Спорт, фитнес

Различные книги в жанре Спорт, фитнес

Diabetes Weight Loss: Week by Week

Jill Weisenberger

Diabetes Weight Loss—Week by Week guides the overweight person with diabetes through the steps to lasting weight loss, better health, and perhaps even improved blood glucose control. The reader will learn to set reasonable goals; make better choices in restaurants, the grocery store, and the kitchen; self-monitor food intake, activity, and progress; read food labels; distinguish appetite from hunger; navigate a restaurant menu or buffet; examine motivation; and more.More than 23 million adult Americans have some form of diabetes, and more than two-thirds of the adults with type 2 diabetes are significantly overweight or obese. Many of these individuals feel that controlling blood glucose and weight are conflicting goals and that they must choose one over the other. This books dispels that myth by educating the reader about the benefits of good nutrition and weight loss. Losing weight may improve blood glucose; blood pressure; cholesterol and triglyceride levels; increase mobility, comfort, and confidence; reduce the risk for heart disease; and improve overall quality of life.Many overweight people have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight one or more times. Frequently, dieters lose weight, only to regain it within months. With this book's week-by-week approach and emphasis on incremental changes, the reader will increasingly gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence required for permanent change. Throughout the book, readers will learn from the triumphs of others by reading their brief stories. A handful of recipes will guide the reader to making changes in the kitchen.Among many other lessons and skills, readers will:Record and review their food intakePractice setting achievable goalsIdentify the benefits and sacrifices of changing eating and physical activity routinesLearn to deal with friends and family members who sabotage lifestyle change effortsLearn to recover from dietary setbacks and indiscretionsDiscover mindful eatingIdentify filling foodsDecrease portionsIdentify and avoid trigger foods and situationsPrepare healthful foodsCreate positive, supportive situationsGradually increase physical activityAvoid hypoglycemia while losing weight

Большой теннис со смыслом. Ещё 100 цитат и афоризмов

Спартак Тобиш

Первые 100 изречений я написал несколько лет назад. В этой книге вы найдёте ещё 100 интересных размышлений.Цитаты – свидетельство личного тренерского опыта, они легко запоминаются и могут быть использованы в назидание молодому поколению спортсменов, теннисистов-любителей и всех людей, которые обожают этот вид спорта!

Как закалялось железо

Владимир Юрьевич Рябушкин

Книга о том как стать Ironman. Книга о том что можно стать железным человеком никогда до этого профессионально не занимавшись спортом.

Ножевой бой. Противоядие

Юрий Шешуков

Эта книга способна как пробудить интерес к теме, так и остудить его на веки веков. Автор предлагает ещё один взгляд на тему «ножевого боя» и историю боевых искусств в России.Взгляните с авторской колокольни на уже известный или новый для вас предмет зарождающегося боевого спорта.Трактат предлагает своё противоядие, способное убрать из него всё лишнее. А далее, имеющий глаза да увидит, имеющий разум поймёт. Автор претендует исключительно на возможность поделится своим взглядом на тему.

Картотека подвижных игр с элементами футбола

Татьяна Юрьевна Торочкова

Данная книга создана в качестве продукта моей выпускной квалификационной работы. В данную книгу вошли подвижные игры с техническими элементами футбола.

The SimplyRaw Living Foods Detox Manual

Natasha Kyssa

The modern world is a toxic place, and we’ve all become less healthy because of it, whether it is from the air that we breathe or the foods that we eat. Natasha Kyssa is a raw foods chef and lifestyle coach, and her company SimplyRaw helps people improve their health and well-being by integrating simple, natural-based guidelines into their current lifestyles. This informative and useful manual outlines Natasha's twenty-eight-day detox program, which includes only raw and “living” foods (i.e., those that have been lightly steamed). It is a gentle, effective method to cleanse the body of toxins and to provide optimal nourishment for healing. The author believes that we can heal ourselves naturally to mend the damage done to our bodies due to unhealthy environments and improper food choices. Raw diets have become all the rage lately, and Natasha believes that proper digestion, essential for one’s health and vitality, can be greatly improved by an all-raw diet. This manual, which includes 135 recipes as well as plenty of guidelines and background information, follows a proven approach to better health, natural weight loss, increased vitality, and healthy lifestyle changes.

Gun Digest Book of Beretta Pistols

Massad Ayoob

As the personal protection arena of the firearms industry continues to grow, resources devoted to choice protective handguns are at a premium. In <i>The Gun Digest Book of Beretta</i>, thorough specifications and articles on manufacturing details provide valuable information for people researching self-protection options, handgun collectors and target-shooting options, handgun collectors and target-shooting enthusiasts.<p>

With more than 500 years of gun-making history, the Beretta name is synonymous with solid craftsmanship. In the pages of this new release from the publishers of <i>Gun Digest</i>, readers get information including caliber, weight and barrel lengths for modern pistols.<ul><li>

A review of the accuracy and function of all modern pistols<li>

A review of the accuracy and function of all models of modern Beretta pistols give active details needed to make the most of this popular firearm<li>

More than 300 photographs, coupled with articles detailing the development of design and style of these handguns, create a comprehensive must-have resource</ul>

The Gun Digest Book of .22 Rimfire

James E. House

The Complete Guide to All Things Rimfire If you enjoy shooting rimfire handguns or rifles, this book will make you a better shot and give you more information than you've ever had before.Rimfire cartridges and firearms are among the most versatile and popular firearms available today. Noted author James E. House takes an in-depth look at all the popular – and many of the not so popular or obsolete – rimfire cartridges and firearms available to shooters today.House covers everything from ballistic information to reviews of classic and modern firearms, including complete coverage of the hot new .17-caliber guns and ammunition. In addition to scientific data on what you can expect from rimfire guns and ammunition, House details real-world tests performed on pistols, rifles and revolvers to tell readers what works and what doesn't.