Frank Belknap Long (1901-1994) – one of the early masters of fantasy and science fiction, friend of and collaborator with H.P. Lovecraft – produced hundreds of novels, short stories, and poems throughout his long and distinguished career. From fantasy and horror in Weird Tales to action-adventure science fiction in Planet Stories and Thrilling Wonder Stories to more «nuts and bolts» science fiction in Astounding Stories, and also work in the romance and mystery fields, his career spanned 7 decades and was filled with remarkable accomplishments. Included in this volume are 21 more classic tales:<P> ATOMIC STATION<BR> SHADOW OVER VENUS<BR> COLLECTOR'S ITEM<BR> THE SOARING<BR> TWO FACE<BR> THE MINIATURE MENACE<BR> THE GOLDEN CALF<BR> MUSEUM<BR> PRISON BRIGHT, PRISON DEEP<BR> BEYOND THE VORTEX<BR> MARTIAN HOMECOMING THE UNFINISHED<BR> THE TIMELESS ONES<BR> AND SOMEDAY TO MARS<BR> DARK COMMAND<BR> MANHUNT<BR> THE COTTAGE<BR> TWO WAY DESTINY<BR> GIANT IN THE FOREST<BR> REBIRTH<BR> YOUNG MAN WITH A TRUMPET<BR> The MEGAPACK® Ebook Series<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
Frank Belknap Long (1901-1994) – one of the early masters of fantasy and science fiction, friend of and collaborator with H.P. Lovecraft – produced hundreds of novels, short stories, and poems throughout his long and distinguished career. From fantasy and horror in Weird Tales to action-adventure science fiction in Planet Stories and Thrilling Wonder Stories to more «nuts and bolts» science fiction in Astounding Stories, and also work in the romance and mystery fields, his career spanned 7 decades and was filled with remarkable accomplishments. Included in this volume are 22 classic tales:<P> BRIDGEHEAD<BR> THE BODY-MASTERS<BR> BLUE EARTHMAN<BR> RED STORM ON JUPITER<BR> TEMPORARY WARP<BR> THE BLACK VORTEX<BR> MIND OUT OF TIME<BR> WHITE BARRIER<BR> FLAME OF LIFE<BR> ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW<BR> WOMAN OUT OF TIME<BR> THE HORIZONTALS<BR> THE VIBRATION WASPS<BR> BROWN<BR> PRISONERS IN FLATLAND<BR> TO FOLLOW KNOWLEDGE<BR> CIRCLE OF YOUTH<BR> STAR COMRADES<BR> SON OF HIS FATHER<BR> WILLIE<BR> ALIAS THE LIVING<BR> HE CAME AT DUSK<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
Joseph Green was born during the Great Depression and grew up in the segregated South, in a tiny little town in Northwest Florida. He joined The Boeing Company in 1959, then five years later accepted a job at the Kennedy Space Center, where he worked for 31 years. He served for six years as document specialist and member of the launch team on the Atlas-Centaur program. He supported the Apollo Program from beginning to end, including (with then-wife Juanita) providing pre-launch parties for the science fiction community on all moon landing missions. He also supported the Space Shuttle program from its beginning until he retired from NASA (as Deputy Chief, Education Office) at the end of 1996.<P> At NASA one specialty of Joseph Green was preparing fact sheets, brochures, and other semi-technical publications for the general public, explaining complex scientific and engineering concepts in layman’s language. He wrote over 20 science papers for NASA and contractor executives. As a part-time freelancer, he published five novels and about 90 short works, the latter primarily in Analog, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and original anthologies.<P> This volume selects the cream of his short fiction and features new introduction to all of the stories. A great volume for fans of classic science fiction! Included are:<P> To See the Stars That Blind <BR> Three-Tour Man <BR> The Fourth Generation <BR> At the Court of the Chrysoprase King <BR> Walk Barefoot on the Glass <BR> The Seventh Floor <BR> EasyEd <BR> …And Be Lost Like Me <BR> A Custom of the Children of Life <BR> A Star Is Born <BR> Last of the Chauvinists <BR> Wrong Attitude <BR> An Alien Conception <BR> One-Man Game <BR> Gentle Into That Good Night
MUTINY! In the Eternal Emperor’s service it is forbidden to even speak the word. To join an insurgency is a firing-squad offense. So, when the crewmembers of the Flame turn traitor and steal an entire space train of Imperium X – the second most valuable element in the Empire – and threaten to sell it to the Emperor's enemies, the Emperor only has one option . . . to send in his best assassin and dirty trickster: Sten! This thrilling new Sten adventure builds on the classic 8-volume series created by Allan Cole and Chris Bunch.
This volume – the first of two – selects the very best work by Cleo Eldon «Don» Wilcox, who published nearly 100 novels and short stories in the Ziff-Davis pulp magazines (including Amazing Stories, Fantastic Stories, and Fantastic Adventures). Volume 1 features his most famous story, «The Whispering Gorilla,» plus the novel «The Hollow Planet,» and the stories «The Dictoator of Peace,» «Whirlpool in Space,» «Mademoiselle Butterfly,» and «Secret of the Stone Doll.» Features a new introduction by scholar Mike Ashley.
There is only one way to reach Iola, where an interstellar distress signal had originated. For Iola belongs to a small group of stars cut off from the rest of the galaxy by the close presence of an all-enveloping black hole. The only way to reach Iola is through that timeless-spaceless cosmic warm.<P> Klaus Heller answered that call. He leapt, clad in a special self-sustaining spacesuit, through the black hole.<P> He returned to the world intact, silent, and secretive. And was found murdered where none could have reached him.<P> Ian Wallace's classic novel is a combination of scientific paradox, social innovation, and super detection. Meet Claudine St. Cyr, future sleuth extraordinary, and meet again the mastermind Croyd. Confront with them the murder of a hero, the strange doom of his sister, and the plotted assassination of an entire planet!
Aliens have been a major theme in science fiction literature from the very beginnings of the genre…though they seem to have morphed over the decades from humanoids (six-limbed and blue though they might be!) to the utterly incomprehensible to noncorporeal energy beings – and everything in between! This collection focuses on aliens as depicted in many different forms over many different decades. While in no way comprehensive – I'm not sure a «definitive» book of alien stories could ever be assembled – we think this one is, at the very least, a lot of fun. Included are:<BR> THROUGH MUD ONE PICKS A WAY, by Tim Sullivan<BR> LABORATORY, by Jerome Bixby<BR> BEULAH, by Talmage Powell<BR> ALIEN STILL LIFE, by John Gregory Betancourt<BR> DEAD RINGER, by Lester del Rey<BR> ESCAPE TO EARTH, by Manly Banister<BR> LESSON IN SURVIVAL, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> SCIENTIFIC METHOD, by Chad Oliver<BR> THE BEES OF DEATH, by Robert Moore Williams<BR> THE BIG FIX, by Richard Wilson<BR> THE CARNIVORE, by Katherine MacLean<BR> THE LARGE ANT, by Howard Fast<BR> "THIS WORLD IS OURS!" by Emil Petaja<BR> RAINBOW JADE, by Gardner E. Fox<BR> A CITY NEAR CENTAURUS, by Bill Doede<BR> THE MENACE FROM ANDROMEDA, by Arthur Leo Zagat & Nat Schachner<BR> THE BIRDS OF LORRANE, by Bill Doede<BR> CONES, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> ALIEN OFFER, by Al Sevcik<BR> THE GOOD NEIGHBORS, by Edgar Pangborn<BR> THE SOUTH WATERFORD RUMPLE CLUB, by Richard Wilson<BR> THE TEACHER FROM MARS, by Eando Binder<BR> BELIEVE IN TANGIBLES, by Everil Worrell<BR> A LITTLE KNOWLEDGE, by Charles V. De Vet<BR> TRADER'S RISK, by Roger Dee<BR> UTTER SILENCE, by Edward Wellen<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
Robert Silverberg needs little introduction to anyone at all familiar with the history of the science fiction field. Fan. Author. Editor. Creative force. He has been an integral part of the field for longer than most of his readers have been alive. Earlier this year, he kindly agreed to put together a MEGAPACK® of his short stories, so here, then, is a selection of early works by one of the all-time greats. Included are:<BR> ALAREE<BR> BIRDS OF A FEATHER<BR> BLAZE OF GLORY<BR> DELIVERY GUARANTEED<BR> THE DESSICATOR<BR> THE HAPPY UNFORTUNATE<BR> THE HUNTED HEROES<BR> THE IRON STAR<BR> THE ISOLATIONISTS<BR> THE LONELY ONE<BR> THE MAN WHO CAME BACK<BR> NEUTRAL PLANET<BR> OZYMANDIAS<BR> THE PAIN PEDDLERS<BR> THE PLEASURE OF THEIR COMPANY<BR> POINT OF FOCUS<BR> POSTMARK GANYMEDE<BR> PRIME COMMANDMENT<BR> THE SONGS OF SUMMER<BR> SPACEROGUE<BR> THERE WAS AN OLD WOMAN<BR> THE WOMAN YOU WANTED<BR> VALLEY BEYOND TIME<BR> WE KNOW WHO WE ARE<BR> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!<P>[Version 1.5]
They hopped a boxcar and made a run for it. He was a wanted man – she was a woman who thought she's found her man. It was an outlawed passion, and it was doomed from the start…for crime always has a cost, and a life on the run is no life at all – unless you're willing to risk everything!
I had a dossier that made Dillinger look like a petty thief. This information was on a white card in a metal file in the prison records office. Attached to it was a newspaper clipping, describing the trial and the sentence and another describing the robbery itself. Only thing about it – it didn't describe the whole truth. A classic crime novel!