Business Process Management and the Balanced Scorecard shows managers how to optimally use the balanced scorecard to achieve and sustain strategic success even as the business environment changes. It exceptionally fills the gap between theory and application to facilitate the use of processes as a strategic weapon to deliver world-class performance.
Was ist erlaubt, was nicht? Ethisch und rechtlich konformes Verhalten betrifft nicht nur die Annahme und Vergabe von Gefalligkeiten und Geschenken, sondern auch den Umgang mit Informationen, anderen Personen und Institutionen, personliche Vorteilsnahme, das Vermeiden von Interessenkonflikten, den Umgang mit Ressourcen, technische und personliche Sicherheit sowie den Schutz der Umwelt. Auch Diskriminierung, Mobbing und Chancengleichheit sind Teil dieses Themenkomplexes. In diesem Buch finden Sie klare Regeln zu den Themen Compliance und Business Conduct Guidelines, Musterformulare und praktische Beispiele. Sie erhalten Hinweise zum Einreichen und Umgang mit Beschwerden sowie zur Umsetzung und Kontrolle der Regeln im Unternehmen. Ein weiteres Thema sind die Folgen, die sich fur Unternehmen ergeben konnen, wenn dort keine Business Conduct Guidelines verankert sind – und zwar nicht nur bei gro?en, sondern auch bei mittleren und kleineren Unternehmen. Das Buch wendet sich an Manager und Fuhrungskrafte, an Berater, Juristen und Betriebsrate sowie an Mitarbeiter, die sich uber ihre personliche Rechtslage informieren wollen. Es soll das dunne Eis, auf das sich viele in Erfullung ihrer arbeitsvertraglichen Verpflichtungen begeben, etwas berechenbarer machen. Damit wird die Sicherheit sowohl fur die Handelnden als auch fur die Unternehmen steigen.
This book presents time saving strategies, tactics, and a host of job aids to get the best result from the corporate learning function. It will serve both as a must-have reference tool and as a practical survival guide for workplace learning professionals who face unique challenges in accomplishing their responsibilities. Several strategies and tactics are offered to organize the roles and responsibilities of the training function. There's authoritative advice, too, for managing the function including staff management, communicating expectations, setting the learning agenda, coaching subject matter experts, hiring consultants and vendors, managing content, working with learning portals, setting up and managing a learning resource center, marketing and building internal support for training, and integrating learning into the business.
Praise for The WorldatWork Handbook of Compensation, Benefits & Total Rewards This is the definitive guide to compensation and benefits for modern HR professionals who must attract, motivate, and retain quality employees. Technical enough for specialists but broad in scope for generalists, this well-rounded resource belongs on the desk of every recruiter and HR executive. An indispensable tool for understanding and implementing the total rewards concept, the WorldatWork Handbook of Compensation, Benefits, and Total Rewards is the key to designing compensation practices that ensure organizational success. Coverage includes: Why the total rewards strategy works Developing the components of a total rewards program Common ways a total rewards program can go wrong Designing and implementing a total rewards program Communicating the total rewards vision Developing a compensation philosophy and package FLSA and other laws that affect compensation Determining and setting competitive salary levels And much more
Discover the secrets of trading the Chinese markets with American Depository Receipts Introducing a new way to make virtually risk-free profits, Trading the China Market with American Depository Receipts teaches readers how to successfully trade U.S. listed American Depository Receipts (ADRs) of Chinese stocks . . . by using information that comes to light outside of Asian trading hours, but while the U.S. markets are still open. Filled with successful strategies for profitable trading made possible by interpreting business news to buy or short China ADRs before the information impacts those markets the next day, the book walks readers through this incredible opportunity step-by-step. Filled with case studies that show the success of the strategies outlined, the book explains where to look for price-moving information. Aimed at investors of all types who have access to a brokerage account that can trade U.S. securities—including online brokers—Trading the China Market with American Depository Receipts is the ultimate guide to making money from China in your own backyard. Explains incredible new strategies for trading U.S. listed ADRs of Chinese stocks using information released after the Asian markets have closed for the day Includes case studies that clearly show how this strategy has worked and continues to work Features lists of relevant underlying shares and their corresponding ADRs A low-risk strategy for profiting from foreign markets, Trading the China Market with American Depository Receipts shows how to use the U.S.-China time difference for profit.
Praise for In the Trading Cockpit . . . «Morales and Kacher want you to see an alternative to popular and traditional dead end strategies (i.e., buy and hope). Absorb the insights of In the Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples and put yourself in position to think differently—and profit.» – Michael W. Covel, Bestselling author of Trend Following and The Complete TurtleTrader; President, Trend Following Your hands-on guide to mastering powerful trading methods inspired by stock market legend William O'Neil Written by two former William O'Neil + Co. employees who have spent years building upon the lessons they learned working alongside the master, this book delivers powerful trading techniques based on the O'Neil model that you can put to work in your own portfolio, right away. The follow-up to their bestselling Trade Like an O'Neil Disciple, In the Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples goes beyond the descriptive narrative of the former book to provide you with step-by-step guidance and all the practice you need to quickly master those tried-and-true methods and make them an integral part of your trading system. You'll find: Clear, step-by-step explanations of powerful new trading strategies, including techniques for buying pocket pivots and gap-ups Hundreds of annotated examples—with charts—of real-life trades from the authors' own experiences with detailed analysis of what worked, what didn't, and why Set ups with buy, add, and sell points for both winning and losing scenarios Dozens of skill-building exercises that help you quickly master the techniques described Tried-and-true stock shorting techniques based on William O'Neil's methods Written by established experts Gil Morales and Dr. Chris Kacher, In the Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples is an indispensable guide to mastering proven strategies for trading stocks for record profits in every market environment.
Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ is a must-buy book for any serious Excel developer.Excel is the industry standard for financial modelling, providing a number of ways for users to extend the functionality of their own add-ins, including VBA and C/C++. This is the only complete how-to guide and reference book for the creation of high performance add-ins for Excel in C and C++ for users in the finance industry. Steve Dalton explains how to apply Excel add-ins to financial applications with many examples given throughout the book. It also covers the relative strengths and weaknesses of developing add-ins for Excel in VBA versus C/C++, and provides comprehensive code, workbooks and example projects on the accompanying CD-ROM. The impact of Excel 2007’s multi-threaded workbook calculations and large grids on add-in development are fully explored. Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ features: Extensive example codes in VBA, C and C++, explaining all the ways in which a developer can achieve their objectives. Example projects that demonstrate, from start to finish, the potential of Excel when powerful add-ins can be easily developed. Develops the readers understanding of the relative strengths and weaknesses of developing add-ins for Excel in VBA versus C/C++. A CD-ROM with several thousand lines of example code, numerous workbooks, and a number of complete example projects.
This new and unique book demonstrates that Excel and VBA can play an important role in the explanation and implementation of numerical methods across finance. Advanced Modelling in Finance provides a comprehensive look at equities, options on equities and options on bonds from the early 1950s to the late 1990s. The book adopts a step-by-step approach to understanding the more sophisticated aspects of Excel macros and VBA programming, showing how these programming techniques can be used to model and manipulate financial data, as applied to equities, bonds and options. The book is essential for financial practitioners who need to develop their financial modelling skill sets as there is an increase in the need to analyse and develop ever more complex 'what if' scenarios. Specifically applies Excel and VBA to the financial markets Packaged with a CD containing the software from the examples throughout the book Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance, Second Edition provides a thoroughly updated look at derivatives and financial engineering, published in three volumes with additional CD-ROM. Volume 1: Mathematical and Financial Foundations; Basic Theory of Derivatives; Risk and Return. The reader is introduced to the fundamental mathematical tools and financial concepts needed to understand quantitative finance, portfolio management and derivatives. Parallels are drawn between the respectable world of investing and the not-so-respectable world of gambling. Volume 2: Exotic Contracts and Path Dependency; Fixed Income Modeling and Derivatives; Credit Risk In this volume the reader sees further applications of stochastic mathematics to new financial problems and different markets. Volume 3: Advanced Topics; Numerical Methods and Programs. In this volume the reader enters territory rarely seen in textbooks, the cutting-edge research. Numerical methods are also introduced so that the models can now all be accurately and quickly solved. Throughout the volumes, the author has included numerous Bloomberg screen dumps to illustrate in real terms the points he raises, together with essential Visual Basic code, spreadsheet explanations of the models, the reproduction of term sheets and option classification tables. In addition to the practical orientation of the book the author himself also appears throughout the book—in cartoon form, readers will be relieved to hear—to personally highlight and explain the key sections and issues discussed. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) represents a fundamental shift in the way businesses must approach risk. As the economy becomes more service driven and globally oriented, businesses cannot afford to let new, unforeseen areas of risk remain unidentified. Currency fluctuations, human resources in foreign countries, evaporating distribution channels, corporate governance, and unprecedented dependence on technology are just a few of the new risks businesses must assess. This accessible book, aimed at the implementers and practitioners of ERM, provides a highly structured approach so you can easily implement processes in your own organization. You'll find a number of case studies and practical examples from a variety of industries. The chapters are organized in a way that leads you through ERM implementation and include risk identification techniques, risk modelling methods, and the underlying statistics. Order your copy today!