Discover more than one hundred of Sharon Bowman's training-room-proven exercises and activities – many derived from the high-impact strategies of NLP and Accelerated Learning – and reduce delivery time, increase retention and improve knowledge and skill transfer. These back-pocket activities are easy, quick, topic-related, and fun, and you can draw on with a minimum of preparation. The Ten-Minute Trainer features a variety of exercises, ranging from one to ten minutes in length, and provides content-specific exercises as well as activities for transitioning between topics and gauging understanding. You'll find a useful answer section that explains the brain research behind the book and a special section on learning styles that ties in with the philosophy of «learn it fast and make it last.» Order your copy of this effective resource today!
The Handbook of Experiential Learning is a comprehensive resource that draws together contemporary thought and practice on a wide range of experiential learning applications from the best-known authorities on the topic. In this book, volume editor and leading experiential learning expert, Mel Silberman presents a contemporary review of experiential learning in the workplace complete with models, applications, and innovative uses. The handbook covers a broad range of experiential learning methods including: Games and simulations Action learning Role-play and Improv Story-telling Adventure activity Reflective practice Creative play It also describes the use of experiential learning in topics such as technical skills, leadership, team building, diversity and cross-cultural training, and emotional intelligence.
Die Entwicklung betriebswirtschaftlicher Prozesse setzt reibungslose Informationsflüsse über technische und organisatorische Grenzen hinweg voraus. Dem stehen bisher oft heterogene IT-Systeme ohne standardisierte Schnittstellen entgegen, die nur mit beträchtlichem Aufwand Daten untereinander austauschen können. Künftig werden Standards das Verbinden von IT-Systemen einfach gestalten. Die Autoren geben Einblick in die Zusammenhänge einer standardisierten Technologie, die zu einer enormen Kosteneinsparung und gleichzeitig zur Flexibilität betriebswirtschaftlicher Anwendungen und Verfahren führen wird – auf dem Weg zum Realtime Enterprise. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Produktherstellern (z.B. IBM, Microsoft, SAP) entstanden, bietet das Buch einen kompetenten Einstieg in die Kernkonzepte der neuen Technologien und Standards zur Modellierung und Implementierung sowie dem Überwachen und der Adaption von Prozessabläufen.
Drawing on more than twenty-five years experience consulting and training on project management in companies such as NCR, AT&T, and 3M, J. Davidson Frame updates and expands what he introduced in the first edition of The New Project Management in 1994-a set of core competencies for managerial success in a corporate climate where downsizing, outsourcing, and employee empowerment are a way of life. This new edition focuses on the hottest areas in project management today-augmenting and expanding the existing coverage of risk management and estimating, and including three all-new chapters on critical issues that did not even exist in 1994.
The Internet Encyclopedia in a 3-volume reference work on the internet as a business tool, IT platform, and communications and commerce medium.
The Business-Oriented CIO: A Guide to Market-Driven Management introduces the Market Driven Management approach, which applies and adapts some of the best for-profit business thinking for use by CIOs and IT managers. IT departments are integral parts of businesses; if the electronic components like e-commerce sites fail, the business will come to a screeching halt. Run your IT department like a business rather than a reactive entity that only functions to fix problems, and transform your image from that of service center to a true business partner.
Internationalization is a strategic issue for companies as it is today the central axis for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Market expansion and the growing importance of emerging markets offer new development opportunities for SMEs to use innovative strategies – such as head-deck strategies – to effectively penetrate these markets. This book focuses on understanding these new strategies. Why do SMEs use head-of-bridge strategies in order to internationalize? How do they deploy such strategies abroad? Based on the example of five manufacturing SMEs, which are at different stages of internationalization, this book highlights the main motivations, stages of deployment but also difficulties encountered in this direction. This book is a tool for assessing potential locations and provide managers with a new alternative in terms of internationalization, enabling rapid identification of key stakeholders, adapting their international development plan and anticipating potential pitfalls.
Dieses Buch bietet eine Fülle von Erfahrungen für alle Personen, die strategisch oder direkt an Innovationen beteiligt sind, dargeboten in 30 Geschichten über Innovationen unterschiedlichster Art und ihre Innovatoren.
The Multinational Corporation in China: Controlling Interests addresses the question of how multinational corporations control and coordinate their worldwide affiliates, with a fascinating inside story on contemporary China. Focuses on dynamic management control processes by four large US multinational corporations of their China operations. Based on the author’s own research, including personal interviews with senior managers, and discussions with consultants, lawyers, and government officials. Reviews internal as well as publicly available company documents, and books, newspapers and periodicals dealing with relevant industries and with China. Enables readers to understand how multinational corporations are managed. Facilitates the development of a coherent theory of management control.
Transform your business through the power of storytelling. Content strategists Joe Lazauskas and Shane Snow offer an insider’s guide to transforming your business—and all the relationships that matter to it—through the art and science of telling great stories. Smart businesses today understand the need to use stories to better connect with the people they care about. But few know how to do it well. In The Storytelling Edge, the strategy minds behind Contently, the world renowned content marketing technology company, reveal their secrets that have helped award-winning brands to build relationships with millions of advocates and customers. Join as they dive into the neuroscience of storytelling, the elements of powerful stories, and methodologies to grow businesses through engaging and accountable content. With The Storytelling Edge you will discover how leaders and workers can craft the powerful stories that not only build brands and engage customers, but also build relationships and make people care—in work and in life.