The concept of innovation is the result of human activities carried out to produce a new product, service or something new that creates value. More recently, the idea of an innovative enterprise, organization or company has emerged, thanks to an increasing interest in innovation as an essential process in a variety of economic, technological and sociological contexts. This book is part of a set on Innovation between Risk and Reward and focuses on the close relationship between innovation and knowledge. It provides the reader with the outline of an innovative company, focusing on the organizational aspects that contribute to defining it and sketching out the profile of what an innovative company is or should be in the age of knowledge. The authors explore the literary corpus in order to outline the state of the art but also the reality of innovative enterprise in the form of meetings and interviews with both large and small companies.
Das Buch richtet sich an – Fuhrungskrafte und Mitarbeiter aus Marketing und Vertrieb, die schnell Wissen zu dem Themenkomplex aufbauen wollen oder Informationen zu einzelnen Aspekte benotigen, und – Studenten der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, die damit einen kompletten Uberblick uber alle Komponenten des Preismanagements erhalten. Aufbauend auf einem Uberblick uber den Preismanagementprozess beschreiben die Autoren die vier Schritte dieses Prozesses: Preisanalyse, Preisstrategie, Preisfestsetzung und Preisdurchsetzung. Im Zuge der Analyse geht es zuerst um die Ermittlung der preislich relevanten Informationen und deren Einfluss auf den Preis aus Sicht der Preistheorie und auf der Basis verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Ansatze. Darauf folgen die verschiedenen Konzepte zur Analyse der psychologischen Einflussfaktoren auf die Kaufentscheidung. Im nachsten Schritt stellen die Autoren die Moglichkeiten zur Definition einer Preisstrategie vor, entsprechend der Ziele, die das Unternehmen kurz-, mittel- und langfristig erreichen mochte. Dazu gehoren zum Beispiel die Positionierung der Preise und deren zeitliche Veranderung oder die Rolle des Sortiments. Es folgen die Preisfestsetzung mit den Herangehensweisen der kosten-, konkurrenz- und nachfrageorientierten Kalkulation sowie besondere Aspekte bei Preisanderungen. Beim letzten Schritt, der Preisdurchsetzung, werden interne Aktivitaten wie Kommunikation, Organisation und Controlling beschrieben, sowie marktgerichtete Komponenten wie Preiskommunikation, mehrstufige Preisdurchsetzung und das Eindammen von Preisrisiken.
In Advanced Equity Derivatives: Volatility and Correlation, Sébastien Bossu reviews and explains the advanced concepts used for pricing and hedging equity exotic derivatives. Designed for financial modelers, option traders and sophisticated investors, the content covers the most important theoretical and practical extensions of the Black-Scholes model. Each chapter includes numerous illustrations and a short selection of problems, covering key topics such as implied volatility surface models, pricing with implied distributions, local volatility models, volatility derivatives, correlation measures, correlation trading, local correlation models and stochastic correlation. The author has a dual professional and academic background, making Advanced Equity Derivatives: Volatility and Correlation the perfect reference for quantitative researchers and mathematically savvy finance professionals looking to acquire an in-depth understanding of equity exotic derivatives pricing and hedging.
A comprehensive guide to public sector collaboration with private and nonprofit organizations for better service delivery Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration tackles the issues inherent in partnerships with nongovernmental actors for public service delivery, highlighting the choices available and the accompanying challenges and opportunities that arise. Based on research, interviews with public, private and nonprofit sector leaders, and considerable analysis of organizations involved in public-private-nonprofit collaborations, the book provides insight into cross-sector collaboration at the global, federal, state, and local levels. Through an examination of the primary modes of cross-sector collaboration, including collaborative contracting, partnerships, networks, and independent public services providers, the book presents a clear case for how public managers can assess the trade-offs and use these options to improve public service delivery. Nonprofit organizations, businesses, and third-party contractors are increasingly partnering with government to deliver public services. Recognizing the types of collaborative approaches, and their potential to solve public policy problems is quickly becoming a major task for public managers, with new methods and techniques constantly emerging. Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration provides specific examples and a framework for public managers to make strategic choices about how to engage private and nonprofit actors in delivering public goods and services while ensuring the public interest. The book provides effective methods for choosing, designing, governing, and evaluating networks, partnerships, and independent public-services providers, with in-depth discussion encompassing: Analysis and engagement of cross-sector organizations Fostering democratic accountability in the public interest Collaborative approaches (including contracts, networks and partnerships) and the issues associated with each type of arrangement Leadership and organizational learning in cross-sector collaboration Included case studies illustrate effective application of the concepts and methods described, providing both practicing public and nonprofit managers and public policy/administration students with insight into these emerging strategic alliances. The first comprehensive guide to public governance collaborations, Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration is an important and timely contribution to the field of public management.
Environmental Economics and Sustainability presents a collection of peer-reviewed research articles contributed by international experts that reveal the current state of our knowledge in the field of environmental economics. Presents the latest research results on a plethora of issues relating to environmental economics and sustainability Features original contributions from top experts in the field from around the world Addresses several of the contemporary challenges of sustainability while infusing new energy into the field of environmental economics Covers myriad topics relating to environmental economics and sustainability including climate change, air pollution, CO2 emissions, recycling, and the international environmental agreement
An accessible and engaging introduction to the big picture of UK and international economics Are you studying macroeconomics, but don't know inflation from stagflation? Have no fear! This easy-to-understand guide, written specifically for the UK market, is packed with real-world examples and cases that easily illustrate the key concepts you'll need to know to fully grasp macroeconomics and ace your exams. Taking a fun, step-by-step approach to the topic, this great guide provides an engaging introduction to macroeconomics and then delves into more specific topics, such as business cycles, inflation, unemployment, domestic output, monetary policy, and much more. When it comes to the interaction of politics, business decisions, consumer actions, and monetary policy, the study of economics is international in scope. That means you must understand not just the economies of nations, but also the interrelatedness of national economies throughout the world. This easy, accessible guide will help you: Find out how many different financial, business, consumer, and political factors interact to create the overall economic reality of nations Understand business cycles, economic growth, and fiscal and monetary policies Study the relationships of various economic indicators, such as inflation, unemployment, and domestic output Gain a solid understanding of macroeconomics by building on microeconomic principles and using real-world examples If you're struggling with your economics course or you need to get up to speed on the topic of macroeconomics quickly, Macroeconomics For Dummies has you covered!
A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment, Third Edition For fifteen years, A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment has been the go-to text for those who are seeking useful, systematic approaches to needs assessment. Needs assessment is the first step in training, performance improvement, and community development projects. This thoroughly revised and updated edition contains a treasury of resources including a toolkit of ready-to-use templates and job aids that you can customize for your own use. Illustrative case studies and tips show how to assess needs for individuals, teams, organizations, government agencies, and communities. This book combines a how-to text and reference tool for trainers, performance improvement professionals, and students. Managers and community leaders use it to get to the root of their learning and performance problems, make effective decisions, and obtain support for their most pressing issues. Updates to the third edition include: Links to online resources, including a needs assessment book that you can download for free, ethical guidelines, and vendors who assess individual, group and organizational needs. A new chapter on the complex needs assessment approach with new toolkit forms. A summary of the recent advances in our knowledge about learning, training, and performance that you can use to quickly prepare for client meetings. Guidelines on workforce surveys, such as employee engagement surveys. An Instructor’s Guide that contains discussion questions, assessments materials, and new exercises for each chapter. You can use this book to quickly access up-to-date information on the fundamentals of needs assessment including current models, theories, and resources. You can also learn how to manage and report a needs assessment project and access professional ethical guidelines. Learn five approaches to needs assessment: knowledge and skills analysis, job and task analysis, competency-based needs assessment, strategic needs assessment, and complex needs assessment.
Future Challenges in Sustainable Development within the Built Environment stimulates and reinterprets the demands of Responsible and Sustainable Development in the Built Environment for future action and development. It examines the methods of evaluation, the use of technology, the creation of new models and the role of human factors for examining and developing the subject over the next twenty years.
Praise for The Handbook of Conflict Resolution «This handbook is a classic. It helps connect the research of academia to the practical realities of peacemaking and peacebuilding like no other. It is both comprehensive and deeply informed on topics vital to the field like power, gender, cooperation, emotion, and trust. It now sits prominently on my bookshelf.» —Leymah Gbowee, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate «The Handbook of Conflict Resolution offers an astonishing array of insightful articles on theory and practice by leading scholars and practitioners. Students, professors, and professionals alike can learn a great deal from studying this Handbook.» —William Ury, Director, Global Negotiation Project, Harvard University; coauthor, Getting to Yes and author, The Third Side «Morton Deutsch, Peter Coleman, and Eric Marcus put together a handbook that will be helpful to many. I hope the book will reach well beyond North America to contribute to the growing worldwide interest in the constructive resolution of conflict. This book offers instructive ways to make this commitment a reality.» —George J. Mitchell, Former majority leader of the United States Senate; former chairman of the Peace Negotiations in Northern Ireland and the International Fact-Finding Committee on Violence in the Middle East; chairman of the board, Walt Disney Company; senior fellow at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University «Let's be honest. This book is just too big to carry around in your hand. But that's because it is loaded with the most critical essays linking the theory and practice of conflict resolution. The Handbook of Conflict Resolution is heavy on content and should be a well-referenced resource on the desk of every mediator—as it is on mine.» —Johnston Barkat, Assistant Secretary-General, Ombudsman and Mediation Services, United Nations
Strategic planning becomes visual with strategy maps and the tools, techniques, and guidance for turning them into effective action. Developed as a companion workbook to John Bryson's best-selling Strategic Planning in Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Visual Strategy: A Workbook for Strategy Mapping in Public and Nonprofit Organizations, goes beyond making the case for good and effective strategic planning to making strategy visual through effective strategy mapping. Strategy mapping prevents groups of people from talking over one another and going around in circles. It helps people speak and be heard, produce lots of ideas and understand how they fit together, make use of causal reasoning, and clarify ultimately what they want to do in terms of mission, goals, strategies, and actions. Strategy mapping can join process and content in such a way that good ideas worth implementing are found and the agreements and comments needed to implement them are reached. The result is living strategic plans that act as useful guides to action. With detailed examples, actual strategy maps, process guidelines and hand-drawn illustrations, the book will help leaders, managers, students and other professionals see patterns across mission, goals, strategies and actions while helping to identify areas of alignment and misalignment and determine, real time, where elements are needed, missing or not useful in a strategic plan. For leaders and managers of public and nonprofit organizations, facilitators and consultants, professors and students of strategic planning, strategic management, strategic mapping, and public policy, professional development workshops focused on strategic planning and strategy mapping.