Provides a foundation for probability based on game theory rather than measure theory. A strong philosophical approach with practical applications. Presents in-depth coverage of classical probability theory as well as new theory.
Plumbers and Visionaries: Securities Settlement and Europe’s Financial Market is a path-breaking account of the history and future of the securities settlement industry in Europe. Written by experienced journalist and author, Peter Norman, this book takes a look at the less visible, but nevertheless critical segment of the global capital markets, following the development of securities settlement across Europe’s frontiers. It encompasses the free-wheeling days of the Eurobond market in the 1960s, through the growing integration of the European Union, to the highly regulated and efficient multi-trillion euro business securities settlement it is today. This book is the story of a financial sector that has grown hugely in importance in the 40 years since Euroclear, now the world’s premier settlement system for domestic and international securities transactions, was created to deal with a settlement crisis that threatened to smother the international capital market in its infancy. Beginning with the settlement crisis in the Eurobond market, this book describes how Euroclear and later Cedel, its arch-rival, were founded to deal with the problem. It follows the challenges posed by cross-border settlement for a growing range of securities when most financial infrastructures operated only within national frontiers. The book demonstrates how securities settlement became an issue for public policy after the stock market crash of 1987 and how the problems of cross-border settlement moved rapidly up the European policy agenda after the euro’s launch. More than a mere history, this book engages with the people who created the modern European securities settlement industry and taps into the often entertaining memories of its founding fathers. This book also focuses on the difficulties and challenges of cross-border transactions which have been identified as hampering Europe’s economic growth. It looks at the present state of the industry seeking a way forward so that the securities settlement infrastructure will better serve a single European capital market.
Geoff Cutmore offers a fresh approach to the age-old battle of profitable investing in uncertain times. With most experts now predicting volatile stock market conditions in the years ahead, many old, tried-and-true investment strategies no longer work. Cutmore reveals how some well-known investors continue to make money in these difficult economic times. «Through the biggest equity bubble and bear market in a generation Geoff Cutmore has been a pivotal commentator on these unfolding events in his role as main anchorman for CNBC Europe’s award winning business breakfast programme Squawk Box. In this book Geoff provides a fascinating insight into some of the leading characters in the investment industry and how their alternative investment styles have worked during the biggest bear market in a generation. It is essential reading for all those people who have an interest in investment and can help investors understand some of the different investment approaches which have evolved during this tumultuous period.» Nigel Bolton, Head of European Equities, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership «Is the bear market in stocks over or are we in for many more tough years, and what does that mean for our hard-earned pension portfolios? By talking to some of the great original thinkers in investing, Geoff skillfully draws out some fascinating answers. An absolute pleasure to read!» Bob McKee, Chief Economist, Independent Strategy, London-based global investment consult
Firm valuation is currently a very exciting topic. It is interesting for those economists engaged in either practice or theory, particularly for those in finance. The literature on firm valuation recommends logical, quantitative methods, which deal with establishing today's value of future free cash flows. In this respect firm valuation is identical with the calculation of the discounted cash flow, DCF. There are, however, different coexistent versions, which seem to compete against each other. Entity approach and equity approach are thus differentiated. Acronyms are often used, such as APV (adjusted present value) or WACC (weighted average cost of capital), whereby these two concepts are classified under entity approach. Why are there several procedures and not just one? Do they all lead to the same result? If not, where do the economic differences lie? If so, for what purpose are different methods needed? And further: do the known procedures suffice? Or are there situations where none of the concepts developed up to now delivers the correct value of the firm? If so, how is the appropriate valuation formula to be found? These questions are not just interesting for theoreticians; even the practitioner who is confronted with the task of marketing his or her results has to deal with it. The authors systematically clarify the way in which these different variations of the DCF concept are related throughout the book ENDORSEMENTS FOR LÖFFLER: DISCOUNTED 0-470-87044-3 «Compared with the huge number of books on pragmatic approaches to discounted cash flow valuation, there are remarkably few that lay out the theoretical underpinnings of this technique. Kruschwitz and Löffler bring together the theory in this area in a consistent and rigorous way that should be useful for all serious students of the topic.» –Ian Cooper, London Business School «This treatise on the market valuation of corporate cash flows offers the first reconciliation of conventional cost-of-capital valuation models from the corporate finance literature with state-pricing (or 'risk-neutral' pricing) models subsequently developed on the basis of multi-period no-arbitrage theories. Using an entertaining style, Kruschwitz and Löffler develop a precise and theoretically consistent definition of 'cost of capital', and provoke readers to drop vague or contradictory alternatives.» –Darrell Duffie, Stanford University «Handling firm and personal income taxes properly in valuation involves complex considerations. This book offers a new, precise, clear and concise theoretical path that is pleasant to read. Now it is the practitioners task to translate this approach into real-world applications!» –Wolfgang Wagner, PricewaterhouseCoopers «It is an interesting book, which has some new results and it fills a gap in the literature between the usual undergraduate material and the very abstract PhD material in such books as that of Duffie (Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory). The style is very engaging, which is rare in books pitched at this level.» –Martin Lally, University of Wellington
Single Stock Futures are regarded by many as the ultimate derivative. Having finally made their US trading debut in November 2002, the market is set for explosive global growth during 2003 and 2004. Written by experienced traders, this is the first practical guide to this exciting new product as increasingly traded throughout the world.
Now that the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 has had a chance to bed itself down and the Financial Services Authority (FSA) is developing its new regulatory toolkit and modus operandi, financial regulation has moved on in interesting directions. This book takes a critical look at the principles and practices behind this regulation, as well as the theory that is involved. This book goes further than a description of the laws that are currently out there, by analysing the impact and implications of the new financial regulations, making it a ’must-read’ for law, finance and accounting practitioners. Coverage includes: Regulation and compliance; disclosure risk and regulation and stakeholders in financial regulation.
The global market for inflation-indexed securities has ballooned in recent years, and this trend is set to continue. This book examines the rationale behind issuance and investment decisions, and details the issues facing anyone who designs indexed securities, illustrating them wherever possible with actual examples from the international capital markets. In particular, an extensive review of indexed debt markets throughout the world is provided – including for the first time, a comprehensive and consistent set of cash flow and price-yield equations for the instruments already in existence in the major bond markets – forming an important reference for those already experienced in the field, as well as practitioners and academics approaching the subject for the first time. The book also provides unique insight into the development of inflation-indexed derivative products, and the analytical tools required to value such instruments.
One of the few books on the subject, Country Risk Assessment combines the theoretical and practical tools for managing international country risk exposure. – Offers a comprehensive discussion of the specific mechanisms that apply to country risk assessment. – Discusses various techniques associated with global investment strategy. – Presents and analyses the various sources of country risk. – Provides an in depth coverage of information sources and country risk service providers. – Gives techniques for forecasting country financial crises. – Includes practical examples and case studies. – Provides a comprehensive review of all existing methods including the techniques on the cutting-edge Market Based Approaches such as KMV, CreditMetrics, CountryMetrics and CreditRisk+.
In this entertaining and thoughtful book, Gerald Ashley sets out to explain what trading is, and lays out a modus operandi for being a trader and investor. He draws upon market anecdotes and examples from the past, seeking to debunk many myths surrounding financial markets, and to try and make the reader understand the real processes, risks and rewards that drive investment. In particular he examines ideas in market and individual investor behaviour, and questions the usefulness of many of todays standard investment techniques including benchmarks, charts, analysts and 'gurus'. He also lays out simple precepts for understanding investment risk and suggests ideas for managing your investments in today's markets.
Exchange-Traded Derivatives provides an overview of the global listed futures and options markets, and how individual exchanges and products are adapting to a new operating environment – an environment characterized by rapid, almost continuous, change. This book serves as an ideal resource on the 21st century listed derivative markets, products and instruments. Divided into three parts, Exchange-Traded Derivatives begins by providing an overall understanding of the marketplace and the forces that have, and are, altering the operating environment – stressing how exchanges need to change in order to cope with the challenges. The author then provides a comprehensive description of leading established exchanges, detailing their origins and structure, range of products and services, strengths and 'weaknesses'. The book concludes with a look at emerging marketplaces – those in developing countries as well as new «electronic» platforms – that are likely to increase in importance over the coming years. Exchange-Traded Derivatives is a valuable reference for fund managers, corporate treasurers, corporate risk managers, CFOs and those seeking a detailed guide to the world's derivative exchanges and products.