Управление, подбор персонала

Различные книги в жанре Управление, подбор персонала

Customers Are People ... The Human Touch

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Although 70% of the customer's decision to buy is based on how they are treated as people, few ornganizations have recognized its importance as well as understanding how to implement the «human touch» art as a science. John McKean provides a practical guide to implementing this art as consistent, business-wide, technology-enabled science drawn form proven approaches from world-class human touch practitioners.

Training From the Back of the Room!

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From Sharon L. Bowman, the author of the best-selling Ten-Minute Trainer, comes the dynamic new book, Training from the BACK of the Room! This innovative resource introduces 65 training strategies that are guaranteed to deliver outstanding training results no matter what the topic, group, or learning environment. Now, trainers can replace the traditional «Trainers talk; learners listen» paradigm with a radical new model for designing and delivering instruction: «When learners talk and teach, they learn.»

The Essential Guide to Training Global Audiences

Renie McClay

The Essential Guide to Training Global Audiences is a groundbreaking book that offers a much-needed guide for anyone who must design and deliver excellent learning experiences for people from a culture other than their own. The book is filled with proven guidelines for multicultural training, solid techniques for training international adult learners, and advice for the preparation of culturally sensitive presentations. The book represents material from more than 65 contributors who have made presentations for some of the leading organizations worldwide.

The Split Capital Investment Trust Crisis

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Split capital investment trusts (splits) became fashionable in the late 1990s but the splits boom led to some spectacular collapses as the bear market unfolded. Despite warnings from certain analysts, academics and journalists, over 20 splits have gone bust leaving many private investors seeking redress. A major FSA investigation is now underway. This book, with contributions from specialists intimately involved with the crisis, provides an in-depth and authoritative review of splits, discussing their history, what went wrong, and lessons for the future. A range of views is expressed by the contributors. The book is divided into five parts: The Crisis past financial crises, evolution of the split trust sector, the crisis unfolds The Split Capital Trust Market the structures, the risks, valuing the shares Response to the Crisis the media, regulatory and political response Management Issues corporate governance, some ethical considerations, reputational risk Looking Forward product innovation and marketing, some implications for the fund management industry, lessons for the future

Finite Difference Methods in Financial Engineering

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The world of quantitative finance (QF) is one of the fastest growing areas of research and its practical applications to derivatives pricing problem. Since the discovery of the famous Black-Scholes equation in the 1970's we have seen a surge in the number of models for a wide range of products such as plain and exotic options, interest rate derivatives, real options and many others. Gone are the days when it was possible to price these derivatives analytically. For most problems we must resort to some kind of approximate method. In this book we employ partial differential equations (PDE) to describe a range of one-factor and multi-factor derivatives products such as plain European and American options, multi-asset options, Asian options, interest rate options and real options. PDE techniques allow us to create a framework for modeling complex and interesting derivatives products. Having defined the PDE problem we then approximate it using the Finite Difference Method (FDM). This method has been used for many application areas such as fluid dynamics, heat transfer, semiconductor simulation and astrophysics, to name just a few. In this book we apply the same techniques to pricing real-life derivative products. We use both traditional (or well-known) methods as well as a number of advanced schemes that are making their way into the QF literature: Crank-Nicolson, exponentially fitted and higher-order schemes for one-factor and multi-factor options Early exercise features and approximation using front-fixing, penalty and variational methods Modelling stochastic volatility models using Splitting methods Critique of ADI and Crank-Nicolson schemes; when they work and when they don't work Modelling jumps using Partial Integro Differential Equations (PIDE) Free and moving boundary value problems in QF Included with the book is a CD containing information on how to set up FDM algorithms, how to map these algorithms to C++ as well as several working programs for one-factor and two-factor models. We also provide source code so that you can customize the applications to suit your own needs.

Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement and Attribution

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Practical Performance Measurement and Attribution provides a clear introduction to the subject of performance measurement. Focusing more on the practical use and calculation of performance returns rather than the academic background it will help readers gain a clear understanding of the role and implications of performance measurement in today's financial environment. «Carl’s book is a ‘must have’ resource – the complete A to Z of the increasingly complex field of performance measurement.» Glenn Solomon, Global Head of Institutional Clients, Investment Reporting & Performance, BNP Paribas Securities Services «Internationally renowned authority Carl Bacon has provided what one would expect – an exceptionally well written and practical resource that every investment performance measurement professional should own.» David Spaulding, President, The Spaulding Group «Carl Bacon is one of the most knowledgeable professionals I know on the subject of Performance Measurement. He has been a pioneer, leader, and teacher at the forefront of developments in global investment performance standards, performance attribution technique, and risk measurement. I am very pleased he has written this timely and useful book as a complete reference and explanation update on these important subjects.» James Hollis, Managing Director, Cutter Associates «Though the subject matter is complex, Carl strikes the right balance between theory and reality. This book should have a permanent spot on the desk of every performance practitioner. I will refer to it often.» Karyn Vincent, CFA, Vincent Performance Services LLC «Whether you are a provider or a user of Performance Analysis, this book is well structured, informative and truly a practical guide in every sense.» Gary Hilldrup, Global Head Performance, Risk & Client Reporting, Fortis Investments

Stochastic Claims Reserving Methods in Insurance

Michael Merz

Claims reserving is central to the insurance industry. Insurance liabilities depend on a number of different risk factors which need to be predicted accurately. This prediction of risk factors and outstanding loss liabilities is the core for pricing insurance products, determining the profitability of an insurance company and for considering the financial strength (solvency) of the company. Following several high-profile company insolvencies, regulatory requirements have moved towards a risk-adjusted basis which has lead to the Solvency II developments. The key focus in the new regime is that financial companies need to analyze adverse developments in their portfolios. Reserving actuaries now have to not only estimate reserves for the outstanding loss liabilities but also to quantify possible shortfalls in these reserves that may lead to potential losses. Such an analysis requires stochastic modeling of loss liability cash flows and it can only be done within a stochastic framework. Therefore stochastic loss liability modeling and quantifying prediction uncertainties has become standard under the new legal framework for the financial industry. This book covers all the mathematical theory and practical guidance needed in order to adhere to these stochastic techniques. Starting with the basic mathematical methods, working right through to the latest developments relevant for practical applications; readers will find out how to estimate total claims reserves while at the same time predicting errors and uncertainty are quantified. Accompanying datasets demonstrate all the techniques, which are easily implemented in a spreadsheet. A practical and essential guide, this book is a must-read in the light of the new solvency requirements for the whole insurance industry.

Market Risk Analysis, Practical Financial Econometrics

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Written by leading market risk academic, Professor Carol Alexander, Practical Financial Econometrics forms part two of the Market Risk Analysis four volume set. It introduces the econometric techniques that are commonly applied to finance with a critical and selective exposition, emphasising the areas of econometrics, such as GARCH, cointegration and copulas that are required for resolving problems in market risk analysis. The book covers material for a one-semester graduate course in applied financial econometrics in a very pedagogical fashion as each time a concept is introduced an empirical example is given, and whenever possible this is illustrated with an Excel spreadsheet. All together, the Market Risk Analysis four volume set illustrates virtually every concept or formula with a practical, numerical example or a longer, empirical case study. Across all four volumes there are approximately 300 numerical and empirical examples, 400 graphs and figures and 30 case studies many of which are contained in interactive Excel spreadsheets available from the the accompanying CD-ROM . Empirical examples and case studies specific to this volume include: Factor analysis with orthogonal regressions and using principal component factors; Estimation of symmetric and asymmetric, normal and Student t GARCH and E-GARCH parameters; Normal, Student t, Gumbel, Clayton, normal mixture copula densities, and simulations from these copulas with application to VaR and portfolio optimization; Principal component analysis of yield curves with applications to portfolio immunization and asset/liability management; Simulation of normal mixture and Markov switching GARCH returns; Cointegration based index tracking and pairs trading, with error correction and impulse response modelling; Markov switching regression models (Eviews code); GARCH term structure forecasting with volatility targeting; Non-linear quantile regressions with applications to hedging.

The Handbook of Insurance-Linked Securities

Pauline Barrieu

Luca Albertini and Pauline Barrieu are to be congratulated on this volume. Written in a period where structured projects in finance are having a difficult time, it is worthwhile to return to the cradle of securitisation: insurance. Spread out over three parts (life, non- life, and tax and regulatory issues) the 26 chapters, written mainly by practitioners, give an excellent overview of this challenging field of modern insurance. Methodology and examples nicely go hand in hand. The overall slant being towards actual analyses of concrete products. No doubt this book will become a milestone going forward for actuarial students, researchers, regulators and practitioners alike. —Paul Embrechts, Professor of Mathematics and Director of RiskLab, ETH Zurich The convergence of insurance with the capital markets has opened up an alternative channel for insurers to transfer risk, raise capital and optimize their regulatory reserves as well as offering institutions a source of relatively liquid investment with limited correlation with other exposures. One of the financial instruments allowing for the cession of insurance-related risks to the capital markets is Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS). This book provides hands-on information essential for market participants, drawing on the insights and expertise of an impressive team of international market players, representing the various aspects and perspectives of this growing sector. The book presents the state of the art in Insurance-Linked Securitization, by exploring the various roles for the different parties involved in the transactions, the motivation for the transaction sponsors, the potential inherent pitfalls, the latest developments and transaction structures and the key challenges faced by the market. The book is organized into parts, each covering a specific topic or sector of the market. After a general overview of the ILS market, the Insurance-Linked Securitization process is studied in detail. A distinction is made between non-life and life securitization, due to the specificities of each sector. The process and all the actors involved are identified and considered in a comprehensive and systematic way. The concepts are first looked at in a general way, before the analysis of relevant case studies where the ILS technology is applied. Particular focus is given to: the key stages in both non-life and life securitizations, including the general features of the transactions, the cedant's perspectives, the legal issues, the rating methodologies, the choice of an appropriate trigger and the risk modeling, the particular challenges related to longevity securitization, the investor's perspective and the question of the management of a portfolio of ILS, the general issues related to insurance-linked securitization, such as accounting and tax issues, regulatory issues and solvency capital requirements. The book is accompanied by a website www.wiley.com/go/albertini_barrieu_ILS which will feature updates and additions to the various contributions to follow market developments.

Market Risk Analysis, Value at Risk Models

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Written by leading market risk academic, Professor Carol Alexander, Value-at-Risk Models forms part four of the Market Risk Analysis four volume set. Building on the three previous volumes this book provides by far the most comprehensive, rigorous and detailed treatment of market VaR models. It rests on the basic knowledge of financial mathematics and statistics gained from Volume I, of factor models, principal component analysis, statistical models of volatility and correlation and copulas from Volume II and, from Volume III, knowledge of pricing and hedging financial instruments and of mapping portfolios of similar instruments to risk factors. A unifying characteristic of the series is the pedagogical approach to practical examples that are relevant to market risk analysis in practice. All together, the Market Risk Analysis four volume set illustrates virtually every concept or formula with a practical, numerical example or a longer, empirical case study. Across all four volumes there are approximately 300 numerical and empirical examples, 400 graphs and figures and 30 case studies many of which are contained in interactive Excel spreadsheets available from the the accompanying CD-ROM . Empirical examples and case studies specific to this volume include: Parametric linear value at risk (VaR)models: normal, Student t and normal mixture and their expected tail loss (ETL); New formulae for VaR based on autocorrelated returns; Historical simulation VaR models: how to scale historical VaR and volatility adjusted historical VaR; Monte Carlo simulation VaR models based on multivariate normal and Student t distributions, and based on copulas; Examples and case studies of numerous applications to interest rate sensitive, equity, commodity and international portfolios; Decomposition of systematic VaR of large portfolios into standard alone and marginal VaR components; Backtesting and the assessment of risk model risk; Hypothetical factor push and historical stress tests, and stress testing based on VaR and ETL.