Социальная психология

Различные книги в жанре Социальная психология

Ideology After Union


The recent history of post-Soviet societies is often described in terms of the transition metaphor. Images of movement as well as changing places and situations were foundational for the social conceptualization of the new nations. The idea of looking for novelty and new beginnings legitimized the dissolution of the USSR as well as many state- and economy-related experiments. This volume describes how the new societies survived this period of regime change, economic crises, internal wars, political drawbacks, and social innovations, and how they are making sense of it.The volume’s contributors include Russian, Ukrainian, and German scholars who analyze political, social, and cultural ideologies: Natalia Koulinka, Kostiantyn Fedorenko, Pavel Skigin, Jesko Schmoller, Valentyna Kyselova, Anton Avksentiev, Chris Monday, Egor Isaev, Oleksandr Zabirko, Sergiy Kurbatov, Alla Marchenko, Jennifer J. Carroll, Daria Goriacheva, and Darya Malyutina.

Journal of Romanian Studies Volume 2, No. 1 (2020)


The biannual, peer-reviewed Journal of Romanian Studies, jointly developed by The Society for Romanian Studies and ibidem Press, examines critical issues in Romanian studies, linking work in that field to wider theoretical debates and issues of current relevance, and serving as a forum for junior and senior scholars. The journal also presents articles that connect Romania and Moldova comparatively with other states and their ethnic majorities and minorities, and with other groups by investigating the challenges of migration and globalization and the impact of the European Union.Issue No. 3 contains: Alexandra Chiriac: Ephemeral Modernisms, Transnational Lives: Reconstructing Avant-Garde Performance in Bucharest Petru Negura: Compulsory Primary Education and State Building in Rural Bessarabia (1918-1940) Vladimir Solonari: Record Weak: Romanian Judiciary in Occupied TransnistriaDelia Popescu: A Political Palimpsest: Nationalism and Faith in Petre Țuțea’s ThinkingCynthia M. Horne: What Is too Long and When Is too Late for Transitional Justice? Observations from the Case of RomaniaBrindusa Armanca and Peter Gross: Searching for a Future: Mass Media and the Uncertain Construction of Democracy in Romania

PC on Earth


What is political correctness? What is conformism? And could one say that preemptive obedience is a part of the increasingly prevalent climate of political correctness encountered today? The authors of <i>PC on Earth</i> take issue with a fashionable phenomenon emerging from North American campuses that is beginning to take hold in Europe too: the dangerous consequences of identity politics and conformism, which they define as an essential element of political correctness. This book is a collection of satire, philosophical analysis, travel reports, political analysis, and personal experiences. The authors, all Europeans, present diverse views on a controversial topic. This collection offers readers independent and free-thinking opinions they will get nowhere else.

Ты не одна. Как забыть одиночество и найти счастье внутри себя

Анна Мохова

«Одинокая женщина – это не-при-лич-но!» Фразу, прозвучавшую в известном советском фильме, по-прежнему можно услышать повсеместно. Речь здесь, конечно, о женщине без мужчины. Вы чувствуете себя одинокой в тихие вечера с хорошей книгой или за просмотром любимого сериала? Вы ощущаете одиночество в уютной кофейне с близкими подругами? Вы одиноки, когда заняты любимым делом самостоятельно или в компании коллег-единомышленников? Как на самом деле ощущает одиночество современная женщина и что стоит за этим ощущением – наши личностные особенности, потребности и цели или социальные мифы, превращающие брак в необходимую составляющую женской успешности, материнство – в обязательство быть счастливой, а самодостаточность – в невостребованность? В этой книге психолог Анна Мохова поможет разобраться с самыми распространенными мифами о женском одиночестве, расскажет о том, как они влияют на нашу жизнь и как преодолеть их пагубное действие, чтобы жить в гармонии с собой. Кому-то из нас очень сложно пережить одиночество, другие умеют находить в нем свою прелесть. Эта книга поможет вам избежать ощущения одиночества горького и гнетущего и оставить себе немного пространства для одиночества приятного и продуктивного.

Exploring Language Teacher Efficacy in Japan

Gene Thompson

This book examines language teacher efficacy beliefs, focusing on the individual and collective beliefs of Japanese high school teachers. It discusses personal and collective dimensions of language teacher efficacy related to personal second language (L2) capability, instructional L2 efficacy and collective capability towards collaboration. The book provides a detailed discussion about the ways in which these beliefs develop and situates the findings within the wider field of teacher efficacy research. It helps further understanding of factors that may influence teacher self-efficacy and suggests new directions for research to explore in future studies. It will appeal to postgraduates and researchers with an interest in language teacher cognition, the psychology of language teaching and those in the wider fields of self-efficacy, teacher efficacy and teacher agency. It is also of use to those with an interest in the high school English education system in Japan, as well as researchers investigating similar contexts.

Уровень интеллекта и эффект толпы. Книга 2

Сария Маммадова

В книге даётся исчерпывающее определение форм толпы, понятия толпы, механизма её формирования и составляющих. Люди, оказавшиеся в негодующей толпе, меняются, попадая под её влияние. Классики как нельзя более точно чувствовали и передавали примеры поведения состояния толпы в своих произведениях.

Причины Чайлдфри. Гид по психоаналитическим теориям

Ирина Литвинская

Книга «Причины Чайлдфри. Гид по психоаналитическим теориям» представляет собой исследование актуального явления в современном обществе – отказа от деторождения среди фертильных женщин и, в меньшей степени, мужчин. В книге переосмысливаются психоаналитические теории, приводятся практические примеры из работ Зигмунда Фрейда и его последователей в рамках изучения этого феномена, знаковые статьи и исследования представителей французской и англо-саксонских психоаналитических школ, а также современных психоаналитиков.

Overcoming School Refusal

Joanne Garfi

School refusal affects up to 5% of children and is a complex and stressful issue for the child, their family and school. The more time a child is away from school, the more difficult it is for the child to resume normal school life. If school refusal becomes an ongoing issue it can negatively impact the child’s social and educational development.
Psychologist Joanne Garfi spends most of her working life assisting parents, teachers, school counsellors, caseworkers, and community policing officers on how best to deal with school refusal. Now her experiences and expertise are available in this easy-to-read practical book.
Overcoming School Refusal helps readers understand this complex issue by explaining exactly what school refusal is and provides them with a range of strategies they can use to assist children in returning to school. Areas covered include: • types of school refusers • why children refuse to go to school • symptoms • short term and long term consequences • accurate assessment • treatment options • what parents can do • what schools can do • dealing with anxious high achievers • how to help children on the autism spectrum with school refusal

The Forgiveness Solution

Philip H. Friedman

Dr. Friedman believes that at the root of almost all emotional problems is unforgiveness (grievances, judgments and attack thoughts)– towards others, ourselves, our circumstances, God, anyone or everyone. The Forgiveness Solution is an easy to learn, practical and integrative process whereby we learn to shift and release our perceptions, attitudes, images, energy and distressing feelings (anger, guilt, hurt, shame, anxiety, panic, trauma etc) and simultaneously re-empower ourselves by choosing and deciding to forgive. He teaches us many powerful exercises, tools and techniques that show us exactly how to forgive rather than just talking about forgiveness. In The Forgiveness Solution Dr. Friedman introduces us to the new, highly effective healing techniques of Transformational Forgiveness and Energetic Forgiveness. When we forgive we find within ourself the capacity to feel an authentic sense of peace and contentment when thinking about the person or situation we previously perceived as hurting or harming us while giving up the desire for retribution, punishment, or harm. This almost always leads to much greater happiness and joy. The next step in the Forgiveness Solution process is learning to develop positive, compassionate and often loving feelings toward the people and circumstances (including ourselves) that we previously perceived as hurtful. Finally, we learn to interpret – and then realize – that these upsetting experiences are opportunities for profound personal and spiritual healing and growth.