Социальная психология

Различные книги в жанре Социальная психология

How to Influence and Persuade Anyone Anytime: Uncover the Secret to Connecting With People and Get What You Want Out of Life

Anthony B. Jeffrey

Influence has been and will always be an enormous part of your life whether you&#39;ve realized it or not. It doesn&#39;t matter about what type of family background you came from or where you&#39;re from. It surrounds you on a daily basis whether you&#39;re the one being influenced or whether you&#39;re the one influencing others. <br><br>That is why you should embrace this ability into your life. No matter how insignificant of a technique it may seem to you, it can become a very powerful factor to your success in life if applied in the right ways. It will be a skill that you will never regret developing. <br><br>By following and applying the skills that you will learn in this book, you will not only be shaping yourself up to become a better person, but to also become someone who can positively motivate others to pursue a successful future. By the end, you&#39;ll learn that being able to influence others is a lot easier than you had thought it to be.

Hypnotism for Beginners: Learn How to Influence and Hypnotize Someone Instantly and Effectively

Charlie Spark

Hypnotism has been viewed as a supernatural phenomenon throughout the years. It has been portrayed as a technique that can only be done by a few selected individuals. Yet, that is not the case. In the real world, supernatural phenomenon does not exist. <br><br>In truth, what we will be learning is simply the branch of how hypnotism works. Hypnotism is not any form phenomenon. Rather, it is the process of influencing others without their knowledge through the eloquence of words. It is because of this that many individuals have deemed it to be a form of hypnosis and the term has been passed on for many years. <br><br>This is a skill that you will be able to learn and use for future purposes. Not only will this book provide you with the knowledge to use these skills, but it will also give in an in depth explanation on how you are able to influence others without their knowledge.

How to Influence and Persuade Someone Effectively: Secret to Connecting to People and Make Them Say Yes to You Anytime

Karen Charles

Do have trouble trying to persuade people? Do your arguments fall flat? Others seem to have the golden gift of gab when it comes to connecting to others and now you can too. Never struggle to make conversation again because this book will teach you how to instantly form a friendly bond with the people that you are talking to. <br><br>Learn all of the methods for building rapport and to be able to get what you want by using covert hypnosis techniques. This book teaches you the element of hypnosis, NLP, and mentalism that you need to know to be able to persuade and influence effectively, each and every time. <br><br>Your success is guaranteed with this book because the methods work. The secrets that successful speakers know are now your secrets as well. Take your abilities to the next level with this book.

How to Hypnotize Someone Easily: Discover the Secrets of Hypnotism and Mind Control

Isabelle Alexander

Are you fascinated by hypnosis? Do you get satisfaction from helping people? If the answer to both of these is a yes, then our book is what you will need to learn how to do hypnotize people and perform self-hypnosis on yourself. <br><br>Hypnotherapy is a way to help people overcome their own shortcomings, doubts, and fears to be better people. With hypnosis you can help people get over fears and phobias, allowing them to lead a less anxious and fearful life. <br><br>You will have the tools necessary to help overcome bad habits, even lifelong habits like smoking. Hypnosis is easier to learn than you might think and in this simple book we have it all spelled out for you from how to explain what to expect from the session to your clients, how to induce them into the hypnotic state, how to deepen the hypnotic state, how to tailor the script for each client and then how to end the session. <br><br>By the time you are done with the book you will be ready to begin practicing your new abilities.

Blaming No One

Dan Inc. Whitman

This collection of published blog postings from a retired U.S. Foreign Service officer offers a perspective challenging facile suppositions, and notes historic moments of interest for the general reader.<br><br>This book is a series of reflections at the point of retirement from the U.S. Foreign Service. The postings, all colored by the author&#39;s experience, include short essays on the following themes: personal anecdote, people/profiles, the Foreign Policy seen by a mid-level official, human nature, government functions, and &quot;other&quot; (music, immigration, condominium rules on dog comportment…). The collection is marked by a tone of light humor and social/institutional criticism. The book should serve as an &quot;easy read,&quot; in short segments. At the same time, the full text, printed in chronological order of their publication dates, will give a perspective which questions and challenges facile suppositions, and notes historic moments of interest for the general reader.

An Introduction to Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

Damian PhD Hamill

In this introduction to the subject, experienced hypnotherapist and trainer Damian Hamill takes the reader on an exploration of the exciting fields of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.<br><br>Assuming no previous knowledge, Damian helps the reader to:<br><br>– Learn an empowering and respectful philosophy for helping people change with hypnosis<br><br>– Explore the fascinating History of Hypnosis and meet many of the pioneers going back centuries <br><br>– Find out why Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung both turned their backs on hypnosis (or thought they had!) and why they were wrong<br><br>– Discover what people actually experience when they access hypnosis and how these natural phenomena can be used for therapeutic ends<br><br>– Find out about natural hypnoidal states and how hypnosis surrounds us on a daily basis<br><br>– Investigate what factors influence individual hypnotic susceptibility and find out why what happens in a research laboratory is not necessarily the best guide to what happens in real life<br><br>– Examine a number of classic theories and &#39;explanations&#39; for hypnosis<br><br>– Discover different styles for inducing hypnosis, deepening it and communicating with your client in trance<br><br>– Learn how to handle the unexpected and how to engage with clients in a supportive and respectful way<br><br>– Be introduced to a range of therapeutic approaches for utilising hypnosis for therapeutic change.<br><br>Written in a friendly and accessible style the reader will find the subject clearly explained and de-mystified and will be left with a thirst to find out more.

Here's Proof Only We Conservatives Have Our Heads Screwed On Straight!!!

Lowell M.D. Green

As usual Lowell Green, one of Canada&#39;s best selling authors and the Country&#39;s most honoured broadcaster, rushes in where angels fear to tread! <br><br>His latest book, (his sixth best seller) &quot;Here&#39;s proof only we conservatives have our heads screwed on straight&quot; makes you shake your head with disbelief as writes about the truly magnificent screw-ups the granola-crunching, tree hugging, thug huggers have plunged us into over the years.<br><br>&quot;Thank heavens,&quot; he says , &quot;that with people like Churchill, Thatcher, Reagan, Giuliani, Merkel, Harris and hopefully Harper and maybe even Cameron, there&#39;s almost always been a clear-thinking, fearless, principled Conservative or conservative thinker to rescue us from left wing lunacy and economic chaos.&quot;<br><br>Fresh from the incredible success of his most recent book, &quot;Mayday! Mayday! Curb immigration. Stop multiculturalism, or it&#39;s the end of the Canada we know&quot;, Green&#39;s latest work unleashes a firestorm of wit, wisdom and common sense that is bound to delight, titillate, entertain and educate all those who don&#39;t believe group hugs and long walks on lonely beaches with our enemies will solve the world&#39;s problems.<br><br>If there is any doubt in anyone&#39;s mind whether they should buy &quot;Here&#39;s Proof&quot;, there&#39;s a dandy little quiz in the first few pages that provides guidance and hopefully assistance to prevent severe trauma to delicate liberal and socialist sensitilities!

The Russsian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism

Simona Psy.D. Pipko

&quot;We are at war, in WWIII for many decades now. We have been systematically targeted on different fronts and locations. Alas, my beloved America has not recognized it yet… &quot;<br><br>This nonfiction work chronicles the development of world politics in the 21st century. Discover the single driving force behind today&#39;s threat of global terrorism. Learn why the 9/11 attack was just one link in a long chain of battles against Western civilization and how Islam and oil are being used as weapons by a very determined enemy. <br><br>The author sets the stage with several first-hand narratives from her unique experience as a prominent attorney in Russia. Then, she demonstrates how a global war set in motion nearly a century ago continuous to pose the largest and most imminent threat to the world.<br><br>Decide for yourself ones you have seen Ms. Pipko&#39;s evidence, from Russia&#39;s quickly growing intelligence apparatus to infiltrations of the CIA and UN. <br>The Russian Factor brings Cold War suspicions into sharp focus.<br><br>With Simona Pipko&#39;s heartfelt voice this book is also an intriguing retelling of a life lived purposefully.

How To Fix America

BSL JD Dickens

Political Theory with regard to weaknesses of the United States Constitution as well as the decline in public representation.<br><br>How to fix America addresses theories that may motivate greater levels of representation from all branches of government, as well as methods to bring the Social Security System back to a system that is solvent along with economics practices that will bring the nation back to a level of balanced trade as well as methods of controlling the national debt.<br><br>Warning: Adult Language

Лудомания. Путь к свободе от игровой зависимости

Александр Устинович

Эта книга написана для игроков и их родственников доступным языком обычного человека. Мой скромный труд объясняет простым языком, без лишней воды, суть этого явления и практические методы, позволяющие самостоятельно избавиться от игровой зависимости. Мой опыт может быть ценен тем, что сам бывший лудоман, проблему прочувствовал на «собственной шкуре». С другой стороны – уже здоровый человек, видящий ситуацию под другим углом, с радостью осознавший положительные изменения, происходящие в психике после отказа от азартных игр. Кроме того, пройдя этот путь, я обладаю знаниями, которыми регулярно делюсь с выздоравливающими и их родственниками в процессе борьбы с лудоманией на просторах интернета. В процессе чтения читатель узнает куда больше о своих реальных шансах разбогатеть в игорном заведении, длительной эволюции разнообразных способов изъятия денег из игроков, полном отсутствии правовой защиты в спорных ситуациях. Мы поговорим о том, как и почему формируется эта зависимость. Обсудим какие характерные особенности поведения и мышления формируются у игроков, познакомимся с тараканами в мозгу (когнитивными искажениями), которые затем упорно мешают от нее избавиться. Ребята, не буду долго тянуть, дав обещание рассказывать просто. «Убийца – шофер!» Азартные игры – это занятие с высокой степенью риска потерять все нажитое и заработанное, стать рабом ростовщиков и организаторов азартного бизнеса, но никак не заработок, работа или пассивный доход.