This book presents a series of studies from different scholars, looking at entrepreneurial strategies and innovation in emerging market economies. Represents the view of the entrepreneur in local as well as multinational corporations. Focuses on how entrepreneurial activities can take advantage of new technologies in emerging market economies. Considers how companies operating in EMEs can cope with the main environmental constraints. Written in an accessible style, free from jargon, and does not require any prior technical knowledge.
The 21st Century brings all new rules. Entrepreneurs are challenging conventional wisdom and thinking outside the box. One of the first challenges involves challenging the assumption that a business has to be big to be successful. While most of the 20th century heralded big businesses, it is clear that businesses no longer have to be big to do big business. Now it is possible for a handful of people to operate a global business from virtually any place on the planet. Today, the keyboard has overtaken the boardroom. Financial markets, alliances, and joint ventures have eliminated the need for entrepreneurs to put up substantial capital investments. Today's businesses are driven by ideas, innovation, and execution. This book will show entrepreneurs and business leaders will provide CEOs and entrepreneurs with the tools that they will need to become leaders in their market.
This book was designed not only for owners and managers of middle market businesses but as a training text for middle market M&A investment bankers and consultants. It discusses the art and science of middle market M&A as well the all-important psychology and behind-the-scenes negotiations pursued with a particular emphasis on obtaining the absolute highest value when selling a business. Subjects addressed include valuation, taxation, negotiations, M&A conventions, among many others from the buy-side and sell-side perspectives. Subtitled “Tales of A Deal Junkie,” this serious but occasionally irreverent book tells it like it is, including anecdotes to provide a “feel” for what really goes on in middle market transactions. The author, a former practicing CPA and a business valuation expert, is a veteran M&A investment banker with years of real life experience. He also is a widely-acclaimed instructor in the M&A field and a nationally-respected practitioner who has trained thousands of investment bankers. No comparable book on the market today provides this degree of comprehensive and invaluable insight.
If like millions of others you know deep down that you deserve to do better than where you are today, than this book is for you. Not a book based on old fashion theories or textbook scenarios, The Millionaire Dropout is instead based on tried and tested methods of increasing personal skills, increasing your wealth, improving your life-style and releasing all the personal power that is locked up inside you. Based on the author’s firsthand experience of bootstrapping himself out of failure, The Millionaire Dropout is for anyone who wants to learn the secrets for increasing their income and their standard of living. Divided into three sections readers will walk through the stages for taking control of their life, learning how to make more money, and learning how be smart with their successes. Everyone owes it to themselves to invest a little time and effort into increasing their standard of living and releasing the personal power that is locked up inside of us all.
Praise for Deliver the Unexpected «Richard's insights are exactly what entrepreneurs need to read to transform their business in today's new reality.» —Margaret Kelly, CEO of RE/MAX International «Deliver the Unexpected is an absolute must-read for any entrepreneur serious about changing the game.» —Robin Sharma, bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari «Much more than just a fascinating story and much more than just a book on success. Be ready to come away with knowledge of the principles that will help you take your career and income to a whole new level.» —Bob Burg, coauthor of The Go-Giver and author of Endless Referrals «Anyone can beat up on common wisdom. The trick is building something better in its place, and Robbins has done it—big time. Highly recommended.» —Michael Port, coauthor of The Contrarian Effect: Why It Pays (BIG) to Take Typical Sales Advice and Do the Opposite «Good news: spending time with Richard Robbins's new book, Deliver the Unexpected, isn't work. This fictional parable makes ingesting a dose of well-thought-out career advice no work at all.» —Phil Soper, President & CEO, Brookfield Real Estate Services/Royal LePage «This is a terrific book—entertaining, insightful, and fast-moving. You learn a series of proven, practical methods and techniques to help you build and run a more profitable business.» —Brian Tracy, Chairman & CEO, Brian Tracy International
For close to twenty years I have observed Mr. Chalfin helping owners, business advisors, and students get a grip on the slippery issues of selling a business. This book is a valuable distillation of his expertise. –Ian MacMillan, Dhirubhai Ambani Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania «Bob provided us with valuable outside perspective while we prepared our business for sale and during the sale process. His book is an excellent guideline for business owners thinking about selling their company.» –Steve Gerlicher, Entrepreneur «Bob Chalfin's experience and intellect make this book essential reading for IT business owners. Provides thoughtful analysis and practical advice invaluable to anybody who is even considering selling their business.» –Louis W. Fryman, Esq. Chairman Emeritus Fox Rothschild LLP «Bob Chalfin brings unparalleled experience to developing and executing these transactions. His insights are tempered by years of formulating these deals and then describing the methods to hundreds of students at The Wharton School.» –Stephen M. Sammut Senior Fellow, Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs Managing Director, Burrill International «This book covers all the bases for someone selling an IT (or really any) business. The observations on buyer motivations are particularly insightful.» –Mark Goodwin Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Pioneer Investments
This book helps you find innovative new technology ideas and guides you through the complete lifecycle of product innovation, including screening, funding, development, and commercialization. It gives you an edge by enabling you to start off with a solid foundation and strategy. Commercialization of Innovative Technologies focuses on three core areas that set the stage for successful commercialization: Developing and managing a strong, flexible «innovation team» of inventors, investors, technologists, and entrepreneurs; building a portfolio that spreads risk; leveraging input from technologists throughout the commercialization process.
“The failure rate of mergers and acquisitions is unreasonable, unacceptable, and unnecessary,” say Claude S. Lineberry and J. Robert Carleton in this much-needed resource, which outlines their unique, proven, and practical process for increasing the success of mergers and acquisitions. Written for all those with a vested interest in the success of the deal—board of directors, executives, managers, employees, and shareholders—and based on years of research and real-world experience, Achieving Post-Merger Success is a down-to-earth guide that gives stakeholders the tools they need to Profile and assess corporate cultures Identify potential or actual culture clash barriers to a merger or acquisition Determine what to do to avoid, minimize, and resolve culture clash Plan for efficient and effective post-merger cultural integration of the two organizations
Written by a team of business and finance experts, Starting & Running a Business All-In-One For Dummies is a complete guide to every aspect of setting up and growing a successful business. Featuring straight-talking advice on everything from business planning and marketing, managing staff and dealing with legal issues, to bookkeeping and taking care of tax obligations, this book is your one-stop guide to turning your business plans into profit. With Starting and Running a Business All-In-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition , you'll discover how to: Identify new business opportunities Put together a business plan Find the money you need to get started Keep track of your finances -bookkeeping and forecasting Find, manage and retain good employees Deal with the legal aspects of running a business Market and sell your product Use new technology Grow and expand your business
The path to business success is an open road and you'd better be ready for anything! What do businesspeople and entrepreneurs have in common with bikers? More than you'd suspect. The freedom of hitting the open road is a concrete extension of the need for freedom that encourages entrepreneurs to start businesses. The desire to succeed in business by doing it your own way is no different than the desire to hit the road and plot your own course on two wheels. The Biker's Guide to Business explores these parallels and offers hard-won business wisdom specially suited for Business Bikers who do it their way-whether out on the highways or in the corporate boardroom. Introduces DeVille's Navigation Process that helps you develop your own action plan for achieving your own unique vision of success Shows you how to tailor a road map to guide your personal journey from where you are now to where you want to be tomorrow Uses biker terminology, analogies, and parallels to communicate real business wisdom Though written to appeal to bikers, the book is a handy business guide for anyone willing to take the ride Whether or not you're a biker, the passion to ride is the same passion that pushes people to succeed professionally by taking their own path. Hop on, rev up, and succeed.