Sociology of Sexualities takes a unique sociological approach to the study of sexualities and explores the ways sexuality operates in and through institutions. Drawing on the most up-to-date scientific research on sexuality, as well as the latest political developments on the issues, this core text helps readers connect knowledge about sexuality with their broader understanding of society. The thoroughly revised Second Edition includes updated and expanded discussions of the latest sociological research and social justice movements regarding gender and sexuality, as well as a new chapter exploring sexuality and social class, space, and place.
This is the book that established “emotional intelligence” in the business lexicon—and made it a necessary skill for leaders.Managers and professionals across the globe have embraced Primal Leadership, affirming the importance of emotionally intelligent leadership. Its influence has also reached well beyond the business world: the book and its ideas are now used routinely in universities, business and medical schools, and professional training programs, and by a growing legion of professional coaches.This refreshed edition, with a new preface by the authors, vividly illustrates the power—and the necessity—of leadership that is self-aware, empathic, motivating, and collaborative in a world that is ever more economically volatile and technologically complex. It is even timelier now than when it was originally published.From bestselling authors Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee, this groundbreaking book remains a must-read for anyone who leads or aspires to lead.Also available in ebook format wherever ebooks are sold.
Becoming a great leader takes work. This collection from Harvard Business Review offers the ideas and strategies to help get you there. The HBR’s 10 Must Reads Leadership Collection (4 Books) includes the popular books HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership, HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself, HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategy, and HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence. This unique compilation offers insights from world-class experts on the topics most important to your success as a leader—how to inspire others and improve team performance, how to galvanize your organization’s strategy development and execution, and the best ways to chart your own path to professional success. The collection includes forty articles selected by HBR’s editors from renowned thought leaders including Michael Porter, Peter Drucker, John Kotter, Daniel Goleman, W. Chan Kim, and Renée Mauborgne, as well as the bonus award-winning article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton Christensen. It’s time to transform yourself from a good manager into a great leader. The HBR’s 10 Must Reads Leadership Collection will help you do just that—and will become an invaluable addition to your management toolkit.HBR’s 10 Must Reads series is the definitive collection of ideas and best practices for aspiring and experienced leaders alike. These books offer essential reading selected from the pages of Harvard Business Review on topics critical to the success of every manager. Each book is packed with advice and inspiration from leading experts such as Clayton Christensen, Peter Drucker, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, John Kotter, Michael Porter, Daniel Goleman, Theodore Levitt, and Rita Gunther McGrath.
Once a year, Harvard Business Review’s editors examine the ideas, insights, and best practices from the past twelve months to select the most definitive articles we’ve published—those that have provoked the most conversation, the most inspiration, the most change. Now these highly curated collections of articles are available all in one place. Whether you’re catching up or trying to stay ahead, these volumes present the latest, most significant thinking driving business today.Yet certain challenges never go away. That's why this set also contains HBR’s 10 Must Reads: The Essentials, which collects the 10 seminal articles by management’s most influential experts, on topics of perennial concern to ambitious managers and leaders hungry for inspiration—and ready to run with big ideas to accelerate their own and their companies’ success.HBR's 10 Must Reads series is the definitive collection of ideas and best practices for aspiring and experienced leaders alike. These books offer essential reading selected from the pages of Harvard Business Review on topics critical to the success of every manager. Each book is packed with advice and inspiration from leading experts such as Clayton Christensen, Peter Drucker, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, John Kotter, Michael Porter, Daniel Goleman, Theodore Levitt, and Rita Gunther McGrath.
If you’re an executive, manager, or team leader, one of your toughest responsibilities is managing your people’s performance. This digital collection, curated by Harvard Business Review, will help you evaluate employee performance, provide coaching, conduct performance reviews, give effective feedback, and more; it includes Dick Grote’s How to be Good at Performance Appraisals; Harvard Business Essentials’ Performance Management; the HBR Guide to Coaching Employees; and Giving Effective Feedback and Performance Reviews, both from HBR’s 20-Minute Manager Series.
This Harvard Business Review digital collection showcases the ideas of Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones, authors of Why Should Anyone Be Led by You? and Why Should Anyone Work Here? In Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?, Goffee and Jones argue that leaders don’t become great by aspiring to a list of universal character traits. Rather, effective leaders are authentic: they deploy individual strengths to engage followers’ hearts, minds, and souls. In Why Should Anyone Work Here?, the authors argue that it used to be that businesses could ask individuals to conform to the organization’s needs but that now today’s leaders are charged with creating the best company on earth to work for: they must transform their organizations to attract the right people, keep them, and inspire them to do their best work.
Learn how to lead organizational change with this Harvard Business Review digital collection. The Heart of Change is your guide to helping people think and feel differently in order to meet your shared goals. According to bestselling author and renowned leadership expert John Kotter and coauthor Dan Cohen, this focus on connecting with people’s emotions is what will spark the behavior change and actions that lead to success. The Heart of Change Field Guide provides leaders and managers with tools, frameworks, and advice for bringing these breakthrough change methods to life within their own organizations.
This digital collection, curated by Harvard Business Review, includes three important books by experts in the human resources field—The HR Scorecard, The HR Value Proposition, and Human Resource Champions. Learn how individuals in human resources can partner with line managers to make organizations more competitive, how HR impacts business performance, and how HR leaders can bring substantial value to internal and external stakeholders.
This digital collection, curated by Harvard Business Review, includes John P. Kotter’s Leading Change, With a New Preface by the Author, named one of the twenty-five most influential business-management books by, and his thought-provoking and practical Managing Your Boss, with John J. Gabarro. Learn how to lead transformational change in your organization as well as how to build a healthy, productive bond with your boss—one of the most crucial working relationships you’ll have in your career.
The Harvard Business Review Leadership Library offers the most important leadership ideas from authors such as Michael D. Watkins, Clayton M. Christensen, Michael E. Porter, and John P. Kotter, to name just a few. This must-have digital collection includes The First 90 Days (Updated and Expanded), Blue Ocean Strategy (Expanded Edition), The Innovator’s Dilemma, Leading Change (With a New Preface by the Author), On Competition, Playing to Win, Remember Who You Are, HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership, HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategy, HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself, HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing People, and HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence.