The first sounds came at midnight – a plaintive scream from an unknown voice in the vastness of space. Within hours the entire world heard the eerie throbbing. And in billions of earthbound minds the horror grew. Hours later, to the ears of a helpless world, the second message came…Earth's days were numbered. A horrifying epic science fiction novel!
William P. McGivern, a popular and prolific science fiction writer in the 1940s and 1950s (under his own name as well as the pseudonyms Gerald Vance and P.F. Costello), later achieved fame as a noir and hardboiled mystery author of such classics as «The Big Heat.» The First William P. McGivern Science Fiction Megapack collects 25 of his early science fiction stories, including: <P> JOHN BROWN'S BODY<BR> THE VISIBLE INVISIBLE MAN<BR> THE DYNAMOUSE<BR> KILLER'S TURNABOUT<BR> THE FATE OF ASTEROID 13<BR> DICTOGRAPHS OF DEATH<BR> THE MASTERFUL MIND OF MORTIMER MEEK<BR> THE QUANDARY OF QUINTAS QUAGGLE<BR> MR. MUDDLE DOES AS HE PLEASES<BR> PETER FERENY'S DEATH CELL<BR> YELLOW MUD FOR COWARDS<BR> PLANET OF LOST MEN<BR> MYSTERY ON BASE 10<BR> REHEARSAL FOR DANGER<BR> KIDNAPPED INTO THE FUTURE<BR> THE GIANT FROM JUPITER<BR> CAPTAIN STINKY<BR> CAPTAIN STINKY'S LUCK<BR> SAFARI TO THE LOST AGES<BR> CONVOY IN SPACE<BR> VENGEANCE ON VENUS<BR> MONSOONS OF DEATH<BR> LARSON'S LUCK<BR> THE CHAMELEON MAN<BR> VISITOR TO EARTH<P> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the 150+ entries in the Megapack series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!
Island One, the U.S.'s first space colony and symbol of an American Renaissance, is in trouble. Low morale, shoddy workmanship, unexplained malfunctions, and avoidable accidents have become a way of life, and nobody seems to know why. Is in the Russians? Home-grown anti-technologists? Arabs afraid of cheap solar power from Space – or something even more sinister? <P> When the President ordered secret agent Peter Kapitz to find out what was going on, Peter's first discovery is that the Russians are indeed involved. His second is that they are not alone. He will probably not live to make a third.
Life under a Deathwish policy was fun while it lasted, but for Deathwisher Roy Cox it was far more than that. For him, gaining access to great wealth in exchange for becoming a target for hired killers was a political act: you can buy a lot of media attention with a million pseudobucks, and Roy had a cause worth dying for. <P> Already Roy has survived twice the term of the average Deathwisher, and people are getting interested in what he has to say. That why Worldgov has labeled him a Special Case and put Mercenaries Inc. on his trail. No matter how smart and tough he may be, no matter how just his cause, even flight to High Orbit can't save Roy now…
A step in an odd direction – a moment of dizziness – and archaeologist Dan Fielding was thrust through an invisible barrier found hundred years into the past. He was still in the Mexican desert – but it was the desert of the 16th century, and Mexico was in the grip of the conquistador Hernando Cortez. <P> Inevitably, Cortez captured Fielding – and learned of the rich territory north of the Rio Grande. The land that would one day become the U.S. would be his next conquest. Unless Fielding could rally the Indians and erase Cortez's bloody footsteps from the New World forever!
May 23, 2440 A.D. Around Jay Bruce's spaceship, the sky is an impenetrable blanked of opaque gas, typical of this region on Jupiter just north of the Red Spot. Bruce is puzzled. Why has the lovely young woman seated next to him chartered his ship to cruise an uninhabited area? Then it appears…a massive Martian warship unlike any he's ever seen before, forcing him to land – and perhaps to die – in the barren Jovian wilderness!
Smith was a writer of science fiction stories. Now, incredibly, he was witnessing the real thing. Travelling silently at immense speed, its mirrored metal sides flashing in the sun, the saucer swooped in for a landing on Earht. Then, as Smith watched, another saucer appeared in the sky – and the dogfight began! The saucers – aliens from beyond known space – were battling for control of the Earth. Something had to be done, even if Smith had no idea what it should be. The trouble was – no one believed him!
The 50th Century men crowded around the gleaming case in which a young man lay sleeping. Suddenly, a terrifying mechanism began to revolve, tremble… Vials of liquid frother, crimsoned, gathered in a hypodermic that jabbed itself into the sleaper's chest. The case shattered; the body stirred… The ultimate miracle had occurred – as eyes of the 50th Century looked into those of the 20th! But Homer Ellory, alienated young scientist, didn't realize what a devastating battle of wits and science awaited him!
The men and women of an underground world hold the key to Earth's survival. The beastly Martians have decided to wage an «old-fashioned» ground war with only one objective in mind – to wipe humanity from the planet. But then Evan Paige receives an unbelievable radio message from the renowned scientist Dr. Aronson – a message from the center of the Earth, telling of a super-scientific race of Albinos who hold the key to save all mankind! <P> A thrilling science fiction novel from the author of ADAM LINK–ROBOT!
The scene is Earth in the near future. The scientific force of the Dictator Syndicate, controlled by five men, has reduced whole segments of the population to mindless robots. Humanitarian dissenters are driven mad…then swiftly murdered. As civilization's end rushes closer, one lone man opposes the forces of darkness…only he can nullify the powerful invention of the evil five! <P> A classic of science fiction by the author of ADAM LINK, ROBOT!