Outsourcing became fashionable in the late 1980s, came of age in the 1990s, and is now a normal part of corporate life. Written by well-known and respected business authors and incorporating new research from Copenhagen Business School, this book covers the newest elements of outsourcing today and discusses how strategic alliances should be established between the buyer and supplier. Topics explored throughout include the scope, scale and importance of what is outsourced; the pricing and risk sharing involved; and changes to organizations which lead them to seek more outsourcing.
Following a series of corporate scandals, legislators have company executives in their sights, and are arming themselves with ever-greater regulatory firepower. All agree that good governance is essential – but must not be allowed to stifle business performance. Beyond Governance develops the concept of Enterprise Governance, an emerging framework which unites Performance, Conformance and Corporate Responsibility and shows how addressing all of these areas in a concerted, coordinated fashion will deliver value to the organisation and its stakeholders. In particular, it focuses on the skills, processes and systems that are required to deliver excellence in each of these areas, giving readers a practical insight into the issues and an understanding of best practice in each area. Many firms are rethinking their finance activities in the light of e-commerce, shared service centres, business intelligence technology and cost pressures. Beyond Governance explores the challenge of building a modern, flexible finance function, describing the emerging role of the new CFO and how finance professionals should respond to this new business environment.
Financial Risk Forecasting is a complete introduction to practical quantitative risk management, with a focus on market risk. Derived from the authors teaching notes and years spent training practitioners in risk management techniques, it brings together the three key disciplines of finance, statistics and modeling (programming), to provide a thorough grounding in risk management techniques. Written by renowned risk expert Jon Danielsson, the book begins with an introduction to financial markets and market prices, volatility clusters, fat tails and nonlinear dependence. It then goes on to present volatility forecasting with both univatiate and multivatiate methods, discussing the various methods used by industry, with a special focus on the GARCH family of models. The evaluation of the quality of forecasts is discussed in detail. Next, the main concepts in risk and models to forecast risk are discussed, especially volatility, value-at-risk and expected shortfall. The focus is both on risk in basic assets such as stocks and foreign exchange, but also calculations of risk in bonds and options, with analytical methods such as delta-normal VaR and duration-normal VaR and Monte Carlo simulation. The book then moves on to the evaluation of risk models with methods like backtesting, followed by a discussion on stress testing. The book concludes by focussing on the forecasting of risk in very large and uncommon events with extreme value theory and considering the underlying assumptions behind almost every risk model in practical use – that risk is exogenous – and what happens when those assumptions are violated. Every method presented brings together theoretical discussion and derivation of key equations and a discussion of issues in practical implementation. Each method is implemented in both MATLAB and R, two of the most commonly used mathematical programming languages for risk forecasting with which the reader can implement the models illustrated in the book. The book includes four appendices. The first introduces basic concepts in statistics and financial time series referred to throughout the book. The second and third introduce R and MATLAB, providing a discussion of the basic implementation of the software packages. And the final looks at the concept of maximum likelihood, especially issues in implementation and testing. The book is accompanied by a website – www.financialriskforecasting.com – which features downloadable code as used in the book.
Jedes Produkt der Personalentwicklung braucht Kommunikation. Mitarbeiterbefragungen, Karrieremodelle, Diversity Management werden nur dann richtig gelebt, wenn die Kommunikation dahinter stimmt. Erfolg oder Misserfolg hangen ma?geblich davon ab, wie die Verantwortlichen die mit diesen und anderen Produkten verbundenen Kommunikationsherausforderungen meistern. Informieren, Uberzeugen und Motivieren sind Kernaufgaben der Personalentwicklung: Dieses Buch zeigt an praktischen Beispielen, wie Kommunikation in Unternehmen verschiedener Branchen und Gro?en den Erfolg von Personalentwicklung fordert. Das Buch richtet sich an Personalentwickler und Personalleiter, die ihr Angebot formulieren, ihre internen Kunden uberzeugen und ihre Produkte «verkaufen» mussen. Auch Kommunikationsspezialisten in Unternehmen sowie im Personalentwicklungsumfeld tatige Berater finden hier wertvolle Hinweise fur die eigene Praxis.
This new and thoroughly revised edition of the best selling Personnel Management text by Stephen Bach provides an authoritative analysis of the latest developments in the field for students and professionals. new chapters reflect the importance of the EU dimension; the new diversity/race agenda led by Brussels; the extended, network organization; new training practices; and the growing importance of MNCs, both for the UK economy as a whole and as a guide to best practice; clearly and comprehensively explains the current complex HR scene with its different levels and layers
This book advances a design-based approach for the investigation and creation of sustainable organizations. The learning-by-design framework is utilized to examine learning in six successful companies in different industries and national settings and provides a roadmap for improving systematic learning in organizations. Investigates learning-by-design in successful companies. Focuses on the choices organizations make about the design of learning mechanisms. Built around six detailed case studies taken from different industries and national settings. Provides a framework for improving the conditions for systematic and sustainable learning in organizations. Offers a clear process model for action and change.
Customer Service Delivery taps into business, marketing, and psychological research and practices to provide a wealth of knowledge about customer service. With contributions from some of the best-known industrial and organizational psychology experts in customer service, this book brings together in one comprehensive resource a review of the best practices in customer service delivery. Customer Service Delivery also provides a framework for customer service as a process and an outcome. The authors address a wide range of topics that are crucial to today’s competitive business environment: customer expectations, loyalty satisfaction, product versus service delivery, measurement, brand equity, regional and cultural differences, and organizational impact. Customer Service Delivery explores human resource staffing practices and service delivery by including proven selection strategies for hiring top quality service workers, an analysis of the personality correlates of service performance, and a comprehensive review of assessment instruments that predict customer service performance. In addition, this important resource contains strategies and tactics to improve and manage service delivery and offers illustrative case examples of how organizations have successfully improved and managed customer service.
When it was published in 2000, Coaching for Leadership became an instant classic in the field of executive coaching. This second edition updates and expands on the original book and brings together the best executive coaches who offer a basic understanding of how coaching works, why it works, and how leaders can make the best use of the coaching process. This thoroughly revised edition reflects recent changes in coaching practices, includes well-researched best practices, and provides additional guidance and tools from the greatest leadership coaches from around the world. Each chapter in this important volume addresses a proven application, offers key principles of practice, and highlights critical learning points.
Praise for Reinventing Organization Development «A hard hitting yet hopeful look at a field concerned with renewal that is in need of renewal itself. This book is full of intelligent questions, provocative appraisals, and prescriptions for action that they serve.» -Rosabeth Moss Kanter, chaired professor, Harvard Business School; author, Confidence: How?Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End «Wise, invaluable advice that the field and its practitioners should heed if the field of OD is to take its rightful place as an applied behavioral science that can make a difference in the economic and human affairs of organizations.» -Michael Beer, professor emeritus, Harvard Business School; chairman, Center for Organizational Fitness «Few disciplines in decline have subjected themselves to so profound a self-evaluation. It should lead ?to a rejuvenation of the field. Whether or not it does, there is a great deal to learn here about organizations and relevant professional practice.» -Russell Ackoff, professor emeritus, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania «Two of the leaders of the field of OD have collaborated to present us with a compelling and controversial state of the art.» -Len Schlesinger, vice chairman and chief operating officer, Limited Brands «The book challenges OD consultants to think broadly about their organizational roles and to assert their rightful place in organizations.» -Jean M. Bartunek, Robert A. and Evelyn J. Ferris Chair Professor of Organization Studies, Boston College
This practical resource includes perspectives from the point of view of both plaintiff and defendant for cases involving questions of race, gender, disability, and age. In addition, it offers an overview of the process by which complaints are filed, the statutes under which they are filed, and the authority represented by various case law. Employment Discrimination Litigation will illuminate myriad issues such as Daubert motions, class certification issues, the setting of cut scores that will withstand challenge, common statistical analyses of adverse impact, and merit-based issues. Employment Discrimination Litigation also Presents a temporal description of a typical employment discrimination case from start to finish Outlines the major guidelines that are often invoked in employment litigation—the A.P.A. Standards, Uniform Guidelines, and SIOP Principles Reviews litigation related to the Fair Labor Standards Act References written judicial opinions that relate the activities and devices most often employed by industrial and organizational psychologists