Corporate Risk Management analyses, compares and contrasts tools and techniques used in risk management at corporate, strategic business and project level and develops a risk management mechanism for the sequencing of risk assessment through corporate, strategic and project stages of an investment in order to meet the requirements of the 1999 Turnbull report. By classifying and categorising risk within these levels, readers will learn how to drill down and roll-up to any level of the organisational structure, establish the risks that each project is most sensitive to, and implement the appropriate risk response strategy – to the benefit of all stakeholders.
Fixed income attribution is by its very nature a complex and mathematically demanding topic, and there is little information available on this area. Fixed Income Attribution has been written to fill this tremendous void. This comprehensive resource contains both theoretical and practical information about running and understanding fixed income attribution, including the mathematics of attribution, practical limitations, benchmarks, presentation tools, and choosing and running an attribution system. Filled with insightful examples and expert advice, Fixed Income Attribution is the perfect source of information for those working in this complex environment.
This is the fourteenth volume in an annual series in which leading economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Examines key issues pertinent to the multinational trading system, as well as regional trade arrangements and policy developments at the national level Analyses trade policy in areas such as Malaysia, Trinidad and Tobago as well as revealing the national security concerns that have become a dominant influence on US trade policy since 2001 Includes a special focus on the Doha Round where contributors evaluate the winners and losers from trade liberalisation and investigate the cotton initiative of the WTO's Doha Development Agenda
This new edition of the hugely successful Quantitative Financial Economics has been revised and updated to reflect the most recent theoretical and econometric/empirical advances in the financial markets. It provides an introduction to models of economic behaviour in financial markets, focusing on discrete time series analysis. Emphasis is placed on theory, testing and explaining ‘real-world’ issues. The new edition will include: Updated charts and cases studies. New companion website allowing students to put theory into practice and to test their knowledge through questions and answers. Chapters on Monte Carlo simulation, bootstrapping and market microstructure.
Innovating Strategy Process presents a series of reflective essays by established and emerging scholars on the subject of innovation, considering it both as an outcome of strategy and as a process in itself. Contains new ideas and rich case descriptions that will trigger creative thinking about how to design a more innovative strategy process. Offers new conceptual frameworks for analyzing and designing strategy process. Addresses cutting-edge topics, such as play as the means and art as the impetus for strategy-making; the role of emotion in new venture decision-making; and science and entrepreneurship as a source of innovative strategies. Signals the future direction of the field.
The bursting of the ‘dotcom bubble’ and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, have brought into question received wisdom about strategy. This volume reviews the lessons to be learnt from these events, and proposes that, as a result, strategy in the twenty-first century will have to develop along new lines. Comprising a series of outstanding contributions by experts in the field, the collection focuses on changes that are occurring in how strategy is viewed, formulated and analysed, and looks forward to the future of strategic management. It discusses the emergence of new modes of thinking, new models, and new processes, and lays foundations on which strategy can build in future.
In this book, leading authors explore ways in which organizations can develop their ability to manage the future. An exploration of the ways in which organizations can develop their ability to manage the future. Consists of ten papers written by authors from both sides of the Atlantic and from Asia, all of whom are distinguished scholars in the fields of strategy or organizational learning. Addresses key questions about how organizational foresight can be conceptualized and developed, and the extent to which it is possible. The papers are prefaced by a foreword from Spyros Makridakis and an introduction from the editors. Helps to shape a new research agenda, and so will be of interest to academics, as well as to students and practitioners.
This book reviews both successful and unsuccessful mergers and acquisitions, exploring the reasons why so many fail to live up to expectations. An exploration of why mergers and acquisitions succeed or fail, based on rigorous scholarly research. Stretches the boundaries of what we know about these complex phenomena. Presents original ideas about the merger and acquisition strategy, the effects of mergers and acquisitions on performance, and the critical processes involved in implementation and integration. Explores new areas, such as the role of culture and leadership, and the importance of knowledge transfer and learning. Includes contributions from both highly respected scholars and up-and-coming stars in the field.
The best plan is useless without effective execution The future of business has become so unpredictable that your five-year plan may be irrelevant next week. To succeed in the modern market, you must constantly assess your progress and adapt on the fly. Agility, flexibility, continual learning, and adaptation are the new rules of business success. A differentiating strategy is crucial, but it will only lead to competitive advantage if you execute it flawlessly. You'll succeed only if you have the right insight for strategic planning and the agility to execute your plan. Balanced Scorecard Evolution: A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution provides the latest theory and practice from strategic planning, change management, and strategy execution to ensure your business is flexible, future ready, and primed for exceptional execution. Author Paul R. Niven guides you through the new principles of The Balanced Scorecard and shows you how to apply them to your planning and strategy execution endeavors. Read case studies that illustrate the theory and practice of strategic agility and execution Learn how to create the objectives, measures, targets, and strategic initiatives that can make your plan a reality Use the latest change management techniques to boost strategy execution success Gain the knowledge and tools you need to face your challenges head-on Motivate your employees to change behaviors toward plan accommodation Making a plan isn't enough. You must actually take steps to implement your plan, and this requires excellent leadership skills. Change can be hard, and your organization may be resistant. Balanced Scorecard Evolution: A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution provides everything you need to make things happen.
An insightful look at the implementation of advanced analytics on human capital Human capital analytics, also known as human resources analytics or talent analytics, is the application of sophisticated data mining and business analytics techniques to human resources data. Human Capital Analytics provides an in-depth look at the science of human capital analytics, giving practical examples from case studies of companies applying analytics to their people decisions and providing a framework for using predictive analytics to optimize human capital investments. Written by Gene Pease, Boyce Byerly, and Jac Fitz-enz, widely regarded as the father of human capital Offers practical examples from case studies of companies applying analytics to their people decisions An in-depth discussion of tools needed to do the work, particularly focusing on multivariate analysis The challenge of human resources analytics is to identify what data should be captured and how to use the data to model and predict capabilities so the organization gets an optimal return on investment on its human capital. The goal of human capital analytics is to provide an organization with insights for effectively managing employees so that business goals can be reached quickly and efficiently. Written by human capital analytics specialists Gene Pease, Boyce Byerly, and Jac Fitz-enz, Human Capital Analytics provides essential action steps for implementation of advanced analytics on human capital.