Тем, кто не знает чего хочет, а также тем, кто знает чего хочет, но не знает, как это реализовать, посвящается. Книга способствует “правильно” организованной жизни, сообразно своим представлениям о норме, в соответствии со своими способностями и потребностями, которые мы определяем самостоятельно. Результаты, к которым ведет данный подход: – Четкое понимание целей, потребностей и желаний. – Интеграция особенностей, способностей, накопленного опыта, ценностей и целей. – Четкое понимание какими ресурсами располагаете уже сейчас. – Четкое понимание какие навыки важно приобрести для дальнейшего движения. – Понимание конкретных шагов достижения целей, что дает реалистичность и неизбежность их достижения. – Понимание барьеров, закономерностей появления препятствий и приобретение навыков их преодоления. И, как следствие, кардинальная трансформация во всех сферах жизни, вдохновляющие занятия, переход на новый уровень профессиональной деятельности или развития собственного проекта.
“With the victory of the present struggle, political control must pass from a government that rules in order to further only the interests of the capitalists, to one that is representative of the people: ‘The People shall govern.’” Never intended for publication, Govan Mbeki’s prison writings, collected here, originated and were preserved in Robben Island prison. They were meant to be read by other prisoners. Their aim: to educate politically. They are remarkable documents that provided activists with a distillation of practical lessons about political organisation, learned in the most testing conditions. 'Learning from Robben Island' includes extended historical, political and economic analyses that are vital to any assessment of the intellectual history of the South African left. And they are pages in a truly international literature – a record throughout the ages of the creativity and indomitability of people imprisoned for their beliefs.
‘Ramaphosa’s election as president will define the near future of South Africa. His election was hailed as a «new dawn» in an explosion of optimism and euphoria about the prospects of this country. But can one man fix years of corruption and lawlessness by himself?’ Political journalist Qaanitah Hunter takes us right into the heart of Cyril Ramaphosa’s rise to the ANC presidency, and the political balancing act which he has had to maintain as president of the country. As a writer with a front-row seat, Hunter shares fresh insights into Jacob Zuma’s removal as president and Ramaphosa’s ascendency. Hunter reveals how this new information, gathered through personal observations, interviews with key people and anecdotes relayed to her, alters our understanding of the ANC. She takes us behind the scenes, and details Ramaphosa’s plans for South Africa, and his battles – both within the ANC and outside. Filled with high-stakes manoeuvring and political drama, this book seeks to contextualise what the current political climate could mean for both the ANC and the future of South Africa.
Warning. Smoking kills. It also corrupts law-enforcement officials and eviscerates state institutions. It devours politicians, professionals, businesspeople and ordinary workers in the chase for big bucks and the battle for a slice of an ever-shrinking cigarette market. Join one of South Africa’s former tax sleuths Johann van Loggerenberg in a wild ride through the double-dealing world of tobacco’s colourful characters and ruthless corporates. Meet the femme fatales, mavericks, mercenaries and grandmasters, and learn how the crime-busting unit led by Van Loggerenberg at SARS and its ‘Project Honey Badger’ became a victim of a war between industry players and a high-stakes political game driven by state capture. This is the tale of a few good men and women who dared to try to hold to account a billion-dollar international industry rife with private spy networks, tax evasion, collusion and corruption – ultimately at great cost to themselves and South Africa.
‘I always tried to be cheerful when I saw my mother. I never told her that Frances was sad and weepy and wouldn’t eat, and that Keith was clingy and woke me several times a night, or that Pat was withdrawn and hard to approach.’ Activists Rusty and Hilda Bernstein were arrested with many other South Africans following the 1960 State of Emergency and held for three months without trial. Toni, their eldest, at sixteen was left to look after her three younger siblings and was their only child allowed to visit them in jail. Hilda kept a diary of her time in detention, filled with letters to the children, drawings for the younger siblings, poems, plays and menus she made to keep her fellow detainees entertained. Years later, Toni pieces together her mother’s diary, snippets from her father's writing and her own recollection, trying to make sense of this tumultuous time. 'Holding the Fort' is the heart-breaking story of a family separated by unjust laws.
Dis 1984. PW Botha is desperaat. As Nelson Mandela in die tronk sterf, gaan die land ontplof. Mandela, Prisonier 913, weet dat 'n vryheidstryd se uitkoms afhang van of daar met «die vyand» gepraat word. Kobie Coetsee, minister van justisie, weet dat 913, amptelik 'n gevaarlike gevangene, 'n belangrike leier is wat dringend vrygelaat moet word. In opdrag van Botha begin die enigmatiese Coetsee in die geheim met Mandela praat, die eerste uit die NP om dit te doen. Hulle word spanmaats in 'n ingewikkelde proses op soek na 'n skikking. Boonop sonder die kennis of toestemming van die kabinet. Skrywer en akademikus Willie Esterhuyse, self betrokke by gesprekke tussen die ANC en die NP, vertel saam met Gerhard van Niekerk die onvertelde verhaal van die onbesonge helde van die oorgang. Mense soos Adèle de Waal en Winnie Mandela. Maar veral Coetsee en Mandela, sonder wie se waagmoed daar geen skikking sou wees nie.
Bomplanters, sluipmoordenaars, saboteurs. Almal Afrikaners. Kragstasies is opgeblaas en politieke moorde uitgevoer. Dié terreurveldtog van militante Afrikaners, wat die land in die 1940's naby aan die afgrond van anargie gebring het, is vandag grootliks vergete. Daar was spioenasie-intriges, opspraakwekkende hoogverraadsake en gewaagde ontsnappingspogings. Maar om politieke redes is hierdie hoofstuk in ons geskiedenis dekades lank diep begrawe. In Wit terroriste vlek Albert Blake dit wawyd oop. Hy vertel die dramatiese ware verhale van Afrikaners wat hulle tot terreur gewend het. Onder hulle tel die sanger Steve Hofmeyr se oupa en die latere eerste minister John Vorster, asook die wêreldbekende stoeier Johannes van der Walt. Wat het hulle gedryf? Waarvoor het hulle baklei? Was hulle verraaiers of was hulle ware patriotte? Wit terroriste bied 'n fassinerende blik op 'n versweë, hoogs aangrypende deel van die Afrikaner-geskiedenis.
Nearly two decades after he was anointed by Nelson Mandela as his successor, Cyril Ramaphosa has at last taken office as the president of South Africa. But the country Ramaphosa has inherited is very different from the rainbow nation that Mandela led in the 1990s. The South Africa of 2018 is divided and caught in a web of state capture, corruption, poverty and despair. The Zuma years have left the country and its institutions battered and bruised. Can Ramaphosa pull South Africa out of the quagmire and restore it to its former glory, as so many people desperately hope? Is his turn at the presidency really the beginning of a new dawn? Ralph Mathekga answers these questions, and more, in this riveting book.
The ANC has governed South Africa for more than two decades but its iron grip is slipping. For the first time since the advent of democracy in 1994 there is no guarantee that it will retain power. If ANC support drops below 50% in the 2019 elections, the political landscape will be transformed dramatically: we will be governed by a coalition, and the consequences will be felt by everyone. One of South Africa's brightest political minds, Leon Schreiber, explores the myriad possibilities – and e ffects – of coalition country. Will Mmusi Maimane and Julius Malema be in charge? Or will the ANC and the EFF join forces? What will this mean for our nation? A must-read for every South African who wants to prepare for this new reality.