Praise for Going Global «The very concept of globalization is evolving, and this book provides a useful toolkit to those who want to capitalize on the opportunities that the global workplace offers.» —Wayne F. Cascio, Ph.D., editor, Journal of World Business, Robert H. Reynolds Chair in Global Leadership, University of Colorado, Denver «A very timely and useful look at the global workplace and how talent should be managed in it.» —Edward E. Lawler III, Distinguished Professor, University of Southern California «The time has long past when we, in organizational psychology, can confine our research and practice to North American settings. This book is timely and will provide an important resource for those who are interested in the global application of our tools and principles.» —Gary P. Latham, Secretary of State, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto «A book that fills a gap: This is one of the rare books that provides HR professionals with insights that are not only up to date from a technical perspective but truly practical and relevant in a global workplace.» —Michael Liley, partner and global HR director, Ernst & Young The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) is a 7,000-member division within APA. The Professional Practice Series provides practitioners and students with guidance, insights, and advice on how to apply the concepts, findings, methods, and tools from I/O psychology to solve human-related organizational problems.
The Ultimate Guide to Sales Training is the go-to reference for sales managers, sales trainers, sales coaches, and sales consultants who want to increase a sales force's productivity by using these proven techniques: Building Mental Flexibility Anchoring Concepts for Easy Recall Encouraging Behavioral Change Covering a wide range of topics, The Ultimate Guide to Sales Training shows how to develop a selling system, prospect effectively, and qualify and disqualify prospects. The book also covers information on using power questioning techniques, handling objections, and includes solution selling guidelines and ideas for creating and delivering potent presentation practices. In addition, the author covers such hot topics as managing reps attitudes and how to close the sale. He also includes suggestions for overcoming buyer resistance and making change occur as well as getting beyond barriers that block decision-makers, and much, much more. Praise for The Ultimate Sales Training Handbook «This book should be on the desk of every sales manager and sales trainer. Dan Seidman created a treasure chest of ideas, concepts, skills-sets and motivation tools that are ready to be converted into cash.» —Gerhard Gschwandtner, founder and publisher, Selling Power Magazine «Sales professionals throughout the world will discover performance improvement through this training encyclopedia. Dan Seidman is helping make sales training a major strategic driver for all organizations.» —Tony Bingham, president and CEO, ASTD «Each chapter just might be the one piece that plugs the gap in your team's performance. Dan is truly earning the title Trainer to the World's Sales Trainers.» —Willis Turner, CAE CSE, president and CEO, of Sales & Marketing Executives International
Fundamentals of Performance Improvement is a substantially new version of the down-to-earth, how-to guide designed to help business leaders, practitioners, and students understand the science and art of performance technology and successfully implement organizational and societal change. Using the Performance Improvement / Human Performance Technology (HPT) model, the expert authors explain step-by-step how to spot performance indicators, analyze problems, identify underlying causes, describe desired results, and create workable solutions. «It does not matter what function you align yourself to in your organization, this book allows you to tap into the secrets that drive organizational success. Several books work to define what is performance improvement and performance technology. This one also provides insights into the Why? And How?» —Cedric T. Coco, CPT, SVP, Learning and Organizational Effectiveness, Lowe's Companies «Fundamentals of Performance Improvement is full of practical models and tools for improving the world by partnering with customers, clients, constituents, and colleagues. It provides a path forward for successful transformation and performance improvement at personal, group and collective levels. It is a must read for leaders and consultants seeking to advance opportunities in new and emerging situations.» —Diana Whitney, PhD, president, Corporation for Positive Change «If you have an interest in performance improvement, this is simply the best available book on the topic. It addresses the science and craft as well as the intricacies of how to improve workplace performance. Van Tiem, Moseley, and Dessinger have incorporated into this work the best available research on the Certified Performance Technology (CPT) standards and process.» —James A. Pershing, Ph.D., CPT, professor emeritus, Workplace Learning and Performance Improvement, Indiana University «Its international flavor, with practitioner comments and examples drawn from across the world, enhances its appeal as more and more professionals operate in an increasingly global context.» —Daljit Singh, Asia Pacific Director of Talent Management, Baker & McKenzie, Sydney, Australia This book includes premium content that can beaccessed from our Web site when you register at using the password professional.
Enter the world of vibration trading with a new methodology for making more money, more safely What if you could enter the markets and know, in advance, the exact value of trades needed to sustain a losing streak, by knowing their Martingale limits, to finally ensure a win? With Vibratrading you can. Applying the principles of «Boundedness» in conjunction with powerful stock/ETF diversification techniques, Vibratrading™ allows you to accomplish what most traders and investors previously thought impossible, giving you an unfair advantage in any market situation. A new and revolutionary perspective on trading and investing, Vibratrading provides a powerful methodology for extracting profit. Non-directional, it is designed to appeal greatly to the vast number of directional traders consistently struggling to keep from losing their trading accounts. Providing a better, safer way to participate in the markets to make consistent profits, it is the only book you need to gain a crucial competitive edge. Presents a radical new trading strategy, Vibratrading™, that the market cannot move adversely against Demonstrates how a scale trader can enter the market at any level, without being restricted to entry at the «conventional lower end» of the instrument's historical range Teaches traders and investors the important techniques of securitizing and monetizing profits with emphasis on risk free vibrational share accumulation Presenting a truly non-directional methodology, Vibratrading is the book you need to make more money, more safely.
Ziel nachhaltig wirtschaftender Unternehmen ist es, nicht nur okonomischen, sondern auch sozialen und okologischen Mehrwert zu schaffen. Die in diesem Sinne international erfolgreichsten Unternehmen, darunter auch Siemens, sind im Dow Jones Sustainability Index gelistet. Dabei beschrankt sich Nachhaltigkeit heute nicht mehr allein auf «okologisch korrektes» Verhalten, sondern setzt ganzheitliches und vernetztes Denken voraus: Welchen Beitrag mussen Unternehmen fur eine funktionierende Gesellschaft heute und in Zukunft leisten? Welche schlussige Strategie sollten sie haben, um dauerhaft am Markt zu bestehen? Wie implementieren sie diese Strategie in die Unternehmensprozesse? Uta-Maria Pfeiffer beantwortet diese Fragen am Beispiel der Bahnindustrie und nachhaltiger Mobilitat. Damit bietet das Buch allen Verantwortlichen und ihren Mitarbeitern, die sich mit der Implementierung der Anforderungen von Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen beschaftigen, eine praxisorientierte Darstellung, wie sich die standig wachsenden Anforderungen in Bezug auf eine nachhaltige Mobilitat in ihre Geschaftsprozesse einbringen lassen. Umwelt-Unternehmensberater erhalten eine grundlegende Darstellung der Dimensionen von Nachhaltigkeit. Das Besondere an dem Buch ist die einfache Darstellung des komplexen Themas Nachhaltigkeit, das leider noch viel zu wenig umgesetzt wird, weil die Transparenz fehlt und oft kurzfristige wirtschaftliche Interessen unternehmerische Entscheidungen beeinflussen.
How to Improve the Return on Your Social Marketing Investment This book more than adequately covers this increasingly important topic, as social media begins to take its rightful place on the center stage of not just marketing but a number of business disciplines. ROI of Social Media is an excellent analysis of the current landscape. I cannot recall any book that singularly tackles ROI at this level, most media books simply give a passing reference or chapter on ROI, this is the first comprehensive study. –Larry Weber, Founder and chairman of W2 Group, Formerly of Weber Shandwick We know that for 2011 and the foreseeable future, ROI is one of the top priorities for the social media strategist at many companies, ROI of Social Media is the right book at the right time as social media strategist are needing to work the various department within the enterprise and show that the investments in social tactics and tools are a good investment. The 15 case studies contained in this book will help the social media strategist understand how global brands are successfully using social marketing to connect to their audience. –Jeremiah Owyang, Partner, Altimeter Group The ROI of Social Media is a must-read for any business looking to get the most out of their investments in social marketing. It sets the stage for marketers to interact with influencers, individuals and consumers and explains the relationships between them. This book breaks down into simple terms both «dollars» and «sense» for social marketers to live by. Fundamentals, strategies and tactics …this book has it all. The ROI of Social Media will be the dog-eared book that sits on the corner of your desk used to prove many a point. –John Lovett, Senior Partner & Principal Consultant, Web Analytics Demystified Analytics are the core to a consistently successful marketing program. This book offers the metrics to manage social marketing programs, to measure their success, to diagnose underperforming elements, and to deliver extraordinary results. Kudos to this team of marketers in putting this essential book together. –Professor JC Larreche, InSEAD, Author of The Momentum Effect
Praise for BEST PRACTICES in TALENT MANAGEMENT «This book includes the most up-to-date thinking, tools, models, instruments and case studies necessary to identify, lead, and manage talent within your organization and with a focus on results. It provides it all—from thought leadership to real-world practice.» PATRICK CARMICHAEL HEAD OF TALENT MANAGEMENT, REFINING, MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS, SAUDI ARAMCO «This is a superb compendium of stories that give the reader a peek behind the curtains of top notch organizations who have wrestled with current issues of talent management. Their lessons learned are vital for leaders and practitioners who want a very valuable heads up.» BEVERLY KAYE FOUNDER/CEO: CAREER SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL AND CO-AUTHOR, LOVE 'EM OR LOSE 'EM «This is a must read for organization leaders and HR practitioners who cope with the today's most critical business challenge—talent management. This book provides a vast amount of thought provoking ideals, tools, and models, for building and implementing talent management strategies. I highly recommend it!» DALE HALM ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM MANAGER, ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE «If you are responsible for planning and implementing an effective talent and succession management strategy in your organization, this book provides the case study examples you are looking for.» DORIS SIMS AUTHOR, BUILDING TOMORROW'S TALENT «A must read for all managers who wish to implement a best practice talent management program within their organization» FARIBORZ GHADAR WILLIAM A. SCHREYER PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL MANAGEMENT, POLICIES AND PLANNING SENIOR ADVISOR AND DISTINGUISHED SENIOR SCHOLAR CENTER FOR STRATEGIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS FOUNDING DIRECTOR CENTER FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS STUDIES
Risk Management under UCITS III/IV shows how asset managers, fund administrators, management companies and risk departments can satisfy the various financial regulators, which govern European markets, that they have adequate risk monitoring procedures in place for the funds they manage or administer. The book explains all the requirements for risk management under the new UCITS III/IV regime, as well as the universe of financial instruments which can be used by portfolio managers, and identifies their associated risks and possible mitigation strategies. It is therefore required reading for anyone trying to fully understand and comply with UCITS III/IV requirements.
Now you can access Jean Barbazette's systematic process for creating winning training materials that will help raise your skills to the next level. The book is filled with easy-to-use tools and templates that answer all the questions trainers, course designers, and subject matter experts (SMEs) have about what it takes to develop training materials and how they can easily create the best training program in the shortest amount of time. «Jean is a master at providing her readers with new ideas and innovative approaches to the art of delivering excellent learning solutions. Our field has gone through so many changes and Jean is on top of them and out in front all at the same time. Bravo!» —Beverly Kaye, founder/chairman of the board, Career Systems International and coauthor of Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go «Barbazette has done it again: she has made your job easier with step-by-step guidelines for developing training materials. Jean covers the entire process in her typical easy-to-follow manner, simplifying the complicated and making you the hero! Don't miss this one!» —Elaine Biech, ebb associates inc. and author of The Business of Consulting «Once again master trainer Barbazette has provided an elegantly simple, step-by-step guide to what can often be the most tedious part of the training process: writing training materials that support and expand a learner's results. Both seasoned professional and newcomer will find this an easy-to-follow guide and valuable resource to be used over and over.» —Eileen McDargh, president, McDargh Communications, and author of Talk Ain't Cheap – It's Priceless «Barbazette is back to fill another gap in the training literature. This extensive work on how and when to write training materials is chock-full of templates and other tools. Systematic and thorough, this is an exceptional guide for those wanting to efficiently create successful training interventions.» —Jane Bozarth, Ed.D., eLearning Coordinator, State of North Carolina and author of Better Than Bullet Points
This book gives a comprehensive view of the most recent major international research in the field of tolerancing, and is an excellent resource for anyone interested in Computer Aided Tolerating. It is organized into 4 parts. Part 1 focuses on the more general problems of tolerance analysis and synthesis, for tolerancing in mechanical design and manufacturing processes. Part 2 specifically highlights the simulation of assembly with defects, and the influence of tolerances on the quality of the assembly. Part 3 deals with measurement aspects, and quality control throughout the life cycle. Different measurement technologies and methods for estimating uncertainty are considered. In Part 4, different aspects of tolerancing and their interactions are explored, from the definition of functional requirement to measurement processes in a PLM approach.