This book provides an overview of the main methods and results in the formal study of the human decision-making process, as defined in a relatively wide sense. A key aim of the approach contained here is to try to break down barriers between various disciplines encompassed by this field, including psychology, economics and computer science. All these approaches have contributed to progress in this very important and much-studied topic in the past, but none have proved sufficient so far to define a complete understanding of the highly complex processes and outcomes. This book provides the reader with state-of-the-art coverage of the field, essentially forming a roadmap to the field of decision analysis. The first part of the book is devoted to basic concepts and techniques for representing and solving decision problems, ranging from operational research to artificial intelligence. Later chapters provide an extensive overview of the decision-making process under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Finally, there are chapters covering various approaches to multi-criteria decision-making. Each chapter is written by experts in the topic concerned, and contains an extensive bibliography for further reading and reference.
Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition of Appreciative Inquiry offers OD and HR professionals a user-friendly resource for discovering how they can tap into the power of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process. An innovative process, AI is an effective way to work with a company as an organic system whose success depends on a holistic approach to connect that organization's human, technical, and organizational functions. This new edition meets the challenge of making the AI process accessible and updates three key areas of the process: the theoretical basis, fundamental assumptions and beliefs, and the basic processes. It includes step-by-step guidelines on how to apply AI in a variety of organizational situations and shows how it can be used with a wide range of initiatives, such as coaching, leadership development, strategic planning, and teambuilding. «If there's one book to read on AI, this is it. It provides the context and rationale for this paradigm changing approach to change at any level of system. Buy it, read it, use it and enjoy achieving great results and renewed energy and enthusiasm.» —Barbara Sloan, director, Organizational Development and Learning, New York University, Langone Medical Center «Appreciative Inquiry brings the freedom and creativity of AI together with the 'nuts and bolts' of how to actually do it all. It contains everything I would want to have as a fresh practitioner, from potential designs to sample questions and excellent Case Stories.» —David Shaked, founder and CEO, Almond Insight, United Kingdom «This book serves as a complete roadmap for those interested in the philosophy and practice of Appreciative Inquiry. The Case Stories encourage readers to find their own way on the journey by providing examples of successful interventions.» —Terry Egan, professor, Management Studies, Pepperdine University
Filled with case studies from firms such as GT Automotive, GE Healthcare China, Vale, Dominos, Swiss Re Americas Division, and Polar Bank, among others, this book (written by Dan Denison and his co-authors) combines twenty years of research and survey results to illustrate a critical set of cultural dynamics that firms need to manage in order to remain competitive. Each chapter uses a case as a means to illustrate an important aspect of culture change focusing on seven common culture-change dilemmas including creating a strategic alignment, keeping strategy simple, and more.
How to apply operational risk theory to real-life banking data Modelling Operational and Reputational Risks shows practitioners the best models to use in a given situation, according to the type of risk an organization is facing. Based on extensive applied research on operational risk models using real bank datasets, it offers a wide range of various testing models and fitting techniques for financial practitioners. With this book, professionals will have a foundation for measuring and predicting these important intangibles. Aldo Soprano (Madrid, Spain) is Group Head of operational risk management at UniCredit Group.
The global financial markets are not just driven by the big investment houses and fund managers. Along with these, private banks, insurance houses, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds and a range of boutique investment managers, regional institutions and brokers of different sizes and nationalities all operate and interact to form the bedrock of the global financial infrastructure. Because of this, it is essential that practitioners and observers of the markets fully understand the linkages, objectives and functions of these institutions, and the new and dynamic environment they are working in. Market Players provides a complete roadmap to the institutions and intermediaries operating in today's global financial landscape, illustrating what they are, how they work, how they interact and importantly, their motivation. It explains the core financial market business of these institutions and considers how they have become the firms that we see today, providing readers with a clear understanding of which market sectors are likely to see the most involvement from the different types of institution and, importantly, why they are involved in these market areas. Key features include: a series of case studies looking at examples of some of these institutions including an explanation of the EIB and the UK agency UKFI. They also look at the financial crisis and the impact on AIG and Northern Rock, two institutions that clearly illustrate what can go wrong and how the other market players have to step in when this happens. an international perspective looking at representative institutions from Europe, Asia and North America, showing global similarities and differences. a Post Financial Crisis perspective on the structure of international banks in today's markets. coverage of the major players on both the buy and sell side of the market Written in plain English, Market Players is an accessible and much needed guide to financial institutions, equipping readers with the knowledge to better understand how the global financial markets really work.
This book provides an overview of current approaches and research in the field of international organizations with a focus on implementation issues in a globalized context. Written by a team of recognized leaders in the field, associated with the growing and influential International Organizations Network (ION). Covers topical issues such as managing virtual teams and globalization. Makes a cohesive statement about the field of international organizations. Is written with a focus on implementation issues. Offers a solid contribution to the closing of the gap between researchers and practitioners.
This book examines the opportunities for, and the effects and benefits of, collaborative working practices and their impact on supply chain performance. The first part of the book focuses on modeling the supply chain using conceptual frameworks to describe the relationship between collaboration and performance. The second part examines the issues around information systems alignment, and ensuring the management and coordination of interactions with suppliers and customers. The final part focuses on the various different formalized approaches that may be taken to analyze the impact of any given collaboration process, coordination mechanism, or decision-making behavior.
Praise for CIO BEST PRACTICES «CIOs are challenged with bringing technology into alignment with business strategy. In order to be successful, today's CIO must translate the technical into business terms and to deliver solutions to the business to improve processes and end products. CIO Best Practices: Enabling Strategic Value with Information Technology provides a complete guide for the strategic CIO to help in these challenges. This book is a great tool for all CIOs.» —Ellen Barry, CIO, Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority «The demand for value from technology investment will only increase in the future, and major business trends like globalization, consolidation, optimization, and consumerism demand that IT leaders find ways to engineer high performance, agility, lean, and innovation into the way businesses work and compete. Enlightened CIOs will want to read this book and ensure they understand the game plan for the future.» —Patrick E. Moroney, President, The Barnier Group LLC «A terrific primer for technology professionals and a must-read for anyone aspiring to be a CIO or technology leader. This book focuses on the most relevant topics business and technology must grapple with including strategy development, strategic alignment and value creation, and the specific roles the CIO and IT must play. The book captures the collective wisdom of an impressive list of influential contributing authors who precisely frame and address the key issues CIOs must deal with today and for the foreseeable future.» —Stephen Fugale, Chief Information Officer, Villanova University, and former senior vice president and CIO, CIGNA Group Insurance «CIO Best Practices captures many of the things we have learned during our eight years of providing product outsourcing to U.S. companies. I recommend this book to anyone looking to quickly understand the decisions one will need to deal with before outsourcing.» —Anupam Bhide, PhD, CEO, Calsoft
В основу книжки автор поклав свій сорокарічний досвід праці з сотнями компаній. Протягом цього часу Іцхак Адізес розробив власний метод успішного управління. Його сенсаційна теорія ґрунтується на ототожненні будь-якої компанії із живим організмом. Відповідно кожна корпорація переживає різні періоди свого розвитку – від народження до занепаду. Автор дає відповіді на популярні запитання: чому одні компанії стають успішними, а інші банкрутують, як виявити проблеми у сфері управління та знайти ефективний розв’язок, чи існують методи профілактики «хвороб» усередині компанії. Ця книжка – еліксир вічної молодості та процвітання для будь-якої корпорації. Іцхак Адізес – один із провідних світових експертів у сфері підвищення ефективності ведення бізнесу. Засновник та президент Інституту Адізеса у США, автор 27 книжок, він викладав у багатьох університетах, зокрема у Стенфордському, співпрацював із компаніями Bank of America, Coca-Cola Bottling, IBM та багатьма іншими у 52 країнах світу, а також посідає 28 позицію в рейтингу 100 найкращих консультантів у галузі лідерства.
Творческий коллектив шоу «Сергей Стиллавин и его друзья»
Сегодня Рустам Вахидов рассказал, что «Урал» – единственный российский тяжёлый мотоцикл, выпускаемый на Ирбитском мотоциклетном заводе. В настоящее время всего лишь 3 % выпускаемых мотоциклов «Урал» продаются в России и СНГ. Основным рынком сбыта для ИМЗ являются США, страны ЕС, Канада, Австралия, куда предприятие экспортирует до 97 % производимых мотоциклов. Перспективными рынками являются Япония и Корея, так как в этих странах есть спрос, и нет конкурентов для моделей с коляской.