Microsoft Excel remains the leading spreadsheet application on the market; nearly every SAS user will need to move their data and reports into Excel workbooks at some point during their career. Exchanging Data From SAS(R) to Excel: The ODS Excel Destination shows SAS users how to create Excel workbooks that are presentation ready, eliminating manual changes to the workbooks after creation.
While the original book Exchanging Data between SAS and Microsoft Excel: Tips and Techniques to Transfer and Manage Data More Efficiently touched upon many topics involved in moving data between SAS and Excel, this companion book delves into the options that are available with the ODS Excel destination. This book also has numerous examples that include syntax and graphical output.
With this book, you can learn how to:
Create native Excel files
Insert graphs and images into Excel files
Place multiple tables on multiple tabs within the file
Customize spreadsheets with workbook-level options, print features, column features, row features, and cell-level features
Exchanging Data from SAS® to Excel: The ODS Excel Destination will make sending your output and graphics to Excel a breeze, enhancing any presentation!
Written for students in undergraduate and graduate statistics courses, as well as for the practitioner who wants to make better decisions from data and models, this updated and expanded second edition of <i>Fundamentals of Predictive Analytics with JMP(R)</i> bridges the gap between courses on basic statistics, which focus on univariate and bivariate analysis, and courses on data mining and predictive analytics. Going beyond the theoretical foundation, this book gives you the technical knowledge and problem-solving skills that you need to perform real-world multivariate data analysis. <p> First, this book teaches you to recognize when it is appropriate to use a tool, what variables and data are required, and what the results might be. Second, it teaches you how to interpret the results and then, step-by-step, how and where to perform and evaluate the analysis in JMP . <p> Using JMP 13 and JMP 13 Pro, this book offers the following new and enhanced features in an example-driven format: <p> <ul> <li>an add-in for Microsoft Excel <li>Graph Builder <li>dirty data <li>visualization <li>regression <li>ANOVA <li>logistic regression <li>principal component analysis <li>LASSO <li>elastic net <li>cluster analysis <li>decision trees <li><i>k</i>-nearest neighbors <li>neural networks <li>bootstrap forests <li>boosted trees <li>text mining <li>association rules <li>model comparison</ul> <p> With today’s emphasis on business intelligence, business analytics, and predictive analytics, this second edition is invaluable to anyone who needs to expand his or her knowledge of statistics and to apply real-world, problem-solving analysis. <p> This book is part of the SAS Press program.
Building Better Models with JMP® Pro provides an example-based introduction to business analytics, with a proven process that guides you in the application of modeling tools and concepts. It gives you the «what, why, and how» of using JMP® Pro for building and applying analytic models. This book is designed for business analysts, managers, and practitioners who may not have a solid statistical background, but need to be able to readily apply analytic methods to solve business problems.
In addition, this book will greatly benefit faculty members who teach any of the following subjects at the lower to upper graduate level: predictive modeling, data mining, and business analytics. Novice to advanced users in business statistics, business analytics, and predictive modeling will find that it provides a peek inside the black box of algorithms and the methods used. Topics include: regression, logistic regression, classification and regression trees, neural networks, model cross-validation, model comparison and selection, and data reduction techniques. Full of rich examples, Building Better Models with JMP Pro is an applied book on business analytics and modeling that introduces a simple methodology for managing and executing analytics projects. No prior experience with JMP is needed.
Make more informed decisions from your data using this newest JMP book.
Find guidance on using SAS for multiple imputation and solving common missing data issues.
Multiple Imputation of Missing Data Using SAS provides both theoretical background and constructive solutions for those working with incomplete data sets in an engaging example-driven format. It offers practical instruction on the use of SAS for multiple imputation and provides numerous examples that use a variety of public release data sets with applications to survey data.
Written for users with an intermediate background in SAS programming and statistics, this book is an excellent resource for anyone seeking guidance on multiple imputation. The authors cover the MI and MIANALYZE procedures in detail, along with other procedures used for analysis of complete data sets. They guide analysts through the multiple imputation process, including evaluation of missing data patterns, choice of an imputation method, execution of the process, and interpretation of results.
Topics discussed include how to deal with missing data problems in a statistically appropriate manner, how to intelligently select an imputation method, how to incorporate the uncertainty introduced by the imputation process, and how to incorporate the complex sample design (if appropriate) through use of the SAS SURVEY procedures.
Discover the theoretical background and see extensive applications of the multiple imputation process in action.
This book is part of the SAS Press program.
Create compelling business infographics with SAS and familiar office productivity tools. A picture is worth a thousand words, but what if there are a billion words? When analyzing big data, you need a picture that cuts through the noise. This is where infographics come in. Infographics are a representation of information in a graphic format designed to make the data easily understandable. With infographics, you don’t need deep knowledge of the data. The infographic combines story telling with data and provides the user with an approachable entry point into business data. Infographics Powered by SAS : Data Visualization Techniques for Business Reporting shows you how to create graphics to communicate information and insight from big data in the boardroom and on social media. Learn how to create business infographics for all occasions with SAS and learn how to build a workflow that lets you get the most from your SAS system without having to code anything, unless you want to! This book combines the perfect blend of creative freedom and data governance that comes from leveraging the power of SAS and the familiarity of Microsoft Office. Topics covered in this book include: SAS Visual Analytics SAS Office Analytics SAS/GRAPH software (SAS code examples) Data visualization with SAS Creating reports with SAS Using reports and graphs from SAS to create business presentations Using SAS within Microsoft Office
Generate reports with style! The SAS Programmer's PROC REPORT Handbook: ODS Companion explains how to use style elements within a style template to customize reports generated by PROC REPORT, leading to more appealing and effective business reports. Many programmers are faced with generating reports that are easy to read and comprehend for a wide variety of audiences, which is where the ODS destinations and style changes come into play. This book teaches you how to use style elements in PROC REPORT, a versatile reporting procedure, to customize your output. Mastering style elements allows you to change visual aspects of reports, such as borders, column widths, fonts, backgrounds, and more. This companion to The SAS Programmer’s PROC REPORT Handbook: Basic to Advanced Reporting Techniques explores how the style elements within a style template affect the output generated by PROC REPORT. It provides examples of altering the style elements and the effect on the main ODS destinations, while also discussing common pitfalls that programmers can avoid while working with tables, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, and PDF output.
Develop your own multiple-choice tests, score students, produce student rosters (in print form or Excel), and explore item response theory (IRT).
Aimed at nonstatisticians working in education or training, Test Scoring and Analysis Using SAS describes item analysis and test reliability in easy-to-understand terms, and teaches you SAS programming to score tests, perform item analysis, and estimate reliability. Maximizing flexibility, the scoring and analysis programs enable you to analyze tests with multiple versions, define alternate correct responses for selected items, and repeat the scoring with selected items deleted.
You will be guided step-by-step on how to design multiple-choice items, use analysis to improve your tests, and even detect cheating on students’ submitted multiple-choice tests. Other subjects addressed include reading in data from a variety of sources (text files and Excel workbooks, for example), detecting errors in the input data, and producing class rosters in printed form or Excel workbooks. Also included is a chapter on IRT—widely used in education to calibrate and evaluate items in tests in education such as the SAT and GRE—with instructions for running the new SAS procedure PROC IRT.
This book is part of the SAS Press program.
[b]Find errors and clean up data easily using SAS! [/b] Thoroughly updated, Cody's Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS, Third Edition , addresses tasks that nearly every data analyst needs to do – that is, make sure that data errors are located and corrected. Written in Ron Cody's signature informal, tutorial style, this book develops and demonstrates data cleaning programs and macros that you can use as written or modify which will make your job of data cleaning easier, faster, and more efficient. Building on both the author’s experience gained from teaching a data cleaning course for over 10 years, and advances in SAS, this third edition includes four new chapters, covering topics such as the use of Perl regular expressions for checking the format of character values (such as zip codes or email addresses) and how to standardize company names and addresses. With this book, you will learn how to: find and correct errors in character and numeric values develop programming techniques related to dates and missing values deal with highly skewed data develop techniques for correcting your data errors use integrity constraints and audit trails to prevent errors from being added to a clean data set
You just got the results from your study, and need to get some quick graphical views of your data before you begin the analysis. Do you need a crash course in the SG procedures (also known as ODS Graphics procedures) just to get a simple histogram? What should you do? The ODS Graphics Designer is the answer. With this application, you can use the interactive drag-and-drop feature to create many graphs, including histograms, box plots, scatter plot matrices, classification panels, and more. You can render your graph in batch with new data and output the results to any open ODS destination, or view the generated Graph Template Language (GTL) code as a leg-up to GTL programming. You can do all this with ease!
SAS(R) ODS Graphics Designer by Example: A Visual Guide to Creating Graphs Interactively describes in detail the features of the ODS Graphics Designer. The designer application lets you, the analyst, create graphs interactively so that you can focus on the analysis, and not on learning graph syntax. This book will take you step-by-step through the features of the designer, providing you with examples of graphs that are commonly used for the analysis of data in the health care, life sciences, and finance industries. The examples in this book will help you create just the right graph with ease!
Provides a concise yet complete foundational knowledge of the business of healthcare.
Administrative Healthcare Data: A Guide to Its Origin, Content, and Application Using SAS explains the source and content of administrative healthcare data, which is the product of financial reimbursement for healthcare services. The book integrates the business knowledge of healthcare data with practical and pertinent case studies as shown in SAS Enterprise Guide.
The book's blend of SAS programming and industry knowledge is unique. It illustrates concepts of administrative healthcare data with actual healthcare case studies. All applications are created with SAS Enterprise Guide or Base SAS and can be taken straight from the book and put to use immediately.
Central topics addressed include key players in the healthcare industry and the roles they play; claim submission mechanisms used by different providers; medical claim content, both pre- and post-adjudication. Written for healthcare analysts regardless of their level of proficiency with SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS programming, or healthcare industry knowledge, Administrative Healthcare Data is a must-read for analysts new to the industry and a great review for experienced healthcare analysts.
This book is part of the SAS Press program.