Часть 1. О бизнесе. 47 ответов на вопросы предпринимателей от Калининграда до Камчатки Какую нишу выбрать на старте? Как удержать клиента и успешно конкурировать с другими игроками? Почему бизнес перестал расти? Как пресечь воровство? Что делать, чтобы зарабатывать больше? На эти и другие вопросы отвечает самый эпатажный российский предприниматель Дмитрий Потапенко. Известный ритейлер, экономист, экс-директор торговых сетей «Пятёрочка» и «Карусель», управляющий партнёр компании Management Development Group Inc. (бренды «Гастрономчикъ», «Продэко», «Апельсин», «Купцы», сеть кафе и столовых «Настоящее мясо», «Настоящая рыба», «Столовая № 1» и другие). А также ведущий программ на радио «Эхо Москвы» и радиостанции «Комсомольская правда», автор колонок для интернет-издания «Слон» и журнала «Сноб». Исполняет автор – Дмитрий Потапенко Звукорежиссёр Алексей Душенков Продюсер Елена Лихачёва © Дмитрий Потапенко ©&℗ ООО «1С-Паблишинг»
Книга «Как стать лидером на работе и всем нравиться» – книга о том, как найти вакансию своей мечты, устроиться на работу, заполучить уважение и внимание со стороны своих коллег, добиться признания со стороны начальства и просто преуспеть во всех начатых и будущих делах. Книга о том, как не ждать повышения годами, а сразу делать свою карьеру. Книга для тех, кто стремится к лучшему и это лучшее обретает. Издание станет вашим личным психологом и лучшим советчиком по рабочим вопросам.
This book explores the scientific perspective on the concept of intuition, particularly in relation to vibration, music and emotion. Taking a multimedia approach, it contains practical exercises that will help the reader to achieve greater intuition and develop their capacity for creativity and innovation. The exercises in this book come from over a hundred workshops worldwide in both business and higher education. They include, for example, the “Mind Map of Me”, an introspective exercise designed to develop trust and confidence in the self and the reader’s own intuition. The book opens the field of possibilities to the reader, offering encouragement and motivation to explore new approaches and techniques. With these tools, intuition can become a valuable ally in everyday life.
Talent is not a matter of status, nor a sub-component of personality, nor a commodity that can be quantified or measured. This book consists of two parts. The first offers a fertile resource (epistemological and theoretical) to consider the notion of talent, as well as notions of potential, intelligence and business skills. The second part, in turn, investigates ten major families of talents (or “Natural Operating Modes”). From Marie Curie to Walt Disney, Hans Zimmer, Gabrielle Chanel and Claude Lévi-Strauss, the illustrations and examples are intended to be precise and demonstrative. Skills relating to observation, evaluation and elucidation are developed in detail and complemented with concrete examples. Both managers and employees can use this book to acquire the solid bases required to potentiate and develop their talents within their respective company and beyond.
Throughout history, engineers have been defined as those who bring technological innovation to society. However, the concept of innovation and the role of the engineer are now changing as a result of globalization, the digital revolution, growing inequalities and environmental concerns. Training Engineers for Innovation therefore analyzes the ways in which the educational systems for engineers are adapting to these new demands, as well as the conditions in which this training has developed. This book brings together the works of a consortium of researchers dedicated to the subject area as part of the Innov’Ing 2020 project. Its contributors present various means to devise effective pedagogies adapted to a holistic approach to innovation which incorporates the technical, economic, social, ethical and environmental dimensions of engineering.
We are facing unprecedented challenges today. For many of us, innovation would be our last hope. But how can it be done? Is it enough to bet on the scientific culture? How can technical culture contribute to innovation? How is technical culture situated with regards to what we name collectively the culture of innovation? It is these questions that this book intends to address.
Guides in the application of linear programming to firm decision making, with the goal of giving decision-makers a better understanding of methods at their disposal Useful as a main resource or as a supplement in an economics or management science course, this comprehensive book addresses the deficiencies of other texts when it comes to covering linear programming theory—especially where data envelopment analysis (DEA) is concerned—and provides the foundation for the development of DEA. Linear Programming and Resource Allocation Modeling begins by introducing primal and dual problems via an optimum product mix problem, and reviews the rudiments of vector and matrix operations. It then goes on to cover: the canonical and standard forms of a linear programming problem; the computational aspects of linear programming; variations of the standard simplex theme; duality theory; single- and multiple- process production functions; sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution; structural changes; and parametric programming. The primal and dual problems are then reformulated and re-examined in the context of Lagrangian saddle points, and a host of duality and complementary slackness theorems are offered. The book also covers primal and dual quadratic programs, the complementary pivot method, primal and dual linear fractional functional programs, and (matrix) game theory solutions via linear programming, and data envelopment analysis (DEA). This book: Appeals to those wishing to solve linear optimization problems in areas such as economics, business administration and management, agriculture and energy, strategic planning, public decision making, and health care Fills the need for a linear programming applications component in a management science or economics course Provides a complete treatment of linear programming as applied to activity selection and usage Contains many detailed example problems as well as textual and graphical explanations Linear Programming and Resource Allocation Modeling is an excellent resource for professionals looking to solve linear optimization problems, and advanced undergraduate to beginning graduate level management science or economics students.
A guide to economics, statistics and finance that explores the mathematical foundations underling econometric methods An Introduction to Econometric Theory offers a text to help in the mastery of the mathematics that underlie econometric methods and includes a detailed study of matrix algebra and distribution theory. Designed to be an accessible resource, the text explains in clear language why things are being done, and how previous material informs a current argument. The style is deliberately informal with numbered theorems and lemmas avoided. However, very few technical results are quoted without some form of explanation, demonstration or proof. The author – a noted expert in the field – covers a wealth of topics including: simple regression, basic matrix algebra, the general linear model, distribution theory, the normal distribution, properties of least squares, unbiasedness and efficiency, eigenvalues, statistical inference in regression, t and F tests, the partitioned regression, specification analysis, random regressor theory, introduction to asymptotics and maximum likelihood. Each of the chapters is supplied with a collection of exercises, some of which are straightforward and others more challenging. This important text: Presents a guide for teaching econometric methods to undergraduate and graduate students of economics, statistics or finance Offers proven classroom-tested material Contains sets of exercises that accompany each chapter Includes a companion website that hosts additional materials, solution manual and lecture slides Written for undergraduates and graduate students of economics, statistics or finance, An Introduction to Econometric Theory is an essential beginner’s guide to the underpinnings of econometrics.
It’s time to get your head in the cloud! In today’s business environment, more and more people are requesting cloud-based solutions to help solve their business challenges. So how can you not only anticipate your clients’ needs but also keep ahead of the curve to ensure their goals stay on track? With the help of this accessible book, you’ll get a clear sense of cloud computing and understand how to communicate the benefits, drawbacks, and options to your clients so they can make the best choices for their unique needs. Plus, case studies give you the opportunity to relate real-life examples of how the latest technologies are giving organizations worldwide the opportunity to thrive as supply chain solutions in the cloud. Demonstrates how improvements in forecasting, collaboration, and inventory optimization can lead to cost savings Explores why cloud computing is becoming increasingly important Takes a close look at the types of cloud computing Makes sense of demand-driven forecasting using Amazon's cloud Whether you work in management, business, or IT, this is the dog-eared reference you’ll want to keep close by as you continue making sense of the cloud.