P. (Peter) Schuyler Miller (1912-1974) was a technical writer with an MSc in chemistry, as well as a critic, amateur archaeologist, and author. He reviewed science fiction works in Astounding Science-Fiction from 1945 until 1975. He accumulated one of the largest private collections of science fiction books in his day (roughly 8,000 hardcovers and paperbacks). In 1963 he was presented with a special Hugo for his reviewing. He began as an author of fiction at 18 years old (“The Red Plague,” 1930) and was one of the more popular and accomplished SF pulp writers of the 1930s. This volume collects 22 classic works:<P> Man’s Question<BR> The Red Plague<BR> Dust of Destruction<BR> The Man from Mars<BR> The Arrhenius Horror<BR> Tetrahedra of Space<BR> Through the Vibrations<BR> Cleon of Yzdral<BR> The Red Spot of Jupiter<BR> The Duel on the Asteroid<BR> Jeremiah Jones, Alchemist<BR> The Forgotten Man of Space<BR> The Titan<BR> The Atom Smasher<BR> The Pool of Life<BR> The People of the Arrow<BR> The Ultimate Image<BR> The Facts of Life<BR> John Cawder’s Wife<BR> Plane and Fancy<BR> Ship-in-a-Bottle<BR> Ghost<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
Chester S. Geier (1921-1990) was a U.S. author and editor whose first work, “A Length of Rope” appeared in Unknown in April 1941. Editor Ray Palmer recruited him to write for the Ziff-Davis group of pulp magazines, where he became a frequent contributor to Amazing Stories and Fantastic Adventures, and less frequently to mystery and western pulps. He published under his own name and several pseudonyms, including Guy Archette, Alexander Blade, P F Costello, Warren Kastel, S M Tenneshaw, Gerald Vance and Peter Worth. Included are:<P> Dynamite Planet<BR> The Beacons Must Burn<BR> The Fire Globe<BR> Battle in Eternity<BR> The Bottle<BR> Needle Me Not<BR> The Gods of Madness<BR> Gods Under Glass<BR> Outlaw in the Sky<BR> The Floating Lords<BR> The Astral Exile<BR> Amazing New Discoveries of Ancient Egypt<BR> Bewitched Apartment in Cincinnati<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press MEGAPACK» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
Chester S. Geier (1921-1990) was a U.S. author and editor whose first work, “A Length of Rope” appeared in Unknown in April 1941. Editor Ray Palmer recruited him to write for the Ziff-Davis group of pulp magazines, where he became a frequent contributor to Amazing Stories and Fantastic Adventures, and less frequently to mystery and western pulps. He published under his own name and several pseudonyms, including Guy Archette, Alexander Blade, P F Costello, Warren Kastel, S M Tenneshaw, Gerald Vance and Peter Worth. Included are:<P> Jirandel<BR> Omega<BR> Window to the Past<BR> The Soul Stealers<BR> Meet Me in Tomorrow<BR> The Children<BR> You'll Die on Ganymede!<BR> The Feathered Weapon<BR> Death’s Derelict<BR> Lightning Over Saturn<BR> The Girl in the Golden Wig<BR> Run, Little Monster!<BR> Spacemen Die Hard<BR> Who Flee Their Chains<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press MEGAPACK» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
John Lux was an electronic scientist, a level-headed industrialist, an ordinary twentieth century man – at least he thought he was an ordinary man…<P>
…until he discovered he could teleport himself…<P>
…until he discovered that forces 200,000 years beyond his time were trying to destroy him…until he discovered that civilization of the future was being pampered into extinction in a kindergarten world and he was the only man in all eternity who could save it…<P>
But until John Lux discovered how to use his dormant powers, he was a helpless pawn in a time war – and both he and the planet were doomed!
In a galactic culture that extends from quasi-Utopian worlds like New Alexandria to vermin-infested slums like Old Earth, starship pilots have become the great romantic heroes of the day. When Star-Pilot Grainger is rescued from a shipwreck, he finds himself pressed into reluctant service to fly the Hooded Swan, the prototype of a new kind of interstellar ship. He's also picked up an alien parasite that's determined to share his brain. Under these dire circumstances, can Grainger possibly stay out of trouble? Not a chance!
Richard Wilson (1920–1987) was a Nebula Award winning American science fiction writer and fan. He was a member of the Futurians, and was at his most prolific in the 1950s – though he continued writing throughout his entire life. This volume focuses primarily on his science fiction (24 stories and a poem) from the 1950s and 1960s.<P> Included in this volume are:<P> THE MAN WITHOUT A PLANET<BR> THE HOAXTERS<BR> IF YOU WERE THE ONLY—<BR> DOUBLE TAKE<BR> MARY HELL’S<BR> THE WASP<BR> COURSE OF EMPIRE<BR> DON’T FENCE ME IN<BR> ONE MAN’S INCH<BR> OH, YOU UFO<BR> THE BIG FIX<BR> LONELY ROAD<BR> THE SONS OF JAPHETH<BR> IT’S COLD OUTSIDE<BR> SUCCESS STORY<BR> THE LOCUS FOCUS<BR> THE ENEMY<BR> TIME OUT FOR TOMORROW<BR> KILL ME WITH KINDNESS<BR> TRAVELING COMPANION WANTED<BR> THE LITTLE WOMAN<BR> DESERTER<BR> GREEN EYES<BR> THE SOUTH WATERFORD RUMPLE CLUB<BR> THE PURPLE BAT<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
John Wood Campbell, Jr. (1910–1971) was an American science fiction writer and editor. As editor of Astounding Science Fiction (later renamed Analog Science Fiction and Fact) from late 1937 until his death, he is generally credited with shaping the Golden Age of Science Fiction. Isaac Asimov called Campbell «the most powerful force in science fiction ever, and for the first ten years of his editorship he dominated the field completely.»<P> Included in this volume are 12 of his classic novels and stories:<P> THE ELECTRONIC SIEGE<BR> THE LAST EVOLUTION<BR> SPACE RAYS<BR> BEYOND THE END OF SPACE<BR> THE BATTERY OF HATE<BR> ATOMIC POWER<BR> THE IRRELEVANT<BR> THE MIGHTIEST MACHINE<BR> CONQUEST OF THE PLANETS<BR> BLINDNESS<BR> THE ESCAPE<BR> ELIMINATION<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
Peter Schuyler Miller (1912–1974) was an American science fiction writer and critic. Miller wrote pulp science fiction beginning in the 1930s, and was considered one of the more popular authors of the period. His work appeared in such magazines as Amazing Stories, Astounding, Comet, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Marvel Tales, Science Fiction Digest, Super Science Stories, Unknown, Weird Tales, and Wonder Stories, among others. This volume includes a terrific selection of his science fiction and fantasy stories:<P> THE CHRYSALIS<BR> PLEASURE TROVE<BR> LIVING ISOTOPES<BR> THE FLAYED WOLF<BR> TROUBLE ON TANTALUS<BR> OVER THE RIVER<BR> THE FROG<BR> THE CAVE<BR> THE HOUNDS OF KALIMAR<BR> GLEEPS<BR> FRICASSEE IN FOUR DIMENSIONS<BR> AS NEVER WAS<BR> THE THING ON OUTER SHOAL<BR> STATUS QUONDAM<BR> DAYDREAM<BR> RED FLAME OF VENUS<BR> FOR ANALYSIS<BR> IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME<BR> OLD MAN MULLIGAN<BR> BIRD WALK<BR> CUCKOO<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
Robert Franklin Young (1915–1986) was an American science fiction writer born in Silver Creek, New York. Except for the three and a half years he served in the Pacific during World War II, he spent most of his life in New York State. Although his career spanned more than thirty years, and he wrote fiction until he died, he remained little known by the public, in the United States as well as abroad. He started publishing in 1953 in Startling Stories, then Playboy, The Saturday Evening Post, and Collier’s. His work had a poetic and romantic style that many compared to Ray Bradbury and Theodore Sturgeon.This volume collects 20 of his science fiction and fantasy stories:<P> THE BLACK DEEP THOU WINGEST<BR> THE GARDEN IN THE FOREST<BR> AUDIENCE REACTION<BR> BEAUTY AND THE BEAST<BR> STOP-OVER<BR> A PATTERN FOR PENELOPE<BR> SAINT JULIE AND THE VISGI<BR> THE HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET<BR> ONE LOVE HAVE I<BR> THE QUALITY OF MERCY<BR> THE GROWN-UP PEOPLE’S FEET<BR> PRISONERS OF EARTH<BR> THE FIRST SWEET SLEEP OF NIGHT<BR> PROMISED PLANET<BR> THE QUETENESTEL TOWERS<BR> AN APPLE FOR THE TEACHER<BR> JUNGLE DOCTOR<BR> MORE STATELY MANSIONS <BR> LITTLE RED SCHOOLHOUSE<BR> THE OTHER KIDS<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!
This volume assembles one novel and twenty-two short stories by American writer Richard M. Elam (1920-2013). Dick Elam was born in Richmond, Virginia, served for four years in the Army Air Force in World War II, and after the war became involved with the silk printing industry. On the side, he write articles, short stories, and books for young readers. He was one of the very few science fiction writers active in Young Adult fiction in the 1950s and early 1960s, and his books and short story collections served to introduce many young readers to the wonders of science and space.<P> YOUNG STOWAWAYS IN SPACE<BR> THE FIRST MAN INTO SPACE<BR> MYSTERY EYES OVER EARTH<BR> RACE AROUND THE SUN<BR> FLIGHT OF THE CENTAURUS<BR> EXPEDITION PLUTO<BR> MERCY FLIGHT TO LUNA<BR> THE PERIL FROM OUTER SPACE<BR> THE GHOST SHIP OF SPACE<BR> SPACE STEWARD<BR> BETH AND THE TWILIGHT STAR<BR> GIB TAKES A SPACE TEST<BR> THE SPACE MAIL RUN<BR> ALL ABOARD FOR SPACE<BR> WHEEL IN THE SKY<BR> DANGER ON THE ICE CANAL<BR> CARGO FOR CALLISTO<BR> THE BIG SHOW ON TITAN<BR> ADVENTURE ON THE SUN’S DOORSTEP<BR> THE FLYING MOUNTAIN<BR> CASTAWAYS IN SPACE<BR> THE BIG SPACE BALL GAME<BR> PAPER TREASURE FOR MARS<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!