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The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Team-Building Tools

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Year after year, consultants, trainers, and human resource professionals have come to rely on The Pfeiffer Annuals to provide them with the most current and quality tools on a wide variety of topics. In this book, editor Elaine Biech and contributors to the Annuals have honed in on the important theme of team building to create the first topic-specific book in The Pfeiffer Annuals series. The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Team-Building Tools, 2nd Edition, includes an innovative ten-block model for building a high-performance team and draws on the best-on-the-topic articles from thirty-five years of Annuals volumes.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Handbook

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Clearly written and easy to use, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Handbook is your single source along the journey to compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), addressing the payment card industry standard that includes requirements for security management, protection of customer account data, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design, and other critical protective measures. This all-inclusive resource facilitates a deeper understanding of how to put compliance into action while maintaining your business objectives.

Optimizing Processes with RFID and Auto ID

Norbert Bartneck

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the technology applied for unambiguous and contactless identification of all types of objects. Varying magnetic fields or radio waves enable contactless data transfer as well as fast, automatic data collection. In addition, the importance of optical codes gains further importance due to their specific advantages. RFID and Auto ID systems are used in a wide range of sectors – from the consumer goods industry and trade via the automobile and aerospace industries to the chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries, as well as logistics and transport facilities. New potentials to secure competitive advantages can be utilized with early planning of the application of RFID and Auto ID in procurement, manufacturing and logistics. In addition to RFID and Auto ID technology, this book presents applications from different areas of application which have already been tried and tested. They demonstrate the approach, the process and the selection of RFID and Auto ID systems for various problems. A perspective on trends and innovative security solutions shows possible future application options for this technology.

Prozesse optimieren mit RFID und Auto-ID

Norbert Bartneck

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ist die Technologie zur eindeutigen und kontaktlosen Identifizierung von Objekten jeglicher Art. Magnetische Wechselfelder oder Radiowellen ermoglichen eine beruhrungslose Datenubertragung sowie schnelle und automatische Datenerfassung. Daneben gewinnen auch optische Codes durch ihre spezifischen Vorteile weiter an Bedeutung. RFID-/Auto-ID-Systeme kommen in ganz unterschiedlichen Branchen zum Einsatz – von der Konsumguterindustrie und Handel uber die Automobilindustrie und Luftfahrt bis hin zur chemischen und pharmazeutischen Industrie, Logistik oder Transportwesen. Durch fruhzeitige Planung und den Einsatz von RFID/Auto-ID in Beschaffung, Fertigung und Logistik konnen neue Potenziale fur Wettbewerbsvorteile genutzt werden. Neben den Grundlagen zur RFID-/Auto-ID-Technologie werden in diesem Buch Applikationen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen prasentiert, die heute bereits in der Realitat erprobt sind. Sie zeigen die Herangehensweise, den Prozess und die Auswahl von RFID- und Auto-ID-Systemen fur verschiedene Problemstellungen. Ein Ausblick auf Trends und innovative Sicherheitslosungen zeigt mogliche kunftige Anwendungsmoglichkeiten dieser Technologie.

Trends und Szenarien als Werkzeuge zur Strategieentwicklung

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Wie gut ist mein Unternehmen auf die Zukunft vorbereitet? Wie kann es sich besser vorbereiten und damit wettbewerbsfahiger werden? Wie man diese Fragen beantwortet, zeigt dieses Buch – geschrieben fur Manager, Analysten, Berater, Trendscouts, Produktmanager, Entwickler, Planer im offentlichen Bereich, Wissenschaftler und Forscher. Dazu stellt es die beiden wesentlichen Werkzeuge zur Zukunftsplanung vor, die Umweltanalyse auf der Basis von Trends und das Entwickeln von Zukunftsbildern mit Szenarien. Der Einsatz von Trends bei der Strategieentwicklung ist ein neuartiges Element im Rahmen der unternehmerischen Planung, das in den nachsten Jahren stark an Bedeutung gewinnen wird. Das Buch zeigt auf, warum effiziente Umweltbeobachtung eine wesentliche Grundlage fur die Strategieentwicklung ist, warum Strategieentwicklung nur als kontinuierlicher Prozess funktioniert und welche Informationen man dazu braucht. Es beschreibt die Klassifikation von Trends und wie man aus der Vielfalt von Trends die wesentlichen Informationen herausfiltert. Au?erdem zeigt es, wie man Szenarien als ganzheitliche Methode zur Zukunftsforschung einsetzt, wie die Ergebnisse aus Trendforschung und Szenariotechnik in die unternehmerische Strategieentwicklung einflie?en, und es fuhrt einen optimierten Prozess der Strategieentwicklung vor.

The 100 Greatest Sales Ideas of All Time

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At last, the secrets of the real sales wizards are revealed in this inspirational book. Here are 100 failsafe tips, techniques and ideas for driving your sales up and up and smashing your targets. The ideas are drawn from sales masters from a variety of backgrounds and sectors, providing a heady mix of the best up-to-date and original sales tactics. Series was previously exclusive to WH Smiths – very successful selling x copies – now available throughout trade and direct channels. Practical and fun to use – simple and unique format. Great advice mixed with a dash of irreverance.

Accounting and Finance for Your Small Business

Edwin Burton

Once again, Bragg has turned his discerning eye and formidable talents on a topic and the results are outstanding. Both those new to the business and the long-established entrepreneur will benefit greatly when he joins forces with E. James Burton to produce this outstanding work. —Mary S. Schaeffer, Editorial Director Accounts Payable Now & Tomorrow «I use the tips and practices found in [this book] all through the year. They are clear, direct, and efficient-which, in turn, improves our company and our bottom line. I recommend [this book] to anyone wanting to improve their own bottom line.» —D. R. Drum, CIO, CSO Engineering/Accounting, Dragon Moon Productions «Eminently accessible, this book is a must-read for the entrepreneur, both new and established alike. Organizationally, the work flows smoothly and logically in a way that is valuable for the start-up as well as the veteran needing a refresher on specific aspects of the small business accounting/financing picture. I found particularly useful the rich resourcefulness that Messrs Burton and Bragg brought to the table in compiling the essential checklists for every conceivable corner of the entrepreneur's financial realm from fraud prevention to financing options. As a small business owner myself, I was well pleased with the real-world guidance and instant 'useability' this book offers.» —David Struthers, JDFacilitator/Trial Lawyer «This book is essential for any small business owner, manager, or accountant's business tool kit. This easy-to-read book distills complex subject matter into meaningful and understandable information and is a great refresher course for those deeply involved in the accounting and financial matters of a small business. The book contains many examples that can be used immediately in daily operations to improve the quality of information for better decision making. The book provides those involved in small business the framework to manage what they measure.» —Jim Bologa, CFODaticon, Inc.

Corporate Management, Governance, and Ethics Best Practices

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All the best practices a manager and an executive need-in a one-stop, comprehensive reference Praise for Corporate Management, Governance, and Ethics Best Practices «If you want a comprehensive compendium of best practices in corporate governance, risk management, ethical values, quality, process management, credible financial reporting, and related issues like the SOX Act all in one place spanning both breadth and depth, Vallabhaneni's book is the source of insightful thoughts as a reference manual. A must-read and a should-own for all institutions and libraries around the globe; I am pleased I read it and use it in my classes.» -Professor Bala V. Balachandran, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University «Mr. Vallabhaneni has an excellent grasp of corporate governance principles. In particular, he shows how these principles can mitigate a broad range of corporate risks.» -Steven M. Bragg, author of Accounting Best Practices and Inventory Best Practices «Professor Vallabhaneni provides an excellent analysis of the corporate governance landscape. His discussion and categorization of risks confronting an organization will be very helpful to boards of directors.» -Frederick D. Lipman, President of the Association of Audit Committee Members, Inc. and Partner, Blank Rome LLP Representing a single and collective voice for the entire business management profession, Corporate Management, Governance, and Ethics Best Practices provides a cohesive framework for organization-wide implementation of the best practices used by today's leading companies and is an authoritative source on best practices covering all functions of a business corporation, including governance and ethics.

Developing and Measuring Training the Six Sigma Way

Edward Trolley A.

This important resource translates the popular Six Sigma methodologies, tools, and techniques in a way that is customized specifically for the design, implementation, and measurement of employee development programs. A proven alternative to the Kirkpatrick Model, this new model offers a more effective method for designing and testing the effectiveness of training. Throughout the book, the author presents tools in a user-friendly and understandable format that is tailored for implementation in the development and measurement of employee learning programs. Step-by-step, Developing and Measuring Training the Six Sigma Way walks the reader through the highly effective and proven DMADDI™ process.

Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development

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Is my enterprise really prepared for future business? What can I do to become more competitive? Ulf Pillkahn's book is directed at all of those seeking answers to these questions: executives in strategic positions, business analysts, consultants, trend scouts, marketing and product managers and research engineers. The book presents the two most powerful tools for future planning: environmental analysis, based on the use of trends, as well as the development of visions of the future through the use of scenarios. While scenarios are generally regarded as a classical management tool, it is expected that the importance of trends will gain tremendously in the coming years. Pillkahn demonstrates how to build robust strategies by aligning the results of environmental and enterprise scenarios, thereby offering entirely new insights. «Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development» convincingly illustrates why efficient observation of the environment of an enterprise is an absolutely essential factor for strategy development, and why strategy development only works if it is institutionalized as a permanent enterprise process. It also addresses the issue of what information is needed to keep both processes running. The book further describes how trends can be categorized, and offers advice on how to glean the essential information from the vast variety of trends. Information is provided on how scenarios are used as a holistic instrument for creating visions and pictures of the future, and how the results of trend research and scenario techniques find their way into entrepreneurial strategy development. An optimized strategy development process is also outlined. Practical examples and real-life pictures of the future round off Pillkahn's insightful discussion of future business planning.