Социальная психология

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Patrick Cockburn

In Patrick Cockburn on Iraq: The West Shakes Up The Middle East, The Independent continues its series of History As It Happened books. Over the past 15 years the US and its allies should have had the greatest interest in maintaining a Middle East status quo. But, as Cockburn details in a series of insightful articles published in The Independent, the West has been the most radical instrument of change in the Middle East.

Manifesto of the Communist Party

Karl Marx

Few books have influenced the world as much as the Manifesto of the Communist Party. First published in 1848, the Manifesto discusses the class struggle and the problems of capitalism and capitalist production. The book ends with a call for communist revolutions worldwide.

Superhero of Love

Bridget Fonger

How to Heal a Broken Heart Discover the superhero within your own heart.  Every women knows that sometimes, love hurts, and learning how to let go of lost love can seem impossible. You find yourself asking, «How do I live without you?» The good news is that inside each one of us is our very own love superhero. You can find the strength inside yourself to live and love like never before, and  Superhero of Love  will teach you how. Moving on after heartbreak is much easier when you use your five superpowers.  You already have the power to get over your break up─to find happiness again. In  Superhero of Love , expert author and writer Bridget Fonger shares her own personal experience of going through a painful breakup and shows you how to rediscover your deep connection to your own heart, the ultimate source of love in your life. Bridget's method reveals The Five Superpowers: Super Sight – the courage to see clearlySuper Hearing – the ability to hear your highest truthSuper Humility – discovering your true place in the universeSuper Self-Love – the magic of being in love with youSuper Alignment – knowing the presence of the divine in all things Learn how to get over heartbreak and soar.  Whether you’ve been burned by a recent breakup, are harboring old wounds, or find yourself thinking, “Is this as good as it gets?”  Superhero of Love  will help heal your broken heart and show you that we are all superheroes who are born to fly. In this book, you will discover: Tools for strengthening your emotional resilienceHow to break free from old patterns that keep you stuckHow to gain wisdom to empower you to be your mightiest self Readers of books on how to heal a broken heart like  The Wisdom of a Broken Heart ,  How to Fix a Broken Heart , and  This Is Me Letting You Go  will find happiness again with  Superhero of Love .

When You Think You're Not Enough

Daphne Rose Kingma

Who Better to Love You Than You? It’s time to stop feeling like we’re not enough. We’re either too fat or too thin. We're not good enough, pretty enough, popular enough, powerful enough, bold enough, brave enough, interesting enough… The solution? More self-love. Know yourself.  Bestselling author and psychotherapist, Daphne Rose Kingma, offers a four-step plan to reclaim and love ourselves. Complete with stories and examples to drown out the inner critic,  When You Think You’re Not Enough  sets out to remind us that we’re more than enough. Be nice to yourself.  If we’re being honest, we don’t take ourselves much into consideration. Acceptance, appreciation, respect, compassion… we reserve these virtues for others. Daphne reminds us that we need these to feel good too. It is only after we foster these in ourselves that we can apply it to a greater purpose. Inside, she’ll encourage you to love who you are, and look at and let go of: Self-deprecating behaviors and beliefsOld patterns and pressuresImaginary ideals and standards If you’re ready to start loving yourself, and enjoyed books like,  I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't) ,  More Than Enough , or  You Are Enough , then you’ll love  When You Think You're Not Enough .

The Quiet Rise of Introverts

Brenda Knowles

More and more, people are identifying as introverts. Studies show that at least one-third of the people we encounter in our lives are introverts.
The world is loud and constantly moving. Introverts are always looking for hope. These 8 steps are hope.

Coming Apart

Daphne Rose Kingma

On Divorce, the Break Up, and a Broken Heart Originally published in 1987, and continuously in print since then,  Coming Apart  has been an important resource for hundreds of thousands of readers experiencing painful breakups. Whether going through a divorce, separation, or break up, bestselling author, Daphne Rose Kingma, offers the tools and validation needed to move forward. Bad breakups and stressful situations.  Love is great; a broken heart, not so much. Usually accompanied by insomnia, loss of appetite, and depression, the end of a relationship is a hard time for anyone. Getting over a break up requires grit and understanding. This breakup first aid kit helps you get through heartbreak without falling apart and with your self-esteem intact. Uncoupling and understanding.  While only time can heal wounds, understanding what transpired in each of our relationships is what allows us to finally let go and move on. With a refreshing perspective on relationships,  Coming Apart  helps us understand that all relationships come with lessons to be learned. So, rather than obsess over your ex, explore the critical facets of relationship breakdowns: Why we choose who we chooseWhat relationships are really aboutThe life span of loveHow to get through the endA personal workbook to process and move forward With a foreword by the author of  Conscious Uncoupling , Katherine Woodward Thomas, this new edition is sure to impress fans of,  How to Survive the Loss of a Love ,  Getting Past Your Breakup ,  The Breakup Bible ,  Uncoupling , and other divorce books for women.

The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party

John Nichols

Seventy-five years ago, Henry Wallace, then the vice president of the United States, mounted a campaign about the “Danger of American Fascism.” As fighting in the European and Japanese theatres drew to a close, Wallace warned that the country might win the war and lose the peace; that the fascist threat the United States. was battling abroad had a terrifying domestic variant, growing rapidly in power: wealthy corporatists and their allies in the media. Wallace predicted that if the New Deal project was not renewed and expanded in the postwar era, American fascists would use fear mongering, xenophobia, and racism to regain economic and political power. He championed a progressive postwar world—an alternative to the rising triumphalist “American Century” notion in which the United States rejected colonialism and imperialism. Wallace’s political vision—as well as his nomination to remain vice president—was sidelined by Democratic big city bosses and southern segregationists. In the decades to come, other progressives would mount similar campaigns: George McGovern and Jesse Jackson most prominently. As John Nichols chronicles in this book, they ultimately failed—a warning to would-be reformers today—but their efforts provide us with insights into the nature of the Democratic Party and strategic lessons for the likes of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Liberalism at Large

Alexander Zevin

The path-breaking history of modern liberalism told through the pages of one of its most zealous supporters. Since 1843, the Economist has been the single most devoted and influential champion of liberalism anywhere in the world. But what exactly is liberalism, and how has the liberal message evolved? Liberalism at Large presents a history of liberalism on the move, confronting the challenges that classical doctrine left unresolved: the rise of democracy, the expansion of empire, the ascendancy of finance. Today, neither economic crisis at home, nor permanent warfare abroad, has dimmed the Economist's belief in unfettered markets, limited government and a free hand for the West. Confidante to the powerful, emissary for the financial sector, portal onto international affairs, the bestselling news weekly shapes the world its readers–and the rest of us–inhabit. This is the first critical biography of one of the architects of a liberal world order now under increasing strain.

The Management of Savagery

Max Blumenthal

THE MANAGEMENT OF SAVAGERY tells the story of the parallel rise of international jihadism and Western ultra-nationalism. Since Washington's secret funding of the Mujahideen following the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the 1970s, America has supported extremists with money and hardware, including enemies such as Bin Laden. The Pentagon's willingness to make alliances abroad have seen the war coming home with inevitable consequences: by funding, training, and arming jihadist elements in Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya since the Cold War and waging wars of regime change and interventions that gave birth to the Islamic State. Meanwhile, Trump's dealings In the Middle East are likely only to exacerbate the situation further. Blumenthal excavates the real story behind America's dealing with the world and shows how the extremist forces that now threaten peace across the globe are the inevitable flowering of America's imperial designs of a national security state. And shows how this has ended with the rise of the Trump presidency.

Virtue and Terror

Robespierre Maximilien

Robespierre’s justification of the Terror in the French Revolution. Robespierre's defense of the French Revolution remains one of the most powerful and unnerving justifications for political violence ever written, and has extraordinary resonance in a world obsessed with terrorism and appalled by the language of its proponents. Yet today, the French Revolution is celebrated as the event which gave birth to a nation built on the principles of enlightenment. So how should a contemporary audience approach Robespierre's vindication of revolutionary terror? Zizek takes a helter-skelter route through these contradictions, marshaling all the breadth of analogy for which he is famous.