Управление, подбор персонала

Различные книги в жанре Управление, подбор персонала

Do You Care to Lead?

Michael G. Rogers

Create loyal, engaged and results focused teams and organizations using a practical five-part servant leadership formula. Think of a world where people go to work completely engaged, are inspired to do more than they ever thought possible, remain 100% loyal to the teams and organizations they belong to, are achieving mind-blowing results, and gladly and even passionately follow their leader’s direction. Is that a world you want to be a part of? The reality is you really can! However, it’s not the world most people and leaders currently live in. When employees were asked in a Gallup poll whether their supervisor or anyone else at work cared about them, only 4 out of 10 strongly agreed with that statement. That is a startling number. We have a lot of work to do. Old leadership practices don’t work anymore. In his work with hundreds of leaders and teams, Michael Rogers has created a practical approach to leadership that works. It is the Care to Lead Leader™. Care to Lead Leaders are different than most leaders. Most leaders talk of caring with their lips but are far from actually leading with their hearts. Care to Lead Leaders lead from their heart. They understand that leading from the heart wins the hearts of those they lead, which makes leading more purposeful and a lot easier. Through Michael’s five-part SONIC leadership formula, you will become a Care to Lead Leader. You will discover: One simple Care to Lead Leader practice that can literally revolutionize the culture of your teams and/or organizations. How to build real trust on your teams and/or organizations and explode creativity and the volume of ideas. How to have more courage and second guess yourself less. Practical tips on skyrocketing individual performance. The secret to creating the most loyal followers on the planet! How to take your teams and/or organizations to unprecedent levels of achievement and results. In this book, Michael illustrates his ideas and concepts through introspective questions and inspiring stories that keep you engaged and have you regularly looking at your own leadership and asking; Am I the kind of leader people really want to follow? After reading this book, you’ll have the tools to apply practical servant leadership approaches that create buy-in into bigger visions, improve loyalty and engagement and move your teams and organizations to unprecedented levels of action.

Integrating Sustainability Into Major Projects

Wayne McPhee

A practitioner-focused guide featuring tools, models, and experience from the front lines of sustainability management on major projects With the growing need for sustainability management on large resource, infrastructure and power projects, this book provides project teams and sustainability practitioners with the practical advice, tools, and resources they need to create better projects. It offers extensive guidance for integrating sustainability into project design, planning and delivery. In each chapter, the authors provide invaluable sustainability management strategies and sample tools for project execution plans, engineering decision-making, stakeholder engagement tracking, logging commitments and follow-up actions, permit tracking, and construction management.  Integrating Sustainability into Major Projects: Best Practices and Tools for Project Teams begins by introducing readers to the topic, as well as the common terminology. It then offers readers an overview of major projects, covering types of projects and project structures, the key players, and how to understand and manage different perspectives of time and space. Next, it looks at standards and guidelines, followed by chapters on: Project Management; Managing Risk and Opportunity; Sustainability Management Tools; Approvals and Permits; Design; Procurement; Construction Management; Commissioning; and more. This book:  Provides analysis tools and resources that practitioners and project teams can use to successfully integrate and manage sustainability into major project design and delivery including industrial, resource, power, and infrastructure projects; Guides readers on how to work with local communities, engage with stakeholders and develop sustainability programs that support project financing; Includes case studies, lessons learned and expertise from a wide range of actual major projects and the authors' professional experiences with integrating sustainability; Leads practitioners through the major project types and their typical components, structure, and timelines, and demonstrates how sustainability can be effectively integrated into each type of major project. Integrating Sustainability into Major Projects provides the tools project teams need to successfully integrate sustainability into project design and management, making it an ideal tool for project teams and sustainability practitioners working on major resource, power, or infrastructure projects. It will also benefit project owners, organizational leaders, project finance professionals, government regulators and graduate students in engineering, project management, sustainability management, or environmental design and architecture.

Gender Theory in Troubled Times

Rachel Alsop

Theorizing gender is more urgent and highly political than ever before. These are times, in many countries, of increased visibility of women in public life and high-profile campaigns against sexual violence and harassment. Challenges to fixed, traditional gender norms have paved the way for the recognition of gay marriage and gender recognition acts allowing people to change the gender assigned to them at birth. Yet these are also times of religious and political backlash by the alt right, the demonization of the very term ‘gender’ and a renewed embrace of the ‘naturalness’ of gendered difference as ordained by God or Science. <br /> <br />A follow-up to the authors’ 2002 text, <i>Theorizing Gender</i>, this timely and necessary intervention revisits gender theory for contemporary times. Refusing a singular ‘truth about gender’, the authors explore the multiple strands which go into making our gendered identities, in the context of materialist and intersectional perspectives interwoven with phenomenological and performative ones. The resulting critical overview will be a welcome and invaluable guide for students and scholars of gender across the social sciences and humanities.

Fearless Innovation

Alex Goryachev

Is Innovation just an overused buzzword? A waste of time? A mere marketing ploy?   Author Alex Goryachev has a simple, resounding response to such questions: No! The Fourth Industrial Revolution is driving change at an unprecedented pace, level, and intensity that is impacting businesses across industries, not to mention our everyday lives. We are rapidly blurring the physical and the digital, transforming the way we live and, in some sense, what it even means to be human. Whether we run a startup or multinational, a nonprofit or academic institution, a city or a whole country, we need to embrace this change to not just survive but thrive under these new realities. In Fearless Innovation , Cisco’s Managing Director of Innovation Strategy and Programs explores how, no matter their function, leaders and managers can cut through the noise to understand change and deliver real results. Goryachev’s actionable, consistent, and timeless innovation principles offer a blueprint to driving growth, enacting change, increasing the bottom line, and creating clear measurable value. Featuring diverse case studies of some of today’s most innovative organizations, historical observations, first-hand experience, and a look at where innovation is thriving, and why, this down-to-earth guide provides advice and clear steps on how to: Get teams to embrace innovation beyond empty slogans Focus on execution of innovation through leadership and strategy Measure the real effects of innovation to showcase ROI and attract investment Break down org silos by empowering effective, diverse, and inclusive teams Drive co-innovation through win-win ecosystem-wide partnerships Organize innovation teams and orchestrate outcomes by leveraging organizational DNA Communicate the value of innovation to differentiate ourselves from competition Written for any organization that wants to stay relevant in the 21st Century, and even beyond, Fearless Innovation offers a step-by-step guide for getting past the confusion, overcoming fear, and getting down to business to create an environment of true innovation.

Культура безопасного труда на предприятии. «Сшито под себя!»

Вячеслав Ильинский

Книга рассказывает об удачно внедренных простых, понятных методах и приемах в работе, до которых пришлось долго и сложно доходить, но все они были реализованы в определенном периоде и порядке. История в этой книге расскажет реальный пример организации безопасного труда на небольшом промышленном предприятии.

Цифровая трансформация. Как выжить и преуспеть в новую эпоху

Томас Сибел

Мир стремительно меняется. Эпоха технологических открытий представляет угрозу для отраслей, компаний и человечества, но вместе с тем становится и огромной возможностью. Томас Сибел, крупнейший специалист в области информационных технологий, на практических примерах погружает нас в атмосферу цифровой трансформации: слияния облачных вычислений, IoT, big data и искусственного интеллекта. Книга будет интересна всем руководителям, чьим компаниям предстоит пройти процесс трансформации, а также тем, кто хочет глубже понимать происходящее в области технологий и его значение как для бизнеса, так и для планеты в целом. На русском языке публикуется впервые.

Сложные подчиненные. Практика российских руководителей

Максим Батырев

В любой команде есть сложные сотрудники, которые портят отношения в коллективе, влияют на общую продуктивность и мешают построить команду мечты. Кажется, что проще всего их уволить, но часто к ним можно найти подход, так что они становятся лояльными и эффективными. Автор «45 татуировок менеджера» Максим Батырев задался целью собрать и проанализировать опыт менеджеров со всей страны. Несколько тысяч присланных ему кейсов были разделены на категории. Пятнадцать таких категорий вошли в эту книгу. Если вы менеджер любого уровня или HR – она для вас.

Нравственное лидерство

Александр Дианин-Хавард

“Нравственное Лидерство” – книга, родившаяся из одноименного курса, преподаваемого автором: из лекций и семинаров с участием топ-менеджеров крупных компаний, студентов вузов и бизнес-школ, представителей самых разных стран, языков и культур. Автор показывает, что подлинное лидерство может быть только нравственным. Книга сочетает философскую глубину с ясностью и четкостью изложения, системность – с яркими и практическими образами. Она была переведена на 20 языков. Третье издание, исправленное и дополненное.

You CAN Stop Stupid

Ira Winkler

You CAN Stop Stupid

Ira Winkler

Stopping Losses from Accidental and Malicious Actions Around the world, users cost organizations billions of dollars due to simple errors and malicious actions. They believe that there is some deficiency in the users. In response, organizations believe that they have to improve their awareness efforts and making more secure users. This is like saying that coalmines should get healthier canaries. The reality is that it takes a multilayered approach that acknowledges that users will inevitably make mistakes or have malicious intent, and the failure is in not planning for that. It takes a holistic approach to assessing risk combined with technical defenses and countermeasures layered with a security culture and continuous improvement. Only with this kind of defense in depth can organizations hope to prevent the worst of the cybersecurity breaches and other user-initiated losses. Using lessons from tested and proven disciplines like military kill-chain analysis, counterterrorism analysis, industrial safety programs, and more, Ira Winkler and Dr. Tracy Celaya's  You CAN Stop Stupid provides a methodology to analyze potential losses and determine appropriate countermeasures to implement.  Minimize business losses associated with user failings Proactively plan to prevent and mitigate data breaches Optimize your security spending Cost justify your security and loss reduction efforts Improve your organization’s culture Business technology and security professionals will benefit from the information provided by these two well-known and influential cybersecurity speakers and experts.