Imagining Latinx Intimacies addresses the ways that artists and writers resist the social forces of colonialism, displacement, and oppression through crafting incisive and inspiring responses to the problems that queer Latinx peoples encounter in both daily lives and representation such as art, film, poetry, popular culture, and stories. Instead of keeping quiet, queer Latinx artists and writers have spoken up as a way of challenging stereotypes, prejudice, and the lived experiences of estrangement and physical violence. Artistic thinkers such as Gloria Anzaldúa, Frances Negrón-Muntaner, and Rane Arroyo have challenged such socio-political problems by imagining intimate social and intellectual spaces that resist the status quo like homophobic norms, laws, and policies that hurt families and communities. Building on the intellectual thought of researchers such as Jorge Duany, Adriana de Souza e Silva, and José Esteban Muñoz, this book explains how the imagined spaces of Latinx LGBTQ peoples are blueprints for addressing our tumultuous present and creating a better future.
Seeking ways to understand video games beyond their imperial logics, Patterson turns to erotics to re-invigorate the potential passions and pleasures of play Video games vastly outpace all other mediums of entertainment in revenue and in global reach. On the surface, games do not appear ideological, nor are they categorized as national products. Instead, they seem to reflect the open and uncontaminated reputation of information technology. Video games are undeniably imperial products. Their very existence has been conditioned upon the spread of militarized technology, the exploitation of already-existing labor and racial hierarchies in their manufacture, and the utopian promises of digital technology. Like literature and film before it, video games have become the main artistic expression of empire today: the open world empire, formed through the routes of information technology and the violences of drone combat, unending war, and overseas massacres that occur with little scandal or protest.Though often presented as purely technological feats, video games are also artistic projects, and as such, they allow us an understanding of how war and imperial violence proceed under signs of openness, transparency, and digital utopia. But the video game, as Christopher B. Patterson argues, is also an inherently Asian commodity: its hardware is assembled in Asia; its most talented e-sports players are of Asian origin; Nintendo, Sony, and Sega have defined and dominated the genre. Games draw on established discourses of Asia to provide an “Asiatic” space, a playful sphere of racial otherness that straddles notions of the queer, the exotic, the bizarre, and the erotic. Thinking through games like Overwatch , Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare , Shenmue II , and Alien: Isolation , Patterson reads against empire by playing games erotically, as players do—seeing games as Asiatic playthings that afford new passions, pleasures, desires, and attachments.
An exciting new book exploring why we have not seen the enduring changes that were once optimistically anticipated. Each chapter tackles an important question around gender and leadership, such as 'Why do leader stereotypes emphasize masculinity?', 'Why are there so few women in top management positions?' and 'Why do (some) men in top management feel free to sexually harass women?'. Leading international scholar in the field, Gary N. Powell explores cutting-edge topics including; the appropriate role of masculinity in leadership, the ever-so-small numbers of female CEOs, and sexual harassment by men in power such as Harvey Weinstein and the resulting #MeToo movement. With suggestions of practical steps that would work toward achieving a workplace in which all employees can reach their leadership potential regardless of their gender, Gender and Leadership is an important read for students and faculty members alike across the social sciences and humanities.
Книга № 1 для продакт-менеджеров, библия продуктового управления. В ней представлены основные принципы проектирования и запуска прорывных продуктов, описаны роли членов команды и процесс создания маркетинговой стратегии и продаж. Марти Каган – один из совладельцев компании Silicon Valley Product Group, помогающей создавать стратегии создания прорывных продуктов. Марти участвовал в разработке многих успешных продуктов в eBay, AOL, Netscape Communications и Hewlett-Packard.Он был старшим вице-президентом по управлению продуктами и дизайном в eBay, а до этого – вице-президентом в AOL и Netscape Communications, а также инженером-программистом в HPLabs.
Станьте гуру коммуникации и добивайтесь всего с помощью простых правил общения. Их автор, Лэс Гиблин, – признанный эксперт в области межличностного взаимодействия. Он провел более тысячи семинаров по коммуникационным навыкам и основал собственный Центр человеческих отношений. По всему миру было продано более миллиона экземпляров его книг. Прочитав эту книгу, вы узнаете, как заводить друзей и поддерживать с ними теплые отношения; побуждать окружающих относиться к вам дружелюбно; управлять поведением и настроением тех, кто рядом; убеждать других видеть мир под вашим углом зрения; критиковать людей, не обижая их.
In the past 40 years, the remarkable growth of China has caught the world's attention. In this groundbreaking book, two presidents of CEIBS, the top business school in China, dissect the leadership styles of top industry figures in contemporary China.This book uses real stories, real experiences, and real research from Chinese companies to show how businesses are actually run in China. Global readers will gain an invaluable understanding of Chinese leadership and how to work with Chinese businesses.<b>Contents:</b><ul><li>Show Your Leadership 'Presence' <i>(Stephen Denning)</i></li><li>Mindfulness: The Quiet in the Eye of the Storm <i>(Ben Bryant and Jeanny Wildi)</i></li><li>Stand Your Ground or Compromise? <i>(Charles P Garcia)</i></li><li>To Be a Liberating Leader <i>(Isaac Getz)</i></li><li>Leaders Who Do Not Have Decent Work <i>(Simon Caulkin)</i></li><li>Reformers that Step Down from the Altar <i>(Liu Xue)</i></li><li>Does Your Job Match Your Personality? Analysis and Suggestions of Personalities of Chinese Managers <i>(Jean Lee)</i></li><li>How does the Board of Directors Manage the 'CEO Replacement Plan'? <i>(Li Yang)</i></li><li>Feng Lun: 'I am Zero' <i>(Zhu Qiong)</i></li><li>Joining a Time-Honored Enterprise: My Days in Tata Steel <i>(B Muthuraman)</i></li><li>Wang Shi Hovered Between the Eastern and Western Cultures <i>(Zhu Qiong)</i></li><li>Zhang Chaoyang: Through the Flames <i>(Liu Zhengzheng)</i></li><li>Be a Genuine Craftsman: The Source of Happiness for an Advertising Godfather <i>(Liu Zhengzheng)</i></li><li>The Parent Zong Qinghou <i>(Zhi Weiyong)</i></li><li>Are You a Narcissistic Leader? <i>(Art Kleiner)</i></li><li>Thinking Map for Leaders <i>(S Ramnarayan, Sudhanshu Palsule and Manoj Pawar)</i></li><li>Peter Senge: The Era of Global Companies is Coming to an End <i>(Piao Baoyi)</i></li><li>Today's Stable World is Dangerous — Dialogue with Jim Collins <i>(Stephen Bernhut)</i></li></ul> <br><b>Readership:</b> Students and academics specializing in leadership, global managers in multinational companies, businesses having offices in China. Leadership;CEIBS;Leadership Styles;Global Leadership Research;Chinese Companies0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>Best selection of the top business review by the Presidents of CEIBS</li><li>Covers different leadership styles prominent industry figures like Mr Zhang Chaoyang, Zong qinghou, Wang Shi and so on</li><li>Serves as a good reference for global leadership research, especially for China-related cases</li></ul>
Do people drive you nuts? Are silos and turf wars challenging the culture? Wondering if it ever gets any easier? The toughest – and best – part of leadership is the people. But let’s face it, people dynamics can be tricky. Solutions are within. People Stuff is your map to the complex territory of human behaviour and leadership strategies. People Stuff goes well beyond frustrating ‘personality clashes’ to uncover the dynamics of human interactions at work. You’ll clarify how you see yourself, your people and your organisation to avoid ineffective superficial solutions to complex problems. Perspective is power. In order to create positive and lasting change, we need to dive below the surface and see the patterns and systems that are creating the issues in the first place. People Stuff offers intuitive maps and frameworks to develop your practice of perspective. You’ll be able to see more and lead better. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at don’t change, WE do. How we see ourselves affects how effective we are as leaders. By using a combination of the five key leadership archetypes – the Elder, Pioneer, Guardian, Warrior, and Diplomat – you’ll be able to meet the current business challenges with the right approach for maximum influence. Personalities aren’t the problem, systems are. When the Four Devils appear in the workplace, it’s tempting to give up on them as character flaws. With the Four Devils map, you’ll be able to pinpoint the symptoms and causes of the toughest people challenges, and implement effective long-term solutions. If you’re a leader who’s called to make an impact, then People Stuff will give you the perspective tools to see issues before they escalate. You’ll also be able to anticipate positive ripples so you can truly lead with compassion and wisdom.
LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD FINALIST – Transgender Non-Fiction Providing new approaches for exploring gender identity and expression, this book is ideal for clinical practice with transgender and gender nonconforming/diverse clients. Importantly, it moves beyond the medical model to advance an understanding of transgender subjectivity as a natural variation of gender in humans. The book deepens understanding of the developmental trajectory of trans and gender non-conforming individuals over their lifespan, before and beyond transition, by offering new theories on gender. Drawing on theories from a range of different fields including psychoanalysis, philosophy, neuroscience, consciousness studies, trauma therapy, sex therapy, gender theory, disability studies and trans studies, it illustrates how informed clinical practice can recognise the complexity of gender identity and expression. With chapters on the understanding of core gender through the Free Energy Principle, the foundations of gender in consciousness, a gender algorithm, trauma, mirroring, and sexual functioning, this book works to provide a superior method of clinical practice that can better serve trans communities and our understanding of gender across the population.
This book provides practical advice for professionals working with transgender (including non-binary) people who have survived any form of sexual violence or abuse. It gives professionals an understanding of the impact and trauma of sexual violence on trans people, as well as the additional difficulties they face accessing services that have traditionally been designed to serve cisgendered clients. The authors reveal specific issues faced by trans people as they recover from traumatic sexual experiences, and what steps professionals and organisations can take to meet the needs of the trans community. They also take a critical look at what can be done to reduce discrimination, particularly as many services for sexual violence tend to enforce strict gender segregation which can be exclusionary for trans clients. This book helps mitigate the traumatic effects of sexual violence on trans individuals, by recommending effective responses for all levels of service delivery, from organisational policies to advice for front-line professionals.
LONGLISTED FOR THE POLARI FIRST BOOK PRIZE 2019 'Queer Sex is simply phenomenal' – Bitch Media 'A gift to anyone looking to open their minds and fall in love' – CN Lester In this frank, funny and poignant book, transgender activist Juno Roche discusses sex, desire and dating with leading figures from the trans and non-binary community. Calling out prejudices and inspiring readers to explore their own concepts of intimacy and sexuality, the first-hand accounts celebrate the wonder and potential of trans bodies and push at the boundaries of how society views gender, sexuality and relationships. Empowering and necessary, this collection shows all trans people deserve to feel brave, beautiful and sexy.