Управление, подбор персонала

Различные книги в жанре Управление, подбор персонала

Innovation Engines. Entrepreneurs and Enterprises in a Turbulent World

Dimitri Uzunidis

In an uncertain economy where business risk is significant, the company tends to rely more on its environment than to invest, for example, in all steps of technological creation; This can be explained by the fact that investments in the acquisition (ownership) of production resources are less expensive than those implied in the formation of these resources; which also explains the attractiveness (in an open economy) of regions with abundant scientific and technical resources. To understand and analyze the innovation process in order to better design and launch new goods, services and technologies, one has to consider the creative dimension of the individual, the business and the organization in general. In new approaches to innovation, the entrepreneur and the company are analyzed through their skills, and their function of resource generation; Innovation thus becomes endogenous, gradual or radical, integrated in a complex process with many feedbacks and interactions. The innovative organization (small or large) is presented in this book as a dynamic system composed of specific and diverse skills (including those of the contractor, engineers or managers). By acquiring, combining and mobilizing these skills, the innovative agent (entrepreneur or company) can create technological resources and develop relations with its environment. Hence the importance of management in design, implementation, protection of intellectual property as well as of the development of new goods, services and technology, commercial and organizational models.

The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning. How to Turn Training and Development into Business Results

Andy Jefferson

Get real results for your business – maximize your training and development programs Corporate learning and development programs play an undeniable role in successful business endeavors, but only when they're done right. The significant revisions in the third edition of The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning add fresh, timely elements to a resource that has become known globally as a trusted guide for professionals determined to get the most of their companies' training and development programs. All-new examples, tools, guides, and insights combine to make an excellent, all-in-one resource for everyone from workplace professionals and HR managers to training development providers and businesses leaders looking to maximize the return on their enterprise's learning budget. Infused with current research and recent case studies, this resource serves as a practical guide that recommends concrete actions for producing tangible results. Tools, guides, and checklists in every chapter ensure that readers walk away with meaningful strategies that can be implemented right away. The book includes: A complete review of research drawn from thousands of insights, goals, and lessons learned Specific strategies and actions that can be put into effect quickly for immediate results A focus on ROI for business leaders wanting to make a clearer connection between dollars spent and new skills gained Checklists in each chapter to help learning organizations perform quality audits of new and existing learning programs The third edition of The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning contains so many new resources and so much thoroughly-revised content that even those who own previous editions will find its reinvigorated approach highly beneficial. Strengthen the link between your learning efforts and your business goals with this increasingly popular, globally recognized resource.

A Collection of Surveys on Market Experiments

Steven Tucker

Comprised of 10 surveys by leading scholars, this collection showcases the largest and fastest growing strands of research on market behaviour in experimental economics. Covers topics such as asset markets, contests, environmental policy, frictions, general equilibrium, labour markets, multi-unit auctions, oligopoly markets, and prediction markets Focuses on the literature that has helped economists best understand how markets operate Assesses the impact of developments in theory, policy, and research methods

The Agility Factor. Building Adaptable Organizations for Superior Performance

Christopher Worley G.

A research-based approach to achieving long-term profitability in business What does it take to guarantee success and profitability over time? Authors Christopher G. Worley, a senior research scientist, Thomas D. Williams, an executive advisor, and Edward E. Lawler III, one of the country's leading management experts, set out to find the answer. In The Agility Factor: Building Adaptable Organizations for Superior Performance the authors reveal the factors that drive long-term profitability based on the practices of successful companies that have consistently outperformed their peers. Of the 234 large companies across 18 industries that were studied, there were few companies that delivered sustained performance across the board. The authors found that across industries, the most successful companies were not the «usual suspects» found in the media, but companies who possessed a quiet agility that allowed them to quickly perceive and respond to changes so that they could continue to grow. Agility gives organizations the ability to adapt to fluctuations in the environment, test possible responses, and implement changes quickly. This book offers specific, research-based case studies to help organizational leaders use agility to achieve sustained profitability and performance while also becoming more adaptable to a changing marketplace. For executives, leaders, consultants, board members and all those responsible for the long-term health of organizations, this insightful guide outlines: The components of agility for business organizations How to successfully build agility within an organization How agility has its foundation in good management practices How to use agility to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace

Smart Decisions in Complex Systems

Patrick Corsi

Faced with ever-increasing complexity on a daily basis, the decision-makers of today are struggling to find the appropriate models, methods and tools to face the issues arising in complex systems across all levels of global operations. Having, in the past, resorted to outdated approaches which limit problem-solving to linear world views, we must now capitalize on complexities in order to succeed and progress in our society. This book provides a guide to harnessing the wealth inherent to complex systems. It organizes the transition to complex decision-making in all business spheres while providing many examples in various application domains. The authors offer fresh developments for understanding and mastering the global “uberization” of the economy, the post-modern management of computer-assisted production and the rise of cognitive robotics science applications.

Urban Sustainability and River Restoration. Green and Blue Infrastructure

Katia Perini

Urban Sustainability and River Restoration: Green and Blue Infrastructure considers the integration of green and blue infrastructure in cities as a strategy useful for acting on causes and effects of environmental and ecological issues. River restoration projects are unique opportunities for sustainable development and smart growth of communities, providing multiple environmental, economic, and social benefits.This book analyzes initiatives and actions carried out and developed to improve environmental conditions in cities and better understand the environmental impact of (and in) dense urban areas in the United States and in Europe.

Inspiring Stewardship

Didier Cossin

Transform from leader to steward to drive growth and make an impact Inspiring Stewardship helps leaders drive sustainable development and growth by balancing short- and long-term objectives amidst competing interests. By examining a range of exceptional individual and organisational stewards alongside insights from quantitative studies, this book unlocks the contributions you can make to enhance your influence and secure your legacy. Profiles of leaders from Ratan Tata to Bill Gates illustrate what stewardship really means, and the attributes and characteristics of steward leaders. Are they fundamentally different? Where do they get their exceptional drive and resilience? Why do they shoulder such huge responsibility? Risks, rewards, motivations and actions are explored in depth to give you a real-world view of stewardship, and to show you how to embody these principles in your own everyday life. The notion of stewardship has never been more relevant to business than it is today, as managers struggle to balance present and future interests. This book provides clarity, direction and guidance for more purpose-driven action. Understand the concepts and principles of stewardship Discover characteristics of steward leaders across cultures Learn how stewards have shifted the course of their organisations Examine the capabilities that deepen organisational resilience Today, ownership of firms is increasingly fragmented, investment structures are more and more complex and the time horizons of investors, executives and owners do not always coincide. Inspiring Stewardship helps you break through the tension and drive sustainable growth through adaptability and good leadership.

Systems Dependability Assessment. Modeling with Graphs and Finite State Automata

Nicolae Brinzei

Presents recent developments of probabilistic assessment of systems dependability based on stochastic models, including graph theory, finite state automaton and language theory, for both dynamic and hybrid contexts.

Zukunftsmodell Kooperation. Leitgedanken und Erfolgskriterien für Unternehmen und Organisationen

Stefanie Widmann

Kooperationen unterstutzen dabei, neue Geschaftsideen zu entwickeln, neue Markte zu erschlie?en, erfolgreich als Unternehmer zu sein, zu leben und zu uberleben. Entscheidend fur den Erfolg der Kooperationen ist in den meisten Fallen die Sozialkompetenz mit der Fahigkeit, klar und eindeutig zu kommunizieren. Dieses Buch ist wertvoll fur alle, die erwagen, Kooperationen neu einzugehen, bestehende Kooperationen zu verandern oder Kooperationsprozesse zu begleiten. Stefanie Widmann und Martin Seibt verbinden darin Wissen aus Psychologie, Biologie und Spieltheorie mit ihren Erfahrungen als Trainer und Unternehmer. «Zukunftsmodell Kooperation» schafft ein tieferes Verstandnis der Prozesse, die in einer Kooperation ablaufen, und bietet Anregungen aus der Praxis, von der direkten personlichen bis zur virtuellen und interkulturellen Kooperation, von der Idee und dem Start der Kooperation uber ihre verantwortungsvolle Gestaltung bis zu ihrer Auflosung. Wie wichtig Kooperationen in Zukunft sein werden, unterstreicht auch das aktuelle Wirtschaftsmodell der Gemeinwohlokonomie, auf das im Buch ebenfalls Bezug genommen wird. Inhalt: Kooperation als Methode – Kooperation aus Sicht der Anderen – Formen der Kooperation – Wege zur Kooperation – Wege der Kooperation – Interkulturelle Aspekte – Besonderheiten virtueller Kooperation – Best Practises – Das Ende von Kooperationen

Internationales Marketing. Rahmenbedingungen, strategische Ansätze und Businessplan

Markus Weinlander

Internationales Marketing ist eine wesentliche Herausforderung fur global agierende Konzerne und zunehmend auch fur kleine und mittelstandische Unternehmen. Die unterschiedlichen Merkmale der internationalen Marktbearbeitung erfordern jedoch besondere Methoden und Werkzeuge, um der hohen Komplexitat und der Vernetzung zwischen den Landern gerecht zu werden. Dieses Buch fuhrt kurz und knackig in die Thematik ein und erlautert die wesentlichen Aufgaben in diesem Bereich. Au?erdem liefert es praxisnahe Losungen fur die internationale Vermarktung von Produkten im B2B- und B2C-Geschaft. Im Vergleich zu bekannten Lehrbuchern bietet «Internationales Marketing» deutlich mehr Praxisnahe, gegenuber praxisorientierten Marketingbuchern erschlie?t es die Besonderheiten des internationalen Marktes. Studierenden vermittelt es einen Uberblick uber Zusammenhange und grundlegende theoretische Ansatze, gepaart mit praktischen Vorgehensweisen und Instrumenten. Praktiker unterstutzt es beim Einstieg in internationale Markte und als Ideenlieferant zur Verbesserung ihrer Arbeit. Inhalt Marktstrukturen – Rechtliche Unterschiede – Kulturelle Einflusse – Interne und externe Interdependenzen – Der Marketingprozess – Marktforschung im internationalen Kontext – Marktbearbeitung – Zielmarkte – Timingstrategien – Koordination und Organisation – Standardisierung oder Adaption – Produktpolitik – Kommunikationsstrategie – Pricing – Vertriebspolitik – Businessplan und Controlling – Fallstudie