимающихся разработкой методов расчета ЭМП в многосвязных средах, на научных и инженер-но-технических работников, занимающихся расчетом конкретных экранирующих структур, а также на специалистов, желающих позна-комиться с современными математическими методами моделирования реальных ЭМП в присутствии экранирующих оболочек и металличе-ских конструкций.