With Jacob Zuma presiding over an inept kleptocracy lurching from one dysfunction to the next, clearly what was needed was a distraction from bigger issues . . . and so Africa's oldest liberation movement launched a crazed assault on artistic freedom by mobilising against a painting featuring Zuma's penis. . . With razor sharp wit, journalist and commentator Andrew Donaldson explores what can be termed the ruling party's Achilles 'piel'.
In 2019, Eva Mazza's Sex, Lies & Stellenbosch took the SA publishing world by storm. The sizzling novel, centred around the seemingly upstanding lives of Stellenbosch's elite, has remained in the Top 100 since publication. Now Sex, Lies Declassified, the much anticipated sequel, is about to land and whet the appetites of thousands of readers obsessed with what happens next in the steamy lives of the winelands aristocracy.
In eleven incisive, biting essays, Marxist philosopher Darko Suvin suggests that «capitalism (and all of us in Leviathan's belly) stands today in the presence of Yeats's rough beast advancing toward Bethlehem, that finance capitalism is not simply a stage but a recurrent 'Autumn' signal of transition from one world regime of accumulation and domination to another; it signals the destruction of the old regime and creation of a 'new' one.» And to bolster his argument, Suvin points to the economic and social chaos creeping and growing through western society, bank failures, riots, unrest, loss of private capital, loss of middle-class jobs, increase in drug and alcohol abuse, proliferation of guns and other weapons in society, failure of our school systems, inability of police to provide security, and political revolution in less-developed states. The author stresses the need to provide «universal guaranteed income sufficient to modestly live on for all adults working 35 hours a week, and a stress on [providing decent] education and health.» And to fund these simple measures: «Just pay trillions to people instead of banks and the military.» Suvin's intelligent analysis and commentary will open many eyes that have been prejudiced against socialist thought by the rise of right-wing politicians, and demonstrate quite clearly to the modern reader that there IS another perspective worth considering.
All of us like to think that our actions and reactions are a result of logical thought processes, but the fact is that suggestion influences our thinking a great deal more than logic. Consciously or unconsciously, our feelings about almost everything are largely molded by ready-made opinions and attitudes fostered by our mass methods of communication. <P> Self-hypnosis is a highly suggestible state wherein the individual can direct suggestions to himself. It is a powerful tool in any therapeutic process, and highly motivated subjects can parallel the success of hetero-hypnosis through their own efforts. Self-hypnosis can be used as a palliative agent and can even afford lasting results in many areas of the organism. Self-hypnosis can alleviate distressing symptoms, substitute strong responses for weak responses, help overcome bad habits, create good habits and help one’s power of concentration. The total personality is eventually changed to the point where it can function adequately in an increasingly difficult environment. <P> In learning self-hypnosis, the subject does not relinquish control of himself as is commonly believed. Actually, more control is gained. Self-sufficiency and self-confidence are inevitable results.
Миллионы людей в мире подвергаются физическому и эмоциональному насилию. Это семейные разборки или притеснение на работе, нападение на улице или стрельба в школе. Даже если кажется, что тема насилия вас не касается, это не так. Криминалисты утверждают: лишь 1 % преступников оказывается за решеткой. Как понять, стоит ли доверять человеку из своего окружения? Не является ли он абьюзером и домашним тираном? Джо Наварро, профайлер ФБР, написал эту книгу, чтобы помочь простым людям защититься от токсичного влияния. Он разделил опасных личностей на четыре психотипа, объяснил мотивы их поступков и дал четкие описания, как вычислить таких людей и противостоять им.