Научная фантастика

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Day of the Giants

Lester Del Rey

Leif Svensen's neighbor, come to warn him that the farmers were going to take violent action against his dog for killing their livestock, mentioned that he'd seen an angel the night before. «Big blonde woman on a white horse, singing loud enough to raise the dead, about a hundred feet up in the air.» <P> Then, on his way to find his madcap twin, Leif met a stranger who knew his name and who spoke of «the Fimbulwinter already upon us.» Fimbulwinter! The dreadful winter that in Norse mythology preceded Ragnarok – the final war between the gods and the giants! Fimbulwinter – which presaged the Day of the Giants! <P> Leif Svensen and his brother were caught up in the destinies of a real but alien world. For if the giants triumphed, they would overrun Earth; and if the Aesir – the gods – won, Earth would be their footstool!

The Second Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®: Mark Clifton

Mark Clifton

Mark Clifton (1906–1963) was an American science fiction writer, the co-winner of the first Hugo Award for best novel (for THEY'D RATHER BE RIGHT, written with Frank Riley). This volume assembles some of Clifton's very best work – including THEY'D RATHER BE RIGHT:<p> STAR BRIGHT (1952)<BR> THE KENZIE REPORT (1953)<BR> WE'RE CIVILIZED!<BR> SENSE FROM THOUGHT DIVIDE (1955)<BR> A WOMAN'S PLACE (1955)<BR> DO UNTO OTHERS (1958)<BR> THEY'D RATHER BE RIGHT (1958)<BR> WHAT NOW, LITTLE MAN? (1959)<BR> EIGHT KEYS TO EDEN (1960)<P> And if you enjoy this volume, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more entries in this great series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns, classics – and much, much more!

The Jack London Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®

Jack London

Most people think of The Call of the Wild or White Fang when Jack London's name comes up – and rightfully so, for these are his two most famous works, and both are classics. It's an interesting but far less well known fact that London also wrote a substantial body of science fiction and fantasy (before the term «science fiction» had even been coined!) including The Scarlet Plague, The Iron Heel, and The Star Rover, and many more. Almost 900 pages of great reading!<P> Included are:<P> THE REJUVENATION OF MAJOR RATHBONE<BR> THE MAN WITH THE GASH<BR> A RELIC OF THE PLIOCENE<BR> THE SHADOW AND THE FLASH<BR> PLANCHETTE<BR> BEFORE ADAM<BR> THE IRON HEEL<BR> A CURIOUS FRAGMENT<BR> GOLIAH<BR> THE SCARLET PLAGUE<BR> WHEN THE WORLD WAS YOUNG<BR> THE UNPARALLELED INVASION<BR> THE STRENGTH OF THE STRONG<BR> THE STAR-ROVER<BR> THE RED ONE<P> And if you enjoy this volume, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see all the other entries in this great series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns, classics – and much, much more!

The Harry Harrison Megapack

Harry Harrison

The Harry Harrison Megapack collects 12 novels and stories by the author of the Stainless Steel Rat series, including the classics science fiction novels DEATHWORLD and PLANET OF THE DAMNED – more than 700 pages of great reading! (Updated in 2016 to add the story «Robot Justice.») Included are: <P> ARM OF THE LAW<BR> DEATHWORLD<BR> THE ETHICAL ENGINEER<BR> THE MISPLACED BATTLESHIP<BR> THE K-FACTOR<BR> NAVY DAY<BR> PLANET OF THE DAMNED<BR> THE REPAIRMAN<BR> TOY SHOP<BR> THE VELVET GLOVE<BR> SENSE OF OBLIGATION<BR> ROBOT JUSTICE<P> If you enjoy this ebook, check out the more than 290+ other volumes in the series, covering not only science fiction, but fantasy, horror, mystery, western, and classic authors. Search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the complete list.

The Fredric Brown MEGAPACK ®

Fredric Brown

Fredric Brown (1906-1972), one of science fiction's greatest masters from the Golden Age, is famous for his many classic short stories – quite a few of which are presented here, including «Arena,» «Knock,» «Earthmen Bearing Gifts,» «The Star Mouse,» and many more. The 32 tales of science fiction and fantasy assembled in this massive volume include: <P> ARENA<BR> EXPERIMENT<BR> KEEP OUT<BR> HAPPY ENDING<BR> HALL OF MIRRORS<BR> EARTHMEN BEARING GIFTS<BR> IMAGINE<BR> IT DIDN'T HAPPEN<BR> RECESSIONAL<BR> EINE KLEINE NACHTMUSIK<BR> PUPPET SHOW<BR> NIGHTMARE IN YELLOW<BR> JAYCEE<BR> PI IN THE SKY<BR> ANSWER<BR> THE GEEZENSTACKS<BR> KNOCK<BR> REBOUND<BR> THE STAR MOUSE<BR> ABOMINABLE<BR> LETTER TO A PHOENIX<BR> NOT YET THE END<BR> ARMAGEDDON<BR> OF TIME AND EUSTACE WEAVER<BR> RECONCILIATION<BR> NOTHING SIRIUS<BR> PATTERN<BR> THE YEHUDI PRINCIPLE<BR> COME AND GO MAD<BR> SENTRY<BR> ETAOIN SHRDLU<BR> THE END <P> NOW AVAILABLE: The Second Fredric Brown Megapack! (Search this ebook store for the companion volume, with another great set of Fredric Brown tales!) <P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for ʺWildside Press Megapackʺ to see more entries in this great series (including «The Second Fredric Brown Megapack»), covering classic authors and subjects like mysteries, science fiction, westerns, ghost stories – and much, much more!

Xeno Fiction: More Best of Science Fiction

Группа авторов

Science fiction loves strangeness. It relishes oddities, even when it piles on fear and dystopian loathing. The technical term for a fascination with the strange and alien is xenophilia, just as the term for a terror of the strange is xenophobia. At its core, then, science fiction is…Xeno Fiction. So science fiction seeks out the strange, roams far from home in space and time, looks with avid eagerness upon the ways of the Others, human or alien. It participates, in brilliantly lighted imagination, in their strange lives. In this second gathering from Van Ikin's critical journal, Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature, writers of the alien are investigated with wit and insight. G. Travis Regier follows the Other into its own home, accompanying those experts in the alien, C. J. Cherry and Samuel R. Delany. In the book's long key essay, Terry Dowling pursues the Art of Xenography as exemplified by Jack Vance's «General Culture» novels. Three expert commentators look into Booker Prize-winner Peter Carey's postcolonial and postmodern frolics into alternative realities. And the Xeno fictions of Isaac Asimov, Greg Egan, Mary Gentle, Ursula K. Le Guin, Naomi Mitchison, Neal Stephenson, and Stanley Weinbaum are read as their road maps into the strange. Eleven revealing essays on speculative fiction by some of the best critics in the field.

Personal Recognizance

Jacqueline Lichtenberg

Vret McClintock, a young channel in training at the world-famous Rialite First Year Camp, overhears the sultry female voice of Ilin Sumz, is stricken with love, and decides to pursue her. He discovers that Ilin is running the illicit historical fantasies board on the campus mainframe computer. Vret must then risk his future career to extricate his love from her web of dirty secrets, before they can ruin the lives of other students and teachers–or themselves!

The Time Travel MEGAPACK ®

Damien Broderick

Time travel is one of the staples of science fiction, right up there with aliens, space opera, and robots. Most science fiction authors have written at least one time travel story. This collection samples some of the best. <P> TIME OUT, by Edward M. Lerner<BR> THESE STONES WILL REMEMBER, by Reginald Bretnor<BR> PROJECT MASTODON, by Clifford D. Simak<BR> 12:01 P.M., by Richard A. Lupoff<BR> TIME CONSIDERED AS A SERIES OF THERMITE BURNS IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER, by Damien Broderick<BR> TIME AND TIME AGAIN, by H. Beam Piper<BR> TRY, TRY AGAIN, by John Gregory Betancourt<BR> THE ETERNAL WALL, by Raymond Z. Gallun<BR> THE MAN FROM TIME, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> OF TIME AND TEXAS, by William F. Nolan<BR> THE EDGE OF THE KNIFE, by H. Beam Piper<BR> THROUGH TIME AND SPACE WITH FERDINAND FEGHOOT (10), by Grendel Briarton<BR> TIME BUM, by C.M. Kornbluth<BR> NEBOGIPFEL AT THE END OF TIME, by Richard A. Lupoff<BR> UNBORN TOMORROW, by Mack Reynolds<BR> LOST IN THE FUTURE, by John Victor Peterson<BR> THE WINDS OF TIME, by James H. Schmitz<BR> ARMAGEDDON – 2419 A.D., by Philip Francis Nowlan<BR> THE MAN WHO SAW THE FUTURE, by Edmond Hamilton<BR> A TRAVELER IN TIME, by August Derleth<BR> THROUGH TIME AND SPACE WITH FERDINAND FEGHOOT (71), by Grendel Briarton<BR> FLIGHT FROM TOMORROW, by H. Beam Piper<BR> IN THE CRACKS OF TIME, by David Grace<BR> SWEEP ME TO MY REVENGE!, by Darrell Schweitzer<BR> THE SOLID MEN, by C.J. Henderson THROUGH TIME AND SPACE WITH FERDINAND FEGHOOT (Epsilon), by Grendel Briarton <P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for «Wildside Megapack» to see many more entries in this series, covering westerns, mysteries, science fiction, pulp fiction, and much, much more!

The Cthulhu Encryption

Brian Stableford

The Shoggoths attack: «They had been so horrible before that I dare not say that they were any MORE horrible when they came again.... They were still unspeakable, still unthinkable–but whether I could speak or think of them or not, they were HERE.» Auguste Dupin is one of the few persons who can identify the rare Cthulhu Encryption etched in the flesh of a dying woman. The Comte de Saint-Germain owns a companion cryptogram that he believes is the key to finding a fabulous treasure buried by the pirate Levasseur. Harassed by Shoggoths and tracked by Saint-Germain, Dupin must find the key to the complex puzzle. Can the might of Cthulhu be held at bay? And even if he finds an answer, can he and his friends escape with their lives? <P> A riveting horror novel set in H.P. Lovecraft's Cthuhlu Mythos!

Cat Tales: Fantastic Feline Fiction

Группа авторов

Here are thirteen stories, three haiku, and a conventional poem, all involving cats. A few, like «The Cats of Ulthar,» by H. P. Lovecraft, and «Kreativity for Kats,» by Fritz Leiber, are ­well-­known classics; others, like «Creeper Shadows,» by Fred Chappell are freshly written and came meowing to us in search of a home. This volume in this series is devoted mostly to fantasy stories—a deal with the Devil, a re-incarnation, and a long tale of Medieval magic, even a dragon—along with a couple of murders and a science-fiction story. <P> Included are: <P> INTRODUCTION, by George H. Scithers<BR> NOT ANOTHER BLACK CAT STORY, by Geoffrey Maloney<BR> SCOUT, by Mary A. Turzillo<BR> AMERICAN CURLS, by Nancy Springer<BR> THE CATS OF ULTHAR, by H.P. Lovecraft<BR> KREATIVITY FOR KATS, by Fritz Leiber<BR> NON-EXISTENT CATS, by Tony Richards<BR> ANGELIQUE'S, by Sandra Beswetherick<BR> 3 HAIKU, by Mark Budman<BR> THE CAT, by Charles Baudelaire<BR> BLACK PUMPS & A SKANKY TOM, by Pat Esden<BR> DRAGON DREAMS, by Shereen Vedam<BR> CAT CALL, by K.D. Wentworth<BR> A CHRISTMAS CAROL, by Jack Williamson<BR> THE EYES OF RA, by Jim C. Hines<BR> CREEPER SHADOWS, by Fred Chappell