Praise for Lifecycle of a Technology Company «Lifecycle of a Technology Company is a comprehensive business and legal handbook for all but the most experienced technology entrepreneurs. I shared my copy with a few colleagues at MIT who have either started or are contemplating launching their own companies, and I had a real problem retrieving it. The data supports my opinion that this book will attain 'handbook' status on the desks of technology entrepreneurs.» -Dr. George B. Kenney, Associate Director Materials Processing & Microphotonics Centers at MIT «This book will help entrepreneurs avoid the pitfalls on the long road to success for venture-backed technology companies. It distills a lifetime of experience in advising technology companies in a concise and understandable way.» -Howard Berke, Serial Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist «Lifecycle of a Technology Company provides a valuable resource for lawyers at a variety of experience levels. The junior lawyer will use this resource for the basics. More experienced lawyers with a broad practice will use this for a 'sanity check' relative to market terms and business rationale. In the trenches, it will assist lawyers by providing practical, plain speaking explanations for why things operate as they do in the finance, intellectual property, and merger & acquisition segments of the technology world. If you expect to represent technology clients, keep this book nearby.» -James O'Hare, Partner Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis, Boston
The most comprehensive and up-to-date guide to modern corporate restructuring techniques Mergers and acquisitions are two of today's most important competitive tools used by corporations in a rapidly changing global business landscape. In this new updated and revised Third Edition of his groundbreaking book-winner of the Book of the Year Award in its category from the Association of American Publishers-author, business valuations expert, and professor Patrick Gaughan illustrates how mergers, acquisitions, and other vital forms of restructuring can work for corporations. This University Edition includes review questions specifically designed for finance students and those studying for the MBA degree. Packed with helpful advice and proven strategies, this book: * Explains virtually every type of corporate restructuring, including mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, reorganizations, joint ventures, leveraged buyouts, and more * Details the latest trends and delivers a modern, international perspective on the field * Integrates the latest relevant research in the field of mergers into the book's pragmatic treatment of the subject * Offers comprehensive coverage of the latest methods and techniques for business valuations of both public and closely held companies * Looks at the key strategies and motivating factors that arise during the course of restructurings * Analyzes and incorporates necessary legal, economic, and corporate finance considerations * Offers the best offensive and defensive tactics for hostile takeovers
The real-world secrets to startup success Unicorn Tears is the smart entrepreneur’s guide to startups. A full 92% of startups fail in the first three years – but failure is not inevitable. Most of these companies self-sabotage, unconsciously eliminating any chance at success before they even get started. It’s not the economy, it’s not politics, it’s not external factors; failure comes from within. This book shows you how to be one of the unicorns – one of the 8% who make it. Be prepared to un-learn everything you thought you knew about startups, as author Jamie Pride busts the harmful myths that lead so many companies to failure. Drawing upon his history as a venture capitalist, he reveals what investors want to see and hear, and what final factor puts your venture firmly into the “yes” column. Pride understands what matters in startups, and what gets in the way; his Hollywood Method for start-up success gives you a proven formula based on the tried-and-true framework Hollywood uses to make movies that succeed around the globe. Case studies illustrate what success looks like on the ground, and brings a global perspective to successful entrepreneurship and the strategies that help your business grow. Learn the truth behind the eight myths of startups Adopt a proven formula for success based on Hollywood blockbusters Craft a winning pitch to bring investors – and capital – over to your side Gain real-world perspective on startups and future trends Everyone wants their business to succeed, but wanting means nothing without a solid plan and the means to implement it. Unicorn Tears helps you set yourself up for success, and gives you the tools to forge your path to the top.
A no-nonsense, implementable handbook for taking part in the Entrepreneur Revolution We are living in revolutionary times; times with an impact as significant and far-reaching as the previous Industrial Revolution was to the Agricultural Age. Technological shifts have allowed micro-businesses to compete with large corporations. Small business can now have a global footprint, can be structured in low tax environments, move products anywhere in the world, and access unprecedented levels of support. Entrepreneur Revolution means taking the initiative to do something that you love, something that you’re good at, and something that will make you money. This masterclass in gaining an entrepreneurial mindset will show how to change the way you think, the way you network, and the way you make a living. Includes new statistics, activities, case studies, and research Takes a look at how the brain can affect the entrepreneurial mindset Offers new ideas for entrepreneurs starting a new business Helps you shake off old ideas and make a great, independent leap forward This inspiring and practical book shows you how to break free from The Industrial Revolution mindset, quit working so hard, follow your dream—and make a fortune along the way.
The ultimate guide to launching and growing an online business You’ve got a crazy idea, a hobby, a business or special expertise. You want to take it online, and you want to it be a money-making success. But what do you do next? Using a simple 5-step approach, best-selling author and digital marketing specialist Bernadette Schwerdt uncovers the inside tips and tricks that Australia’s most successful online entrepreneurs use to build their multi-million dollar businesses. For those just starting out, this book will help you identify the best business idea to pursue, guide you on how to set it up and give you the strategies to grow it quickly using low-cost tools. For those with existing businesses, you’ll learn how to maximise your online impact and access the little-known but powerful tools and technologies the top disruptors use to create a global presence. Featuring dozens of case studies of how Australia’s most successful disruptors have done it, Bernadette reveals the underlying patterns common to all successful online businesses – what they did right, what they did wrong, what they would do differently and the short cuts to building an online business that only the successful know. You’ll learn how to: Develop the entrepreneurial mindset needed to turn your passion, hobby or expertise into an online business Access free tools and technologies to help you build and test your online idea (before launching) to ensure a viable market exists Create a minimum viable product (MVP) that attracts attention and generates instant income Source web developers, designers and other important suppliers for a fraction of the usual cost Write, pitch, persuade and present like a professional to attract investors, customers and high-quality strategic partners Understand the basics of the Internet of Things, virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence and use these technologies to help your business create a point of difference Work from home and set up your online business in just a few hours a week Whether you are starting an online business or building on an existing one, How to Build an Online Business is your complete, how-to guide for making it a success.
В данный момент на российском рынке нет полноценного исчерпывающего издания (как российских авторов, так и зарубежных) по профориентации в юном и зрелом возрасте. Книга «Работа мечты: делаем миф реальностью» предлагает комплексный взгляд на проблему, начиная с определения профессии для молодых людей и заканчивая целым пулом рекомендаций и советов для «сбитых летчиков» – тех, кто в зрелом возрасте по тем или иным причинам собирается сменить профессию.
A ‘normal’ life is not always a ‘happy’ life. “… grant me the courage to change the things that I can change, the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two”, is a popular motto by Alcoholics Anonymous. Most of us fail in the third part, as we hopelessly try to change things that either are not amenable to change or unworthy of our time and energy. Dealing effectively with either major life events or daily stressors requires the ability to maintain composure / remain calm under pressure, take a time-out and ‘talk sense’ to oneself. The book aims to educate, entertain and inspire. In the first part the author discusses stress, its sources and its effects, followed by the ‘Ro’ Method, a simple but complete problem solving process, and a number of examples and real life applications. Then, using a light, humorous and innovative style, the author describes the day of ‘Don Stressote,’ a modern Don Quichote de la Mancha and ‘Ro’ Method graduate, who attempts to apply the theory in everyday life situations. Armed with courage and stoicism, Don deals with the monsters and the dragons (the idiots) of the 21st century: his partner who entered the toilette first and is reading the newspaper insensible to the needs of others, the obese fellow in the elevator, the traffic jam, his stupid boss, the thick-skinned client, as well as the most difficult person among all – his own self and his irrational expectations…
Секреты профессиональных манипуляторов, позволяющие создавать преимущество в деловых переговорах и иллюзорную реальность потенциальной выгоды. Для управления вниманием собеседников в деловом общении, контрманипуляций, успешных продаж и преуспевания в карьере.
Мотивационная книга. Предназначена для тех, кто хочет изменить свою жизнь к лучшему, для тех, кто хочет управлять своей жизнью и добиться огромных успехов, и просто для тех, кто хочет стать счастливее и лучше. Здесь я вам расскажу о неординарном видении вашей повседневной жизни. И помогу перенаправить его в нужное русло! Мелкие детали могут послужить большой и значимой частью в самосовершенствовании. Именно о них я поведаю вам. Окунись в мир мотивации и самосовершенствования!