
Различные книги в жанре Физика

Physics I For Dummies

Steven Holzner

An easy-to-follow guide to introductory physics, from the Big Bang to relativity All science, technology, engineering, and math majors in college and university require some familiarity with physics. Other career paths, like medicine, are also only open to students who understand this fundamental science. But don’t worry if you find physics to be intimidating or confusing. You just need the right guide! In Physics I For Dummies , you’ll find a roadmap to physics success that walks you through every major topic in introductory physics, including motion, energy, waves, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, relativity, and more. You’ll learn the basic principles and math formulas of physics through clear and straightforward examples and instruction, and without unnecessary jargon or complicated theory. In this book, you’ll also find: Up-to-date examples and explanations appearing alongside the latest discoveries and research in physics, discussed at a level appropriate for beginning students All the info found in an intro physics course, arranged in an intuitive sequence that will give first-year students a head start in their high school or college physics class The latest teaching techniques to ensure that you remember and retain what you read and practice in the book Physics I For Dummies is proof that physics can fun, accessible, challenging, and rewarding, all at the same time! Whether you’re a high school or undergraduate student looking for a leg-up on basic physics concepts or you’re just interested in how our universe works, this book will help you understand the thermodynamic, electromagnetic, relativistic, and everything in between.

Elastic Waves in Solids 1

Daniel Royer

Elastic waves are used in fields as diverse as the non-destructive evaluation of materials, medicine, seismology and telecommunications. Elastic Waves in Solids 1 presents the different modes of propagation of elastic waves in increasingly complex media and structures. It first studies the propagation in an unlimited solid where only the material properties are taken into account. It then analyzes reflection and transmission phenomena at an interface with a fluid or a second solid.<br /><br />It explains the search for propagation modes on a free surface or at the interface between two media. Finally, it proposes a study of the dispersive propagation of elastic waves guided by a plate or a cylinder. This book is intended for students completing a master’s degree in acoustics, mechanics, geophysics or engineering, as well as teachers and researchers in these disciplines.

Тридцать лет, которые потрясли физику. Один, два, три… бесконечность

Г.А. Гамов

Георгий Антонович Гамов (1904—1968) – один из отцов-основателей современной физики, известный своими работами в области квантовой механики, атомной и ядерной физики, астрофизики, космологии, биологии. В начале прошлого века классическую физику потрясли две великие революционные теории. Одна из них – теория относительности Альберта Эйнштейна – произвела переворот в классической концепции пространства-времени. Вторая – квантовая – родилась и развивалась в содружестве целого созвездия ученых, таких как Макс Планк, Нильс Бор, Вернер Гейзенберг, Поль Дирак… В своей книге «Тридцать лет, которые потрясли физику» Георгий Гамов рассказывает захватывающую историю «мозгового штурма» великих умов, в котором и сам он принимал непосредственное участие. О «чудесах» математики, необычных свойствах пространства, об энтропии, генах и феномене жизни. В книге «Один, два, три… бесконечность», написанной для широкого круга читателей, Георгий Гамов собрал самые интересные факты и теории современной науки, чтобы представить читателю общую картину Вселенной и основные достижения в области фундаментальных научных знаний и поделиться с ним своим восторгом перед удивительным и загадочным мирозданием.

Kundenfokus - It Depends on the Ands

Christian Lutkin Peter

Digitalisierung ist als Schlagwort in aller Munde. Intensität, Geschwindigkeit und Umfang nehmen dynamisch zu. Doch: Wie macht man es richtig? Nach welchen Prinzipien gelingen Digitalisierungsprojekte mit Kundenfokus? Worauf kommt es wirklich an? Welche Rolle und Aufgaben kommen auf Sie in Ihrem Unternehmen zu?
Christian Peter gibt Ihnen hierauf in 42 Kapiteln praxisnahe und erprobte Prinzipien an die Hand. Dabei werden alle entscheidenden Dimensionen beleuchtet: von der richtigen Einstellung, über die richtigen Partner und Menschen, die erfolgskritischen Themen bis hin zum wirksamen Vorgehen. Das Ganze nicht theoretisch entrückt, sondern konkret, greifbar und aufsetzend in der heutigen Realität. Sie können morgen beginnen.
In diesem Buch finden Sie keine Vorschriften oder Dogmen. Dafür aber nachhaltige Impulse, um Ihre konkreten Herausforderungen in Digitalisierungsprojekten mit Kundenfokus zum Erfolg zu führen.

Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 1

Группа авторов

Interfaces are present in most fluid mechanics problems. They not only denote phase separations and boundary conditions, but also thin flames and discontinuity waves.<i> Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 1</i> focuses on the science of interfaces, in particular, using various scientific methods of analysis relating to space, speed and time. Our investigation takes us from the microscopic or small scale (starting with molecular and nanoscopic scales) to the macroscopic (including meso and interstellar scales), and also explores the laws of interfaces (classical mechanics, quantum mechanics and relativistic mechanics).<br /><br />Chapter 1 examines the questions raised by modeling interfaces in the presence of one or more fluid phases. Chapter 2 discusses the action of turbulence in liquid–vapor flows that contain both small, dispersed bubbles as well as large bubbles, with heat exchanges at the interfaces. In addition, a new model is presented, using large eddy simulation (LES). Chapter 3 studies an original method for calculating the drag force and thermal transfers in flows around networks of spherical particles, while Chapter 4 focuses on the relationships between interfaces and critical fluids.<br /><br />Chapter 5 examines shearing, which causes anomalies in the Brownian motion of particles in strongly fluctuating near-critical mixtures, and Chapter 6 introduces basic concepts related to combustion interfaces, raising the question of the combustion of solids, before ending with a brief presentation of the Rankine–Hugoniot theory and a historical overview of the research carried out in the field of combustion.

Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 2

Группа авторов

Interfaces are present in most fluid mechanics problems. They not only denote phase separations and boundary conditions, but also thin flames and discontinuity waves. <i>Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 2</i> examines cases that involve one-dimensional or bi-dimensional manifolds, not only in gaseous and liquid physical states but also in subcritical fluids and in single- and multi-phase systems that may be pure or mixed.<br /><br />Chapter 1 addresses certain aspects of turbulence in discrete mechanics, briefly describing the physical model associated with discrete primal and dual geometric topologies before focusing on channel flow simulations at turbulence-inducing Reynolds numbers. Chapter 2 centers on atomization in an accelerating domain. In one case, an initial Kelvin–Helmholtz instability generates an acceleration field, in turn creating a Rayleigh–Taylor instability which ultimately determines the size of the droplets formed. Chapter 3 explores numerical studies of pipes with sudden contraction using OpenFOAM, and focuses on modeling that will be useful for engines and automobiles.<br /><br />Chapters 4 and 5 study the evaporation of droplets that are subject to high-frequency perturbations, a possible cause of instabilities in injection engines. The Heidmann model, which replaces the droplets in motion in a combustion chamber with a single continuously-fed droplet, is made more complex by considering the finite conduction heat transfer phenomenon. Finally, Chapter 6 is devoted to a study of the rotor blade surface of a Savonius wind turbine, considering both a non-stationary and a three-dimensional flow.

Wave, Wind, and Current Power Generation

Victor M. Lyatkher

WAVE AND CURRENT POWER GENERATION Written by two well-known and respected engineers, this exciting new volume is the most up-to-date and comprehensive text on power generation from waves and water currents available today to engineers, scientists, and students, also covering the latest advances in wind power generation. As the world turns further and further away from fossil fuel energy sources, unconventional and renewable sources of energy, such as power generation from water sources and wind energy, are becoming more and more important. Hydropower has been around for decades, but this book suggests new methods that are more cost-effective and less intrusive to the environment for creating power sources from rivers, the tides, and other sources of water. Written by two experts in the field, it also covers wind energy and how it can be more efficiently harnessed. This groundbreaking new volume deals with modern problems of using wind energy, namely, jet currents in the atmosphere and the energy of water flows of rivers, ocean and sea currents, including those caused by tides. Wind and water-based energy sources form an essential part of the renewable energy solution. The engineering measures discussed in this book prove, for example, that by reducing the rate of dissipation of atmospheric surface low-level currents by only one percent, it is possible to provide all of humanity with energy at rates twice the per capita consumption of the wealthiest countries. Whether for the veteran engineer or the engineering student, this book is a must-have for any library. Wave, Wind and Current Power Generation: Is one of the first books available on wave and current power generation containing information for engineers to use for solving day-to-day problems Assists engineers in rapidly analyzing problems and finding effective design methods and select mechanical specifications Provides methods and proven fundamentals of process design for practical application Helps achieve optimum operations and process conditions and shows how to translate design fundamentals into mechanical equipment specifications Covers not just wave and current power generation, but also has a section on wind power generation and a comprehensive overview of renewable energy in the world today

Ключевые идеи книги: До конца времен. Сознание, материя и поиск смысла в меняющейся Вселенной. Брайан Грин

Smart Reading

Это саммари – сокращенная версия книги. Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. Человек – лишь крупинка в бесконечной и вечной Вселенной, возникающая в ней ненадолго? Или наша жизнь все же имеет смысл? Как устроена Вселенная и почему элементарные частицы преодолевают стремление к беспорядку (энтропию) и образуют более крупные структуры – молекулы и атомы, из которых впоследствии формируются космические тела? Брайан Грин рассматривает работу эволюционных механизмов, взаимосвязь креативности и инстинктов, роль языка в эволюции, истоки возникновения религиозности и многие другие вопросы с научной точки зрения – опираясь на математические и физические законы. Просто о сложном – в саммари бестселлера по версии New York Times «До конца времен. Сознание, материя и поиск смысла в меняющейся Вселенной»