Technological innovations, sociological and consumer trends, and growing internationalization are transforming the cultural and creative industries (CCIs). These changes present new challenges for CCIs that require original and inventive answers. Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries analyzes the powerful strategies put in place by CCI organizations such as Nintendo, the Lascaux Cave and Daft Punk. The case studies presented in this book cover video games, books, music, museums, fashion, film and architecture. Each chapter is organized around five key points: a theoretical framework that focuses on a specific concept, a description of the methodological mechanism mobilized, a presentation of the industry concerned, the analysis of the innovative strategy and a recap of the lessons and best practices demonstrated by the case.
Upgrade your programming language to more effectively handle high-frequency data Machine Learning and Big Data with KDB+/Q offers quants, programmers and algorithmic traders a practical entry into the powerful but non-intuitive kdb+ database and q programming language. Ideally designed to handle the speed and volume of high-frequency financial data at sell- and buy-side institutions, these tools have become the de facto standard; this book provides the foundational knowledge practitioners need to work effectively with this rapidly-evolving approach to analytical trading. The discussion follows the natural progression of working strategy development to allow hands-on learning in a familiar sphere, illustrating the contrast of efficiency and capability between the q language and other programming approaches. Rather than an all-encompassing “bible”-type reference, this book is designed with a focus on real-world practicality to help you quickly get up to speed and become productive with the language. Understand why kdb+/q is the ideal solution for high-frequency data Delve into “meat” of q programming to solve practical economic problems Perform everyday operations including basic regressions, cointegration, volatility estimation, modelling and more Learn advanced techniques from market impact and microstructure analyses to machine learning techniques including neural networks The kdb+ database and its underlying programming language q offer unprecedented speed and capability. As trading algorithms and financial models grow ever more complex against the markets they seek to predict, they encompass an ever-larger swath of data – more variables, more metrics, more responsiveness and altogether more “moving parts. ” Traditional programming languages are increasingly failing to accommodate the growing speed and volume of data, and lack the necessary flexibility that cutting-edge financial modelling demands. Machine Learning and Big Data with KDB+/Q opens up the technology and flattens the learning curve to help you quickly adopt a more effective set of tools.
Volume 1 of the Encyclopedia of Financial Models The need for serious coverage of financial modeling has never been greater, especially with the size, diversity, and efficiency of modern capital markets. With this in mind, the Encyclopedia of Financial Models has been created to help a broad spectrum of individuals ranging from finance professionals to academics and students understand financial modeling and make use of the various models currently available. Incorporating timely research and in-depth analysis, Volume 1 of the Encyclopedia of Financial Models covers both established and cutting-edge models and discusses their real-world applications. Edited by Frank Fabozzi, this volume includes contributions from global financial experts as well as academics with extensive consulting experience in this field. Organized alphabetically by category, this reliable resource consists of thirty-nine informative entries and provides readers with a balanced understanding of today's dynamic world of financial modeling. Volume 1 addresses Asset Pricing Models, Bayesian Analysis and Financial Modeling Applications, Bond Valuation Modeling, Credit Risk Modeling, and Derivatives Valuation Emphasizes both technical and implementation issues, providing researchers, educators, students, and practitioners with the necessary background to deal with issues related to financial modeling The 3-Volume Set contains coverage of the fundamentals and advances in financial modeling and provides the mathematical and statistical techniques needed to develop and test financial models Financial models have become increasingly commonplace, as well as complex. They are essential in a wide range of financial endeavors, and the Encyclopedia of Financial Models will help put them in perspective.
Volume 2 of the Encyclopedia of Financial Models The need for serious coverage of financial modeling has never been greater, especially with the size, diversity, and efficiency of modern capital markets. With this in mind, the Encyclopedia of Financial Models has been created to help a broad spectrum of individuals—ranging from finance professionals to academics and students—understand financial modeling and make use of the various models currently available. Incorporating timely research and in-depth analysis, Volume 2 of the Encyclopedia of Financial Models covers both established and cutting-edge models and discusses their real-world applications. Edited by Frank Fabozzi, this volume includes contributions from global financial experts as well as academics with extensive consulting experience in this field. Organized alphabetically by category, this reliable resource consists of forty-four informative entries and provides readers with a balanced understanding of today's dynamic world of financial modeling. Volume 2 explores Equity Models and Valuation, Factor Models for Portfolio Construction, Financial Econometrics, Financial Modeling Principles, Financial Statements Analysis, Finite Mathematics for Financial Modeling , and Model Risk and Selection Emphasizes both technical and implementation issues, providing researchers, educators, students, and practitioners with the necessary background to deal with issues related to financial modeling The 3-Volume Set contains coverage of the fundamentals and advances in financial modeling and provides the mathematical and statistical techniques needed to develop and test financial models Financial models have become increasingly commonplace, as well as complex. They are essential in a wide range of financial endeavors, and the Encyclopedia of Financial Models will help put them in perspective.
Volume 3 of the Encyclopedia of Financial Models The need for serious coverage of financial modeling has never been greater, especially with the size, diversity, and efficiency of modern capital markets. With this in mind, the Encyclopedia of Financial Models has been created to help a broad spectrum of individuals—ranging from finance professionals to academics and students—understand financial modeling and make use of the various models currently available. Incorporating timely research and in-depth analysis, Volume 3 of the Encyclopedia of Financial Models covers both established and cutting-edge models and discusses their real-world applications. Edited by Frank Fabozzi, this volume includes contributions from global financial experts as well as academics with extensive consulting experience in this field. Organized alphabetically by category, this reliable resource consists of forty-four informative entries and provides readers with a balanced understanding of today’s dynamic world of financial modeling. Volume 3 covers Mortgage-Backed Securities Analysis and Valuation, Operational Risk, Optimization Tools, Probability Theory, Risk Measures, Software for Financial Modeling, Stochastic Processes and Tools, Term Structure Modeling, Trading Cost Models , and Volatility Emphasizes both technical and implementation issues, providing researchers, educators, students, and practitioners with the necessary background to deal with issues related to financial modeling The 3-Volume Set contains coverage of the fundamentals and advances in financial modeling and provides the mathematical and statistical techniques needed to develop and test financial models Financial models have become increasingly commonplace, as well as complex. They are essential in a wide range of financial endeavors, and the Encyclopedia of Financial Models will help put them in perspective.
Criptomoneda, Bitcoin, ICO, blockchain, minería … Al escuchar esas palabras hace un par de años, la gente solía decir: Es una estafa, una burbuja financiera. No tiene sentido invertir, el precio es demasiado bajo. Alguna vez reconoció la criptomoneda, es un esquema piramidal obvio, es una especie de diversión para los nerds. Hasta hace poco, la criptomoneda había sido vista como una especie de diversión para un puñado de los elegidos que compraron y vendieron algo y creyeron que una nueva moneda seria un exito algun día! No es grave, colapsará en un par de años. Criptomoneda, Bitcoin, ICO, blockchain, minería … Al escuchar esas palabras hace un par de años, la gente solía decir: Es una estafa, una burbuja financiera. No tiene sentido invertir, el precio es demasiado bajo. Alguna vez reconocio la criptomoneda, es un esquema piramidal obvio. Es una especie de diversión para los nerds. No es grave, colapsará en un par de años. Hasta hace poco, la criptomoneda había sido vista como una especie de diversión para un puñado de los elegidos que compraron y vendieron algo y creían que una nueva moneda sería un éxito algún día. Seguramente también estuviste entre esas personas que no tomaron en serio a Bitcoin y la criptomoneda, pero los eventos actuales amordazan incluso a los escépticos más grandes. El precio actual de Bitcoin es 6.644 $ *El precio de la criptomoneda más popular rompe repetidamente todos los registros impensables. La capitalización es de aproximadamente $ 120 mil millones. Reconocimiento mundialLas economías más grandes del mundo, India y Japón, reconocieron a Bitcoin como la moneda oficial. Las autoridades estadounidenses reconocieron la criptomoneda como un activo. Y esto es sólo el principio. Minería a escala industrial. El mercado de las criptomonedas está cambiando muy rápidamente, y es casi imposible controlar la situación y tomar las decisiones correctas por su cuenta. La mayoría de las personas no tienen la experiencia, el tiempo y el dinero adecuados para eso. Mi libro brinda información básica pero bastante extensa para aquellas personas que no persiguen un arcoíris pero desean construir un negocio rentable a largo plazo en una de las áreas de criptomonedas: desde la minería hasta la inversión. Por lo tanto, este libro no se trata de: Formas ilegales de ganar dinero, elogiando la criptomoneda, instando a invertir en ella hasta el último centavo, técnicas de fraude y hacer un dinero rápido, teoría aburrida y sin sentido, formas de ganar millones sin inversiones y riesgos . Este libro lo ayudará aprender lo siguiente: Qué forma de ganar dinero en el mercado de criptomonedas se adapta mejor a usted. ¿Dónde debería comenzar si solo tiene $ 500? Qué información sobre la criptomoneda retienen los expertos (¡Quítese las gafas de color rosa!). Cómo elaborar una estrategia personal, establecer su propio negocio de criptomonedas y ganar sus primeros $ 3,000-10,000 a partir de 2018. También puedo garantizarle que: Desconcierte la tendencia actual de la moneda actual, incluso si no tiene idea de economía, finanzas y tecnología. Comprenda si realmente desea invertir en criptomonedas (tal vez, este tipo de negocio no le conviene en absoluto y le ahorrará tiempo) Obtenga información sobre cómo verificar los riesgos y no invertir en la primera moneda disponible. Habiendo considerado mi experiencia, protégete de posibles fallas y derrama dinero por el desagüe que inevitablemente sucederá si te quedas ciego. Por lo tanto, mi objetivo es bastante simple: ayudarlo a establecer y desarrollar negocios en una de las áreas de criptomonedas. ¡Descubra 7 estrategias de inversión en criptomonedas + 2 estrategias perfectas hoy!
Bitcoin non è solo una nuova parola nell'era di Internet o un progresso tecnologico e finanziario, è l'inizio di una nuova era sulla Terra! Solo 10 anni fa non potevamo nemmeno immaginare di sognare il denaro digitale: non puoi toccarli fisicamente ma puoi possederli e spenderli. Oggi questa è una realtà! La rivoluzione dei Bitcoin ha coperto il mondo intero come un'enorme ondata, sempre più persone interessate a questo ”oro digitale”. Bitcoin non è solo una nuova parola nell'era di Internet o un progresso tecnologico e finanziario, è l'inizio di una nuova era sulla Terra! Solo 10 anni fa non potevamo nemmeno immaginare di sognare il denaro digitale: non puoi toccarli fisicamente ma puoi possederli e spenderli. Oggi questa è una realtà! La rivoluzione dei Bitcoin ha coperto il mondo intero come un'enorme ondata, sempre più persone interessate a questo ”oro digitale”.Negli ultimi anni, i Bitcoin sono nati come valuta rivoluzionaria da pochi nerd tecnologici selezionati ed hanno rapidamente cambiato il modo in cui pensiamo al concetto di moneta. Non c'è dubbio che ora vedi i pagamenti con i Bitcoin accettati in tutti i luoghi, ma, se puoi crederci, un tempo era una procedura abbastanza complicata ed era difficile trovare luoghi che ti permettessero di pagare in Bitcoin. Ad ogni modo, per gestire quel mondo devi sapere tutto. Non possiamo garantire che saprai TUTTO da questo libro, ma possiamo garantire che capirai cosa sono i Bitcoin. Che cos'è? Da dove proviene? Come lo usi? È davvero solo denaro falso su Internet creato dagli spacciatori? Questo è esattamente ciò a cui risponderemo in questo libro. Ti forniremo tutte le informazioni che devi sapere per iniziare con i Bitcoin: comprendere le transazioni Blockchain e i Bitcoin, dove conservare i tuoi Bitcoin (come scegliere un portafoglio sicuro), acquistare i Bitcoin, investire nei Bitcoin, come iniziare ad accettare e utilizzare i Bitcoin nella tua azienda, come essere sicuri con i Bitcoin, ecc. Inoltre, l'autore condividerà con te fatti interessanti su i Bitcoin e ti fornirà consigli professionali per inserirti nella famiglia dei Bitcoin! Pronto ancora ad affrontare il mondo dei Bitcoin? Lo spero. Vorrei essere il primo ad accoglierti ufficialmente nel mondo dei Bitcoin!
When a pseudonymous programmer introduced “a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party” to a small online mailing list in 2008, very few paid attention. Ten years later, and against all odds, this upstart autonomous decentralized software offers an unstoppable and globally-accessible hard money alternative to modern central banks. The Bitcoin Standard analyzes the historical context to the rise of Bitcoin, the economic properties that have allowed it to grow quickly, and its likely economic, political, and social implications. While Bitcoin is a new invention of the digital age, the problem it purports to solve is as old as human society itself: transferring value across time and space. Ammous takes the reader on an engaging journey through the history of technologies performing the functions of money, from primitive systems of trading limestones and seashells, to metals, coins, the gold standard, and modern government debt. Exploring what gave these technologies their monetary role, and how most lost it, provides the reader with a good idea of what makes for sound money, and sets the stage for an economic discussion of its consequences for individual and societal future-orientation, capital accumulation, trade, peace, culture, and art. Compellingly, Ammous shows that it is no coincidence that the loftiest achievements of humanity have come in societies enjoying the benefits of sound monetary regimes, nor is it coincidental that monetary collapse has usually accompanied civilizational collapse. With this background in place, the book moves on to explain the operation of Bitcoin in a functional and intuitive way. Bitcoin is a decentralized, distributed piece of software that converts electricity and processing power into indisputably accurate records, thus allowing its users to utilize the Internet to perform the traditional functions of money without having to rely on, or trust, any authorities or infrastructure in the physical world. Bitcoin is thus best understood as the first successfully implemented form of digital cash and digital hard money. With an automated and perfectly predictable monetary policy, and the ability to perform final settlement of large sums across the world in a matter of minutes, Bitcoin’s real competitive edge might just be as a store of value and network for final settlement of large payments—a digital form of gold with a built-in settlement infrastructure. Ammous’ firm grasp of the technological possibilities as well as the historical realities of monetary evolution provides for a fascinating exploration of the ramifications of voluntary free market money. As it challenges the most sacred of government monopolies, Bitcoin shifts the pendulum of sovereignty away from governments in favor of individuals, offering us the tantalizing possibility of a world where money is fully extricated from politics and unrestrained by borders. The final chapter of the book explores some of the most common questions surrounding Bitcoin: Is Bitcoin mining a waste of energy? Is Bitcoin for criminals? Who controls Bitcoin, and can they change it if they please? How can Bitcoin be killed? And what to make of all the thousands of Bitcoin knock-offs, and the many supposed applications of Bitcoin’s ‘blockchain technology’? The Bitcoin Standard is the essential resource for a clear understanding of the rise of the Internet’s decentralized, apolitical, free-market alternative to national central banks.
Coaching is vital to developing talent in organizations, and it is an essential capability of effective leaders. The CCL Handbook of Coaching is based on a philosophy of leadership development that the Center for Creative Leadership has honed over thirty years with rigorous research and with long, rich experience in the practice of leadership coaching. The book uses a coaching framework to give a compass to leaders who are called to coach as a means of building sustainability and boosting performance in their organizations. The book explores the special considerations that leader coaches need to account for when coaching across differences and in special circumstances, describes advanced coaching techniques, and examines the systemic issues that arise when coaching moves from a one-to-one relationship to a developmental culture that embraces entire organizations.
The quality of an organization's top leaders is a critical influence on its overall effectiveness and continuing adaptability. Yet, little current research examines leadership within the context of organizational structure, such as how leaders influence organizational performance in those key moments when an executive's action is critical to driving the organization forward. This book represents a significant contribution to the literature of leadership, combining a contextual approach to organizational leadership with an in-depth treatment of the cognitive, social, and affective dynamics underlying that leadership. The Nature of Organizational Leadership, using an interdisciplinary approach that draws from the work of scholars in both management and psychology, provides a much-need organizational perspective on the problems to confronted by top executive leaders and the requisite behaviors, attributes, and outcomes necessary to lead organizations effectively.