Научная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Научная фантастика

A Change of Tactics: A Sime~Gen Novel

Jean Lorrah

Den Milnan, a Tecton Donor, accompanies his cousin, channel Rital Madz, to an experimental Sime Center in the town of Clear Springs, deep in hostile Gen Territory. Rital plans to offer selyn technology to the Gens in trade for selyn, the energy that only Gens can produce.<P> Selyn is the fuel that could power a new revival of civilization, as fossil fuels did for humanity of the 19th and 20th centuries.<P> Den Milnan dreams of turning his horse-and-buggy existence into a world of rapid transportation with his design for heavier than air flight.<P> In Clear Springs, an implacable enemy awaits them, determined to stop selyn collection by fanning old fears of killer Simes. Unless Den can find a way to calm those fears, his dream of powered flight will never be realized.


Richard Wilson

This volume collects 19 stories of robots in their many guises. Some obey Asimov’s 3 Rules of Robotics. Some are of alien design. Some serve mankind. And some…don’t. All are great reading. Included are:<p> HELEN O'LOY, by Lester del Rey<BR> SIDNEY, THE SCREWLOOSE ROBOT, by William P. McGivern<BR> JAMES P. CROW, by Philip K. Dick<BR> HAVE IT YOUR OWN WAY, by Richard Wilson<BR> A BAD DAY FOR SALES, by Fritz Leiber<BR> THE SPECTACLES, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> ALL JACKSON'S CHILDREN, by Daniel F. Galouye<BR> MADE TO MEASURE, by William Campbell Gault<BR> ROBOT JUSTICE, by Harry Harrison<BR> A POUND OF CURE, by Lester del Rey<BR> THE ROBOT MEN OF BUBBLE CITY, by Rog Phillips<BR> THE MAD ROBOT, by William P. McGivern<BR> HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS, by Jim Harmon<BR> THE ROBOT EMPIRE, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> NOT QUITE HUMAN, by Emil Petaja<BR> THE LAST OF THE MASTERS, by Philip K. Dick<BR> THE CREATURE FROM CLEVELAND DEPTHS, by Fritz Leiber<BR> THE WORLD OF WULKINS, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> ROBOTS SHOULD BE SEEN, by Lester del Rey<BR><P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!

The E. Hoffmann Price Fantasy & Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

E. Hoffmann Price

Edgar Hoffmann Price (1898 – 1988) was an American writer of popular fiction (he was a self-titled 'fictioneer') for the pulp magazine marketplace. He is probably most famous for his collaboration with H. P. Lovecraft, «Through the Gates of the Silver Key,» though he published hundreds of other works. This volume is a good sampling of his fantasy and science fiction stories. Included are:<P> THE PROPHET'S GRANDCHILDREN<BR> THE INFIDEL'S DAUGHTER<BR> THE WORD OF BENTLEY<BR> DESERT MAGIC<BR> SANCTUARY<BR> THE WOMAN IN THE CASE<BR> APPRENTICE MAGICIAN<BR> STRANGE GATEWAY<BR> SPOTTED SATAN<BR> KHOSRU'S GARDEN<BR> SHADOW CAPTAIN<BR> THE HANDS OF JANOS<BR> THE FIRE AND THE FLESH<BR> THE SHADOW OF SATURN<BR> DRAGON'S DAUGHTER<BR> THE MIRROR OF KO HUNG<BR> EXILE FROM VENUS<BR> ESCAPE FROM HYPER-SPACE<BR> THE SEVEN SECURITIES<BR> WHEN IN DOUBT, MUTATE<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!

Osama the Gun

Norman Spinrad

THE NOVEL DEEMED TOO DANGEROUS TO BE PUBLISHED IN AMERICA–IS FINALLY PUBLISHED IN AMERICA!<P> In this thought-provoking work set in the near future and first published in 2007, Spinrad (Raising Hell) traces the course of his protagonist’s life from naive youth to veteran soldier… At its core, the book is about a young man struggling with his faith and the politics that are rightly or wrongly attached to that faith, and his choices feel plausible even to readers who would make very different ones. – Publishers Weekly, Starred Review<P> OSAMA THE GUN, set in a not-so-far future when the «Sons of Osama» have established a powerful Islamic Caliphate with Pakistani nuclear weapons and Arabian oil money, is the story of one of those «sons» of the martyr, a naive and sincere young man who becomes a Caliphate secret agent to escape its closed confines and see the world – and finds himself becoming the reluctant hero of the title.<P> Osama the Gun becomes a terrorist leader on a small scale by happenstance, a mercenary used by Islamic forces fighting an American proxy invasion in the oil lands of Nigeria, an iconic figure in the manner of «El Che.» All the while he charms the reader as a likable, sincere, idealistic, and sympathetic human doing very unsympathetic things to the interests of the United States of America.<P> "I wanted the reader to hate the sin, but love the sinner, because I felt it had to be done, and since no one else seemed to be willing to do it, I had to try to do it myself, come what may. Because Islam was being confused with its radical Middle Eastern jihadhis, and Arabs in general with terrorists, and it seemed to me that the alien jihadhist consciousness had to be experienced from within and empathetically understood. Which was why OSAMA THE GUN had to be written, and why, as one foaming at the mouth rejection letter predicted, no American publisher would touch this book." – Norman Spinrad<P>

The Fourth Time Travel MEGAPACK®

Fritz Leiber

Time travel remains a favorite subgenre in science fiction, and we are pleased to present another volume of classic tales. From pulp adventure to literary gems, here are stories that range from the ancient past to the far future…20 in all, by masters of their craft!<P> Included are:<P> TIME IN THE ROUND, by Fritz Leiber<BR> TRANSFER POINT, by Anthony Boucher<BR> GUEST IN THE HOUSE, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> A STONE AND A SPEAR, by Raymond F. Jones<BR> THE ORDEAL OF COLONEL JOHNS, by George H. Smith<BR> PICTURE BRIDE, by William Morrison<BR> SERVICE ELEVATOR, by Sam Merwin, Jr.<BR> RECRUIT FOR ANDROMEDA, by Milton Lesser<BR> A HUSBAND FOR MY WIFE, by William W. Stuart<BR> THE SIX FINGERS OF TIME, by R. A. Lafferty<BR> RATTLE OK, by Harry Warner, Jr.<BR> EGOBOO: Or, The Time Traveler’s Travail, by Manly Banister<BR> THE LONG REMEMBERED THUNDER, by Keith Laumer<BR> BRIDGEHEAD, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> CRUSOE IN NEW YORK, by Ron Goulart<BR> TIME TRANSFER, by Arthur Selling<BR> I DID NOT HEAR YOU, SIR, by Avram Davidson<BR> THE MAN OUTSIDE, by Evelyn E. Smith<BR> UNCOMMON CASTAWAY, by Nelson S. Bond<BR> OF ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS, by William Tenn<p> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!

The Spartacus File

Lawrence Watt-Evans

Philadelphia, some time in the 21st century–Casper Beech is a corporate drone, a man beaten down by debt, a wage-slave to the Consortium that dominates the American economy. One day his boss sends him in for neural imprinting – to have new job skills implanted directly in his brain, because it's faster and cheaper than training him by older methods. But a computer glitch loads the wrong file, and Casper is programmed with something that has nothing to do with his job. Instead of learning a new software package, he learns a new way of thinking – a mindset designed by a secret government agency for use in enemy nations, and never meant to be unleashed in the United States. Lethal government agents seek to correct the error in a steadily-escalating conflict, while Casper struggles to survive, to remain true to himself despite his new programming, and to find out just what was in…THE SPARTACUS FILE

The Second Science Fiction Novel MEGAPACK®

John Boyd

I’m pleased to continue our Science Fiction Novel MEGAPACK® series with another collection of great SF novels, published originally between 1959 and 2011. Fans of classic science fiction with enjoy this set. A highlight is The Asteroid Murder Case, by the late Arthur Jean Cox, which is based on a story by Ross Rocklin. (See Jean’s introduction for more information). Also included are:<P> Not in Solitude, by Kenneth F. Gantz<BR> First on the Moon, by Jeff Sutton<BR> The Organ Farm, by John Boyd.<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!

Thomas A. Easton’s Love Songs and UFOs MEGAPACK®

Thomas A. Easton

This is our second volume celebrating the work of talented science fiction, fantasy, and horror author Thomas A. Easton (following up on Thomas A. Easton's GMO Future MEGAPACK®). Tom has quietly produced a large body of excellent work over the years, while also working as a university professor and penning the book review column for Analog. This volume contains 27 short stories, 2 novels, and an essay.<P> <B>Short Stories:</B><BR> "A Love Story"<BR> "Kiss Me, Kate"<BR> "To Fan the Flame"<BR> "Alien Resonance"<BR> "The Last Flute"<BR> "The Chicago Plan to Save a Species"<BR> "Movers and Shakers"<BR> "Tetherball"<BR> "The Blue-Tail Fly"<BR> "Ground Truth"<BR> "Needle and Thread"<BR> "The Tailor"<BR> "The Bung-Hole Caper"<BR> "Black Earth and Destiny"<BR> "Micro Macho"<BR> "Clem, the Little Copper"<P> <B>Essay</B><BR> 'Virtual' Reality and 'Artificial' Life"<P> <B>Howie & the Mayor series:</B><BR> "Mood Wendigo"<BR> "The Tree"<BR> "Downeast Encounter"<BR> "Protection Racket"<BR> "Speed Trap"<BR> "Fishing Trip"<BR> "Gambling Man"<BR> "Roll Them Bones"<BR> "Energy Crisis"<BR> "Alas, Poor Yorick"<BR> "Return of the Native"<P> <B>Novels:</B><BR> Silicon Karma<BR> The Great Flying Saucer Conspiracy<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!

Cosmic Fusion

Gordon Eklund

Cosmic Fusion was originally written between January 1973 and September 1982, a mammoth 300,000-word epic novel of «science fiction, sex, and death.» Unpublished due to an editorial change at the original publishing company, Eklund has now revised it for its first publication. As he writes in his introduction: «Cosmic Fusion was intended to be the book that broke me out of [science fiction's midlist]. It was the Big Ambitious Novel I was going to write because I wanted to write it…» So here it is, a vintage tale written by Gordon Eklund at the peak of his power as a writer, never before seen…until today!<P>

Thomas A. Easton’s GMO Future MEGAPACK®

Thomas A. Easton

This volume collects, for the first time, all of Thomas A. Easton's GMO-themed work: 12 stories and 5 novels…more than 1,400 pages of great reading. Included are:<P> <B>Short Stories:</B><P> The 2076 Roachster<BR> When Life Hands You a Lemming<BR> The Coming of the Mayflower<BR> Hard Times<BR> Social Climber<BR> Lost Luggage<BR> Sing a Song of Porkchops<BR> Down on the Truck Farm<BR> Matchmaker<BR> The Homemaker<BR> The Last Word<BR> The Price<BR> <B>Novels:</B><P> Sparrowhawk<BR> Greenhouse<BR> Woodsman<BR> Tower of the Gods<BR> Seeds of Destiny<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!