Спорт, фитнес

Различные книги в жанре Спорт, фитнес

Series of shots with reflexive jumping power training (TU 3)

Jörg Madinger

This unit focuses on training the jumping power with handball-specific shooting exercises. After warm-up, a coordination run exercise, and a sprint contest, ball familiarization includes jumping and additional exercises with the ball. After the goalkeeper warm-up shooting, reaction time and jumping power are trained in two individual shooting exercises. A closing game completes this training unit.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Coordination run (10/20) – Sprint contest (10/30) – Ball familiarization (15/45) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/55) – Offense/Individual (10/65) – Offense/Individual (15/80) – Closing game (10/90) Total training time: 90 minutes
Difficulty level: Top level (competitive area)

Developing and improving the shooting movement (TU 5)

Jörg Madinger

This training unit focuses on acquiring and improving correct shooting movements. This means shooting while standing and shooting while running, without a jump however, in order to highlight arm and body movements. Following a warm-up exercise which already involves shots, the players practice the shoulder and arm rotation for shooting and subsequently combine these moves in a passing competition. In a short game, the players implement the shooting movements in a game situation. This is followed by the goalkeeper warm-up shooting and a closing series of shots which focuses on shooting at the goal.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 15 minutes/total time: 15 minutes) – Ball familiarization (10/25) – Ball familiarization (10/35) – Shooting competitions (15/50) – Short game (15/65) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/75) – Offense/Series of shots (15/90) Training unit total time: 90 min.
Difficulty: Low level (all youth and adult teams)

Developing a well-structured second wave by implementing long crossing moves and options for further playing (TU 13)

Jörg Madinger

The objective of this training unit is to develop a long crossing during the second wave. Following a warm-up running exercise, a short game, and a ball familiarization exercise, the players initially develop the long crossing during the goalkeeper warm-up shooting phase. In the subsequent series of shots which will be combined with a 1-on-0 fast break, the players practice the long crossing with compensation of the center back player. Defense players and the pivot are added for the two subsequent small group exercises, before the players implement the course 4-on-4 during the closing part of the training unit.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 15 minutes/total time: 15 minutes) – Short game (10/25) – Ball familiarization (10/35) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/45) – Offense/Series of shots (10/55) – Offense/Small groups (15/70) – Offense/Small groups (10/80) – Closing game (10/90) Training unit total time: 90 minutes
Difficulty: High level (youth teams under 17 years of age and adult teams)

Improving speed play for fast break situations (TU 4)

Jörg Madinger

The objective of this training unit is to improve free play in fast break situations. Following warm-up and a short game, the players play long passes during the ball familiarization phase which will be further developed in the goalkeeper warm-up shooting exercise. This is followed by a series of shots requiring precise passes. Afterwards, the players practice free play in outnumbered, open situations during fast breaks. A closing game with gradually increasing complexity completes this training unit.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Short game (10/20) – Ball familiarization (10/30) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/40) – Offense/Series of shots (10/50) – Offense/Small groups (15/65) – Offense/Small groups (10/75) – Closing game (15/90) Total training time: 90 minutes
Difficulty: Medium level (youth teams under 15 years of age and adult teams)

Improving passing precision when initiating the first wave (TU 7)

Jörg Madinger

The objective of this training unit is to improve running paths, passing and the decision-making process during the first wave. After a warm-up running exercise, the subsequent short game already includes quick adjustment exercises and long passes. During the ball familiarization phase and the goalkeeper warm-up shooting, the players practice playing long passes before they combine several actions with first wave initiation in a series of shots. The closing small group exercises finally focus on making passing decisions.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Short game (15/25) – Ball familiarization (10/35) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/45) – Offense/Series of shots (15/60) – Offense/Small groups (15/75) – Offense/Small groups (15/90) Training unit total time: 90 minutes
Difficulty: Medium level (youth teams under 15 years of age and adult teams)

Step-by-step development of initial actions after a fast throw-off (TU 19)

Jörg Madinger

The objective of this training unit is to develop a simple initial action after a fast throw-off. Following warm-up and a coordination run exercise, the players practice the basics during the ball familiarization phase and the goalkeeper warm-up shooting. During the three subsequent exercises, the players further develop the running and passing paths and eventually combine them in order to create an initial action. In the closing game, the players implement what they practiced before.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Coordination run (10/20) – Ball familiarization (10/30) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/40) – Offense/Small groups (10/50) – Offense/Team (15/65) – Offense/Team (15/80) – Closing game (10/90) Training unit total time: 90 minutes
Difficulty: High level (youth teams under 17 years of age and adult teams)

Improving passing precision during running movements (TU 2)

Jörg Madinger

The objective of this training unit is to improve the passing precision during running movements, in particular. Following warm-up consisting of combined running moves and passing variants and a short game, the players practice passing while running at full speed during the ball familiarization phase. The goalkeeper warm-up shooting and the subsequent series of shots also focus on playing passes while running at full speed. A second series of shots combines double passes on a defined running path with quick passes in direction of the goal. Finally, the players practice playing precise passes under pressure in a small group game and a closing game.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Short game (15/25) – Ball familiarization (10/35) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/45) – Offense/Series of shots (10/55) – Offense/Series of shots (15/70) – Offense/Small groups (10/80) – Closing game (10/90) Training unit total time: 90 min.
Difficulty: Simple requirement (all youth and adult teams)

Gaining positional advantage using passing feints (TU 10)

Jörg Madinger

The key topics of this training unit are passing feints and how to combine them with a breakthrough or a return pass to a teammate. Following a warm-up running exercise, the players already learn how to pass the ball cleverly in a short game; this will be further developed in the ball familiarization phase. In the goalkeeper warm-up shooting exercise, the players practice passing feints in combination with a 1-on-1 breakthrough; in the subsequent series of shots, they combine the passing feint with a return pass to their teammate. Both variants will be implemented twice in the subsequent 1-on-1, 3-on-2, and 4-on-4 games.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Short game (10/20) – Ball familiarization (15/35) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/45) – Offense/Series of shots (10/55) – Offense/Individual (10/65) – Offense/Small groups (15/80) – Closing game (10/90) Training unit total time: 90 min.
Training unit requirements: Low level (all youth and adult teams)

Small group game: Piston movement/countermovement of the back position players and interaction with the pivot (TU 6)

Jörg Madinger

This training unit focuses on the interaction of the back position players with each other regarding piston movement/countermovement and passing to the pivot. Following warm-up, the back position players take the first methodical step regarding the interaction with the pivot during the ball familiarization phase. During the goalkeeper warm-up shooting and a subsequent offense exercise, the players practice the piston movement/countermovement which should result in a shot. In the following two small group exercises, the players stepwise further develop their piston movement/countermovement and the interaction with the pivot. The final exercise combines the different elements that the players practiced before with an initial action and creative continuous playing.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Warm-up/Stretching (10/20) – Ball familiarization (10/30) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/40) – Offense/Individual (10/50) – Offense/Small groups (15/65) – Offense/Small groups (15/80) – Offense/Team (10/90) Training unit total time: 90 minutes
Difficulty: High level (youth teams from 15 years of age and older)

Современная система спортивной подготовки

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В монографии, изданной впервые четверть века назад, подведены итоги развития отечественной системы спорта на рубеже ХХI века. Описаны основные компоненты системы спортивной подготовки, раскрыты научные основания тренировочно-соревновательного процесса. Большинство представленных материалов не потеряло своей актуальности до настоящего времени. В создании монографии принимали участие ведущие ученые, практики, преподаватели спортивных вузов и НИИ, внесшие выдающийся вклад в разработку современной системы спортивной подготовки. Для тренеров, научных работников, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов вузов и колледжей физической культуры и спорта. 2-е издание, с исправлениями и изменениями.