Спорт, фитнес

Различные книги в жанре Спорт, фитнес

Special Handball Practice 2 - Step-by-step training of successful offense strategies against the 6-0 defense system

Jörg Madinger

These training units elaborate initial actions against the 6-0 defense system as well as variable options for continued playing. The first three training units teach the tactical basics of playing against the 6-0 defense on an individual and a small-group basis. This includes the dynamic piston movement with breaking through decisions as well as the basics of crossing movements and team play with the pivot. The subsequent three training units introduce crossing of the center back with the wing player as an initial action and provide three more options for the team to overcome the defense through continued playing.
This book contains the following training units:
Basics of the piston movement This training unit focuses on developing the basics of the piston movement. Following warm-up and a coordination run, the players develop the basics of the piston movement step by step during the subsequent ball familiarization and a piston movement team exercise. The goalkeeper warm-up shooting is characterized by piston movements/counter piston movements and a subsequent shot at the goal. In a small group exercise, the players further develop the piston movement, while the team exercise focuses on training the piston movement 5-on-5. A sprint contest completes this training unit.
Basics of the crossing movement The objective of this training unit is to develop simple crossing moves. Following warm-up and a coordination run that includes reactions to changing situations, the players develop simple crossing moves during the ball familiarization exercise. In the subsequent goalkeeper warm-up shooting exercise, the crossing moves will be extended by a shot at the goal. Step by step, the players develop a crossing move with a subsequent shot from the back positions until finally, they are able to do two consecutive crossing moves. During the 6-on-6 final game, the players implement what they practiced before.
Interacting with the pivot This training unit focuses on the interaction of the back position players with the pivot. Following a warm-up game and a ball familiarization exercise, the players practice the interaction with the pivot during the goalkeeper warm-up shooting. In the two subsequent exercises, the players further develop and practice the interaction step by step. A sprint contest completes this training unit. Long crossing of the center back and the wing player as initial action – Part 1 This training unit focuses on the development of a simple initial action with crossing of the center back and the wing player. Following a short warm-up game, the players gradually develop the initial action during the ball familiarization phase. After the goalkeeper warm-up shooting, there are two team exercises during which the players practice the running moves of the initial action as well as several options for continued playing and variants. A closing game completes this training unit.
Long crossing of the center back and the wing player as initial action – Part 2 In this training unit, the players gradually further develop the initial action of the previous training unit and practice further possible solutions. Following a short warm-up game, the players develop the running paths during the ball familiarization phase. The goalkeeper warm-up shooting includes a simple crossing move with a subsequent shot at the goal. During two team exercises, the players practice the different playing options that are to be implemented in the subsequent closing game.
Long crossing of the center back and the wing player as initial action – Part 3 In this training unit, the players take up the initial action of the two previous training units and practice further possible solutions. Following warm-up with a coordination run, the players develop an additional crossing move during the ball familiarization exercise and the goalkeeper warm-up shooting. The players further develop this step by step in a series of shots. In a team exercise, the players combine the new crossing move with the initial action they practiced before and eventually implement both in a 6-on-6 game. A sprint contest completes this training unit.

Special Handball Practice 1 - Step-by-step training of a 3-2-1 defense system

Jörg Madinger

The 3-2-1 defense system is an excellent strategy to put the attacking players under pressure in their initial actions. This often results in quick turnovers and fast breaks. However, a good basic fitness as well as a thorough 1-on-1 defense training are prerequisite for this. To make your youth training comprehensive, include practicing the 3-2-1 defense system as a mandatory element. As in each volume of the handball-uebungen.de series, this book has its focus on practical exercises which can be integrated in each handball training unit. Get inspired, learn how to develop a 3-2-1 defense system, and don’t forget to be creative on your own! A short theoretical introduction to the general training schedule will help you to integrate training units into your own annual schedule.

Training of stem shot variants for back position players – decision-making TU (28)

Jörg Madinger

This training unit focuses on improving stem shots. Following warm-up, the players repeat different stem shot variants during the ball familiarization phase. After a shooting competition and the goalkeeper warm-up shooting, the players practice these shooting variants by playing against an inactive defense player before they practice making stem shot decisions by playing against a more active defense player. In a series of shots and another individual offense exercise, the players subsequently practice the different stem shot variants in various situations similar to the real game. Finally, they implement the shooting variants in a 3-on-3 game.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Ball familiarization (15/25) – Shooting competitions (10/35) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/45) – Offense/Individual (15/60) – Offense/Series of shots (10/70) – Offense/Individual (10/80) – Offense/Small groups (10/90) Training unit total time: 90 minutes
Training unit requirements: Intermediate requirement (youth teams under 15 years of age and adult teams)

Alabamus Indian Survival Skills

Charles David Scott

Written for the man that knows everything about survival-for the expert and for the man that knows little about survival. One to check and the other a step-by-step guide he can use.

Systematic development of handball offense concepts

Jörg Madinger

This is the second time Felix Linden (A-License and certified DHB young talents’ coach for competitive areas) gives insights into his understanding of diverse and focused handball training in the book series of handball-uebungen.de. Based on crossing of the center back and the pivot (circle) – which is part of almost every team’s repertoire in various forms – Felix Linden explains how you can create different game situations by using simple extensions and hence overcome defense systems with many variants. The individual training units deal with essential elements such as pulling apart a 6-0 defense system, authentic piston movements, pulling out a defense player, different shooting options, and decision-making. All training units focus on decision-making processes in particular. The training units comprise the standard playing structures with continuous playing options on both sides, variants with a second pivot and position switching as well as a variant for outnumbered game situations.
Within the last few years, several counteractive defense measures have been developed in order to interrupt the back position/pivot circle. Consequently, it is important to practice different situations with regard to the back position/pivot circle. The last chapter shows various defense measures and provides an idea of which variants should be played in each situation.
This book contains the following training units: – Game concept – Crossing of the center back and the pivot – Part 1 – Game concept – Crossing of the center back and the pivot – Part 2 – Game concept – Crossing of the center back and the pivot plus second pivot from the wing position – Game concept – Crossing of the center back and the pivot plus second pivot from the back position – Crossing of the center back and the pivot in outnumbered situations

Краткое содержание книги: Библия бега. Свод знаний о беге. Тим Ноукс

Smart Reading

Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги Тима Ноукса «Библия бега. Свод знаний о беге». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. О книге Книга Тима Ноукса «Библия бега. Свод знаний о беге» выделяется на фоне других изданий, как берлинский марафон на фоне сотен других забегов. Ее автор – исследователь физической культуры и действующий спортсмен. Книгу можно использовать как справочник, где найдется точный и научно выверенный ответ на любой вопрос марафонца или тренера. Ноукс с точки зрения физиологии и биохимии бега объясняет, почему одни бегуны быстрее других, как тренировки улучшают физическую форму, какие факторы позволяют прогнозировать результаты соревнований. Его советы помогут предотвратить проблемы перетренированности и физиологических сбоев на соревнованиях, включая гипонатриемию, гипогликемию и тепловой удар. В книгу включены тренировочные методики, которые использовались известными атлетами за последние 150 лет. Зачем читать • Узнать, как организм реагирует на тренировки, какие эффекты есть у разных тренировочных методов. • Подготовиться к забегам на дистанциях от 10 километров до ультрамарафона по планам Тима Ноукса. • Предотвращать и лечить травмы, правильно питаться. Об авторе Тим Ноукс – южноафриканский ученый, почетный профессор кафедры физической культуры и спортивной медицины Кейптаунского университета. Член Южноафриканского национального исследовательского фонда. Участник более 70 марафонов и ультрамарафонов, автор нескольких книг по физической культуре и диете. Бывший президент Ассоциации спортивной медицины ЮАР. В научных кругах известен как исследователь состояния гипонатриемии – падения концентрации ионов натрия в крови, связанного с физическими нагрузками.

Discovering Griffith Park

Casey Schreiner

People all over the world have seen Los Angeles’s famed «Hollywood» sign and the iconic domed Griffith Observatory. Both are part of Griffith Park, a place visited by more than 10 million people each year–more than Yosemite and Grand Canyon National Parks combined.<br><br> Rugged and vast, the 4,511-acre Griffith Park encompasses a sprawling 70-mile long network of trails, ranging from paved paths through manicured landscapes to challenging ridgeline climbs, and is a destination for hikers, trail runners, cyclists, equestrians, picnickers, and museum-goers. It’s a unique outdoor space in a city that is not well known for its outdoor amenities. <i>Discovering Griffith Park</i> uses the park’s extensive trail network as an anchor to explore the park in full, whether on foot, wheel, or hoof. Readers will also find out where the best views of the Hollywood sign are, where they can catch free Shakespeare on summer evenings, and how to attend one of the legendary Los Angeles Breakfast Club meetings for good food, good friends, and a bit of early morning learning

Handball-specific endurance training in game-like situations (TU 15)

Jörg Madinger

This training unit contains a playful, handball-specific endurance unit. Each exercise is characterized by a high running intensity and is directly related to the handball game. After warm-up and ball familiarization as well as goalkeeper warm-up shooting, an endurance course is done. In this, two players have to accomplish a task as opponents. Which team is the first to score eight times? A sprint contest completes this intense training unit.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Ball familiarization (10/20) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/30) – Endurance course (50/80) – Sprint contest (10/90) Training unit total time: 90 minutes
Difficulty level: High level (youth teams under 17 years of age and adult teams)

Маск, я вас знаю

Вадим Смыслов

Журнал GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly) – это уникальный формат мужского журнала, сочетающий в себе непревзойденные стандарты качества глянцевого издания и интеллектуальный потенциал репортажной и аналитической журналистики самого высокого уровня.

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Андрей Подшибякин

Как вновь ощутить вкус к жизни? Отказаться от удовольствий считает Андрей Подшибякин.