Научная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Научная фантастика

Operation Misfit

E. Hoffmann Price

Rod Garvin just made too many waves for the Thought Control Board that controlled the 21st century. Throwing him in an insane asylum didn't restrain him. Nor, when that didn't work, did sentencing him to a suicide job on Mars. Garvin was bright, driven, and stubborn. The only thing Thought Control could was was get rid of him – quietly and permanently. And that was fine with Garvin…since it meant he could make his dreamed-of voyage into deep space. But when his exploration ship stumbles onto an asteroid peopled by remnants of a star-faring race and possessed of incredible mineral wealth, it opens the possibility of unlimited look for Earth and Thought Control. If only Rod Garvin hadn't been the man to make the find…

Operation Longlife

E. Hoffmann Price

In the 21st century, Avery Jarvis «Doc» Brandon lived in luxurious seclusion on subtropical Nameless Island. An immensely wealthy gene-engineer who dabbled in illegal baby-making, Doc was 186 years of age and looked 35. But a storm loomed on the horizon. Bureaucrats had blundered across Doc's real age. They wanted his «secret discovery» and would undertake anything – including kidnapping, blackmail, and murder – to get it!

The Lloyd Biggle, Jr. MEGAPACK ®

Lloyd Biggle jr.

Before his death in 2002, Dr. Lloyd Biggle, Jr. compiled a list of his early science fiction stories that he considered his finest works. His children, Kenneth Lloyd Biggle and Donna Biggle Emerson, have meticulously transcribed them from their original magazine and anthology publications and assembled this great «best of» collection – plus one previously unpublished work, «Alien By Any Other Name.» Included in this volume are: <P> BEACHHEAD IN UTOPIA<BR> HORNET'S NEST<BR> MATING INSTINCT<BR> THE MADDER THEY COME<BR> TRAVELING SALESMAN<BR> ESIDARAP OT PIRT DNUOR<BR> LESSON IN BIOLOGY<BR> ON THE DOUBLE<BR> THEY LIVE FOREVER<BR> WHO STEALS MY MIND…<BR> AN ALIEN BY ANY OTHER NAME<P> And if you enjoy this volume, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see all the 175+ other entries in this great series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns, classics – and much, much more!

The Ninth Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®: Dave Dryfoos

Dave Dryfoos

The «Golden Age of Science Fiction» Megapacks are designed to introduce readers to classic science fiction writers of the 1940s-1960s who might otherwise be forgotten. Dave Dryfoos (1915-2003), who produced a steady stream of frothy SF stories for the likes of Galaxy Science Fiction, Fantastic Adventures, Startling Stories, Imagination, Future Science Fiction, and others is one such unjustly forgotten author.<P>The Ninth Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK™ presents no less than 19 classic science fiction stories by Dave Dryfoos, including:<P> SOME LIKE IT COLD<BR> TREE, SPARE THAT WOODMAN<BR> BLUNDER ENLIGHTENING<BR> WASTE NOT, WANT<BR> HIGH SIGN<BR> UNIFORM OF A MAN<BR> JOURNEY WORK<BR> "LEST YE BE JUDGED…"<BR> SELLER OF THE SKY<BR> SOMETHING FOR THE BIRDS<BR> FACTS OF LIFE<BR> PREFERRED POSITION<BR> SIGN OF LIFE<BR> THE PRICE<BR> MAN<BR> THE OLD-FASHIONED SPACEMAN<BR> BRIDGE CROSSING<BR> THE SIGN OF HOMO SAP<BR> TOO DENSE TO DIE<P> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the 170+ entries in the MEGAPACK™ series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!

The Tenth Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®: Carl Jacobi

Carl Jacobi

The «Golden Age of Science Fiction» Megapacks are designed to introduce readers to classic science fiction writers of the 1940s-1960s who might otherwise be forgotten. Carl Jacobi (1908-1997) is one such unjustly forgotten author.<P>The Ninth Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK™ presents no less than 19 classic science fiction stories by this great writer. Included in this volume are:<P> CANAL<BR> EXIT MR. SMITH<BR> GENTLEMEN, THE SCAVENGERS<BR> KINCAID'S CAR<BR> LODANA<BR> SEQUENCE<BR> STRANGERS TO STRABA<BR> TEST CASE<BR> THE GENTLEMAN IS AN EPWA<BR> THE PLAYER AT YELLOW SILENCE<BR> THE WAR OF THE WEEDS<BR> THE WHITE PINNACLE<BR> THE WORLD IN A BOX<BR> WRITING ON THE WALL<BR> ROUND ROBIN<BR> COSMIC TELETYPE<BR> THE LONG VOYAGE<BR> THE STREET THAT WASN'T THERE<BR> THE HISTORIAN<P> Note that «The Street That Wasn't There» (co-written with Clifford D. Simak) is also included in The Fourth Golden Age of Science Fiction Megapack: Clifford D. Simak.<P> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the 170+ entries in the MEGAPACK™ series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!

The Paul Di Filippo MEGAPACK ®

Paul Di Filippo

22 Tales of of the fantastic – science fiction, fantasy, fantastika, slipstream – by one of the most acclaimed modern masters of the genre! Includes a bonus interview with the author. Included are:<P> LIFE IN THE CARBYNE AGE<BR> GALAXY OF MIRRORS<BR> SPECTER-BOMBING THE BEER GOGGLES<BR> LIFE IN THE ANTHROPOCENE<BR> LITTLE WORKER<BR> FRACTAL PAISLEYS<BR> THE MILL<BR> THE GRANGE<BR> PHYLOGENESIS<BR> GRAVITONS<BR> REDSKINS OF THE BADLANDS<BR> FarmEarth<BR> ANGELMAKERS<BR> THE JONES CONTINUUM<BR> ADVENTURES IN COGNITIVE HOMOGAMY: A LOVE STORY<BR> KAREN COXSWAIN<BR> A NIGHT IN THE THIRTEENTH AVENUE MISSION<BR> I KANT CUZ I’M TOO JUNG<BR> THE NEW CYBERIAD<BR> YES WE HAVE NO BANANAS<BR> FEMAVILLE 29<BR> SHUTEYE FOR THE TIMEBROKER<P> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the 160+ entries in the MEGAPACK™ series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!

The Milton A. Rothman Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®

Milton A. Rothman

Milton A. Rothman was best known to generations of science-fiction readers for a single classic story written at age 19: «Heavy Planet,» published under the byline of «Lee Gregor» in 'Astounding Science Fiction' in 1939 at the beginning of the Golden Age and kept in print for decades in the classic anthology 'Adventures in Time and Space'.<P> He was also a pioneer of early fandom, a founder of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society, a fanzine publisher, and a World Science Fiction Convention chairman. After World War II, he became one of the country's leading nuclear physicists, but continued to write science fiction throughout his life. Here, for the first time, all his science fiction stories are collected in one volume, giving a clear picture of the author's development from youth to old age, reflecting lifelong preoccupations with physics, mathematics, music, the futility of war, and, of course, science fiction itself.<P> Here is an authentic voice from the early years of the modern science fiction field. Features an introduction by science fiction master Frederik Pohl, and afterwords by son Tony Rothman as well as fan and fellow author Robert A. Madle. Edited by Darrell Schweitzer and Lee Weinstein. An earlier version of this book appeared as «Heavy Planet and Other Science Fiction Stories.»<P> Included are:<P> MILT ROTHMAN, by Frederik Pohl<BR> HEAVY PLANET<BR> SHAWN'S SWORD<BR> ASTEROID<BR> FLIGHT TO GALILEO<BR> POWER PLANT<BR> LAST NIGHT OUT<BR> FORMULA FOR GALAXY 1<BR> FORMULA FOR MURDER<BR> GETTING TOGETHER<BR> FUSION<BR> PRIME CRIME<BR> THE ETERNAL GENESIS<BR> HOLOCAUST<BR> SKYLARK VS. THOUGHT<BR> THE MUSICIAN<BR> THE BRIDGE<BR> EDWARD: A NEW BALLAD<BR> THE REUNION<BR> THE DIRECT LINE<BR> THE HIDDEN WORLD OF MILTON ROTHMAN, by Tony Rothman<BR> MILTON A. ROTHMAN—SCIENCE FICTION PIONEER, by Robert A. Madle<P>

The Utopia MEGAPACK ®

Samuel Butler

Utopia. A community or society possessing highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities. It may be a dream, but it's a dream that has inspired writers for thousands of years. Plato's «Republic» may be the very first utopia presented to a mass audience, but Thomas More coined the term with his 1516 book Utopia (included here), which describes a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean. The term (and its antonym, dystopia) quickly entered the English language. And here are 19 other works, famous and not, featuring utopias and dystopias…works by Samuel Butler, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Anna Bowman Dodd, William Morris, Sir Francis Bacon, and many others. Included are:<P> EREWHON, by Samuel Butler<br> MOVING THE MOUNTAIN, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman<br> HERLAND, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman<br> EQUALITY, by Edward Bellamy<br> CAESAR’S COLUMN, by Ignatius Donnelly<br> THE REPUBLIC OF THE FUTURE, by Anna Bowman Dodd<br> A CRYSTAL AGE, by W. H. Hudson<br> A TRAVELER FROM ALTRURIA, by W. D. Howells<br> FREELAND: A SOCIAL ANTICIPATION, by Dr. Theodor Hertzka<br> MIZORA: A PROPHECY, by Mary E. Bradley Lane<br> SOLARIS FARM, by Milan C. Edson<br> LOOKING BACKWARD, by Edward Bellamy<br> SOME PICTURES OF A SOCIALIST FUTURE, by Eugene Richter<br> UTOPIA, by Thomas More<br> THE COMMONWEALTH OF OCEANA, by James Harrington<br> THE NEW ATLANTIS, by Sir Francis Bacon<br> THE BLAZING WORLD, by Margaret Cavendish<br> CHRISTIANOPOLIS, by Johannes Valentinus Andreae<br> THE CITY OF THE SUN, by Tommaso Campanella<p> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the 150+ entries in the MEGAPACK™ ebook series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!

The Republic of the Future

Anna Bowman Dodd

Anna Bowman Dodd's 1897 science fiction book – presented as a series of letters from a Swedish nobleman while visiting a socialist republic in America in 2050 – offers a glimpse of a future New York where socialists have eliminated religion, distinctions between the sexes, and mechanized all labor. Amazingly inventive, with intercontinental travel by balloons and pneumatic tubes, as well as many other inventions, this dystopian, anti-socialist work remains fresh and remarkable on many levels.

The Gods Hate Kansas

Joseph J. Millard

The invasion began with meteor strikes in Kansas. When the investigating team disappears, it signals the start of an alien invasion of Earth. At first, a number of humans are enslaved and forced to build a rocket aimed at the stars. Then comes the Crimson Plague, which sweeps across the world, ravaging civilization. Among the few who escape is astrophysicist Curt Temple, whose girlfriend, Lee Mason, is among the enslaved. Curt must pit his slim knowledge against the most perfect intelligence in the cosmos to save the world–and the woman he loves! <P>A classic science fiction novel, originally published in the November, 1941 issue of Startling Stories magazine!