Социальная психология

Различные книги в жанре Социальная психология

Общение с трудными людьми

Тони Шварц

Конфликты, спешка и тревога, провокации и словесные баталии – с чем только не приходится сталкиваться в рабочей среде. Специалисты Harvard Business Review предлагают простые, но эффективные способы выхода из сложных ситуаций. Вы научитесь распознавать тревожные сигналы, реально смотреть на происходящее и заступаться за себя. На русском языке публикуется впервые.

Общение с трудными людьми

Тони Шварц

Конфликты, спешка и тревога, провокации и словесные баталии – с чем только не приходится сталкиваться в рабочей среде. Специалисты Harvard Business Review предлагают простые, но эффективные способы выхода из сложных ситуаций. Вы научитесь распознавать тревожные сигналы, реально смотреть на происходящее и заступаться за себя. На русском языке публикуется впервые.

Journal of Romanian Studies


The new biannual, peer-reviewed Journal of Romanian Studies, jointly developed by The Society for Romanian Studies and ibidem Press, examines critical issues in Romanian studies, linking work in that field to wider theoretical debates and issues of current relevance, and serving as a forum for junior and senior scholars. The journal also presents articles that connect Romania and Moldova comparatively with other states and their ethnic majorities and minorities, and with other groups by investigating the challenges of migration and globalization and the impact of the European Union.

Issue No. 2 contains:

Lucian Leuștean: Romania, the Paris Peace Conference and the Protection System of “Race, Language and Religion” Minorities: A Reassessment
Gavin Bowd: Between France and Romania, Between Science and Propaganda. Emmanuel de Martonne in 1919
Doina Anca Cretu: Humanitarian Aid in the “Bulwark of Bolshevism:” The American Relief Administration and the Quest for Sovereignty in Post-World War I Romania
Gábor Egry: Made in Paris? Contested Regions and Political Regionalism during and after Peacemaking: Székelyföld and the Banat in a Comparative Perspective
Svetlana Suveica: Against the „Imposition of the Foreign Yoke“: The Bessarabians Write to Wilson (1919)
Florian Kührer-Wielach: “A fertile and flourishing garden”: Alexandru Vaida-Voevod's Political Account Ten Years after Versailles

Art and Conscientization

Claus Schrowange

How can the performing arts add value to peacebuilding programs? Is it possible to use participatory theatre to reconnect and reconcile enemies? What is the trauma-healing effect for those acting in a theatre troupe?

Claus Schrowange has explored these questions and the opportunities of using forum theatre in peace work in Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, and DR Congo. His conclusion is that forum theatre is more than mere entertainment. It is an aesthetic tool for social change.

But the value of theatre is not generated automatically, the way it is done matters. If it is done in a participatory manner with an authentic, be¬lie¬vable acting style, involving both the audience and stage actor in a vivid and touching experience, the impact is immediately felt.

This book presents the approach Schrowange developed together with a team of African theatre practitioners in a variety of circumstances and environments. It is illustrated with case studies taken from the author's direct experience of using the approach he describes in Eastern DR Congo and Rwanda.

Disloyal Opposition

Julie Kelly

The election of Donald Trump in 2016 didn’t just shock the country, it jolted the Republican Party and forced an overdue reckoning between rank-and-file Republicans and party leadership. Long-held beliefs promoted by the Republican Party establishment were smashed in real time as Republican voters, and millions of Obama voters especially in the Midwest, rejected the bi-party consensus on illegal immigration, international trade pacts, and losing foreign wars. The GOP—and the conservative movement—was upended by a brash Manhattan mogul who connected with coveted working-class voters in a way no other Republican presidential candidate had in three decades.Stung by his ascendancy as Republican voters rejected one establishment candidate after another during the presidential primaries, exiled conservative leaders banded together to form what is known as “NeverTrump.” This cabal of self-proclaimed conservatives includes two former Republican presidential nominees, former Republican lawmakers and Bush administration officials, campaign consultants, and editors and writers at top conservative publications. After failing to stop Trump in 2016, NeverTrump became part of #TheResistance, a crusade primarily organized by the Left to sabotage Trump’s presidency. The very same people who had used the Republican Party as their vehicle for power, fame, and influence are actively working to destroy the party’s leader and punish Trump-supporting Republicans in Washington. NeverTrump helped deceive the public about nonexistent Russian election collusion and supported impeaching the president. Some jumped on the Left’s mob against Brett Kavanaugh and the Covington Catholic High School students. NeverTrump opposed nearly every Trump policy without offering any alternative to what they derisively called “Trumpism.” At the same time, NeverTrump became what they claimed to despise about Donald Trump: petty, vengeful, bombastic, reactionary, and abusive. As a result, it’s imperative that those associated with NeverTrump never hold a place of influence in the GOP again.

Outright Barbarous

Jeffrey Feldman


Louise Lloyd

–    Is stress taking over your life? –    Are you worn out, flat out or continually going all out? –    Can you be more own-worse-enemy than own-best-friend? Keeping up with life’s demands can be relentless. Stress can morph you into someone you don’t want to be, living a life you don’t want to live. If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and can’t see the wood for the trees – fear not! Stresshacking is full of simple strategies to help you: •  See the light at the end of your stress tunnel •  Overcome your overwhelm •  Find breathing space in your busyness •  Turn self-sabotage into self-care •  Make friends with your fears, your challenges, and everything else that stands in your way! For nearly 20 years mindset and wellbeing coach Louise Lloyd has been helping people to hack stress, limits, and mindsets. She understands the challenges people face and provides practical and effective tools to help even the busiest of people get their life on track.   It’s time to get your life, your mind, and your mojo back!

Job and Work Analysis

Frederick P. Morgeson

Thoroughly updated and revised, this <b>Second Edition</b> is the only book currently on the market to present the most important and commonly used methods in human resource management in such detail. The authors clearly outline how organizations can create programs to improve hiring and training, make jobs safer, provide a satisfying work environment, and help employees to work smarter. Throughout, they provide practical tips on how to conduct a job analysis, often offering anecdotes from their own experiences.

Early Greek Law

Michael Gagarin