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Betrayed by Blood

Allison West

<strong>Will he end the slave trade once and for all?</strong> <br> <br> Aaron has no choice but to infiltrate the palace, even if it kills him. <br> <br> Forced to align himself with the rebel leader Rhys, Aaron and Lorelei must return to the palace to seek justice and protect the crumbling nation. Will she be loved by all who know of her as the murderess or feared for her deadly sins? <br> <br> Unwilling to let Rhys take command of the country, Aaron will have to become the prince he was destined to be and rise in power to overthrow the new regime. Will Aaron be able to stop Rhys from his rise of power and end the slave trade once and for all? Will Lorelei find herself assimilated as part of the rebel movement or an enemy of the people? <br> <br> To fully enjoy this book, it was recommended that you first read The Murderess.

Thralls of the Endless Night

Leigh Brackett

The Ship held an ancient secret that meant life to the dying cast-aways of the void. Then Wes Kirk revealed the secret to his people's enemies—and found that his betrayal meant the death of the girl he loved.

The 15th Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

Рэй Брэдбери

The 15th volume of our MEGAPACK® series is truly MEGA—no less than 70 tales by some of the science fiction field's all-time greatest authors! Here are interplanetary tales, space opera, thought pieces, cats (how you you have science fiction stories without at least one cat?), and even a few modern classics. Included are:<P> A NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER <P> CONSPIRACY ON CALLISTO, by Frederik Pohl <P> AFTER SOME TOMORROW, by Mack Reynolds <P> CATALYSIS, by Poul Anderson <P> FAMILY TREE, by Charles L. Fontenay <P> A LITTLE KNOWLEDGE, by Russ Winterbotham <P> A MATTER OF ORDER, by Fox B. Holden <P> FREEWAY, by Bryce Walton <P> BUT THE PATIENT LIVED, by Harry Warner, Jr. <P> COMMUNICATION, by Charles Fontenay <P> ROUTINE FOR A HORNET, by Don Berry <P> THE EARTHMAN, by Irving Cox, Jr. <P> DREAMTOWN U.S.A., by Leo P. Kelley <P> EASY DOES IT, by E. G. Von Wald <P> CRONUS OF THE D.F.C., by Lloyd Biggle, Jr. <P> THE HEMINGWAY KITTENS, by A.R. Morlan <P> ESCAPE MECHANISM, by Charles E. Fritch <P> FIRTH’S WORLD, by Irving Cox, Jr. <P> BRIGHT ISLANDS, by Frank Riley <P> THE HAPPY CLOWN, by Alice Eleanor Jones <P> FORCED MOVE, by Henry Lee <P> JEKYLL-HYDE PLANET, by Jack Lewis <P> THE OLD GOAT, by Charles L. Fontenay<P> JUVENILE DELINQUENT, by Edward W. Ludwig <P> LOST ART, by G. K. Hawk <P> NIGHT COURT, by Norman Arkawy <P> NOR DUST CORRUPT, by James Mc Connell <P> THE DRIVERS, by Edward W. Ludwig <P> INHIBITION, by James Causey <P> DEAREST ENEMY, by Fox Holden <P> THEY WERE DIFFERENT, by Neil J. Kenney <P> SHOCK TROOP, by Richard Bolton <P> PIONEERS, by Basil Wells <P> THE CYBER AND JUSTICE HOLMES, by Frank Riley <P> REJECT, by John Johnson <P> YOUR SERVANT, SIR, by Sol Boren <P> SELLER OF THE SKY, by Dave Dryfoos <P> THE PATRIOT, by Charles L. Fontenay <P> SLOW BURN, by Henry Still <P> TASK MISSION, by Fox B. Holden <P> THE ALMOST-MEN, by Irving E. Cox, Jr. <P> THE BARBARIANS, by Tom Godwin <P> THE 3RD PARTY, by Lee B. Holum <P> WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT?, by Poul Anderson <P> THE ELROOM, by Jerry Sohl <P> THE FLOATER, by Kenneth O’Hara <P> SHANGO, by John Jakes <P> THE HAPPY HERD, by Bryce Walton <P> THE LABORATORIANS, by Edward Peattie <P> WRONG ANALOGY, by Joseph Shallit <P> THE RUMBLE AND THE ROAR, by Stephen Bartholomew <P> THE OUTER QUIET, by Herbert D. Kastle <P> THE SCAMPERERS, by Charles A. Stearns <P> TO PAY THE PIPER, by James Blish <P> UNTIL LIFE DO US PART, by Winston Marks <P> WAR GAME, by Bryce Walton <P> THE MARGENES, by Miriam Allen De Ford <P> WILLIE’S PLANET, by Mike Ellis <P> THE ETHICATORS, by Willard Marsh <P> YOUR TIME IS UP, by Walt Sheldon <P> THE TWILIGHT YEARS, by Kirk and Garen Drussai <P> Z, by Charles L. Fontenay <P> THE PACIFISTS, by Charles E. Fritch <P> BLOW THE MAN DOWN, by Charles L. Fontenay <P> WITNESS, by George H. Smith <P> THE LAST CRUSADE, by George H. Smith <P> BRAIN TEASER, by Tom Godwin <P> VENUS ENSLAVED, by Manly Wade Wellman <P> MORGUE SHIP, by Ray Bradbury <P> OUTPOST ON IO, by Leigh Brackett <P> If you enjoy this entry in the MEGAPACK® series, check out the 400+ other volumes in the series, covering not just science fiction, but mysteries, adventure, romance, westerns, classics—and much, much more! Search for «wildside press megapack» (include the quote marks) in your favorite ebook store to see the available titles.

And the Gods Laughed

Fredric Brown

Hank was spinning quite a space lie—something about earrings wearing their owners. The crew got a boot out of the yarn—until they got to thinking.

The Victorian Shift

Allison West

Imprisoned to keep her safe… In a world of five men to one woman, chaos is just the beginning. At a young age, Piper and her sister Ruby are placed into the prison system designed to keep the female population safe. With the knowledge Piper obtains about the program that women are forced into at age eighteen, Piper retaliates against the guards and finds herself locked in maximum security. It’s been seven years since she’s seen her younger sister. Her determination to rescue Ruby from the program is what keeps her going. In the decade that Piper’s been locked up, the world has changed significantly. Women are forced to have a master, obey their every command, or expect severe discipline. Can Piper trust the handsome guard, Charlie, or will he betray her at the first opportunity possible? Will the rebels that help free her from the prison expect something in return? Forced to face the world head-on, Piper must learn to submit in order to survive. This dark rough romance is not for the faint of heart.

Technical Wizard

Philip E. High

They captured the human and his puny ship. They had been ordered to interrogate him to find out humanity's strenths, weaknesses, and numbers…because their empire intended to expand into human space. But the human wanted to be captured and interrogated—for compassionate reasons. Human space was infected, he said…and any attempt at conquest was doomed!

Into the Empty Dark

E.C. Tubb

The dark between the planets is cold and empty, and filled with every kind of death–from the fast to the seemingly unending…


John Russell Fearn

Ralf Dale of the Interplanetary Police could scarcely believe it when his girlfriend confessed, “Today, Ralph, I nearly murdered Cranfell, the chief cashier of my department!.”<P> Originally published in Thrilling Wonder Stories in 1945, «Interlink» is a fast-paced science fiction adventure by one of the most prolific and popular British authors of the era.

The War of the Worlds

Wells Wells

"The War of the Worlds" is the science fiction classic that has entertained readers for decades. It is the story of the invasion of Earth by Martians and the ensuing conflict that results. With their death rays and giant killing machines the Martians pose a formidable enemy. Will humans successfully defend Earth from its invaders or will the Martians be victorious in The War of the Worlds? Read this entertaining classic and discover for yourself.

The First Men In The Moon

Wells Wells

H. G. Wells' 1901 science fiction novel, «The First Men in the Moon», is the story of an impoverished businessman, Mr. Bedford, who retreats to the countryside for some rest from the weary of modern life and to try his hand at authoring a play. While there he meets an eccentric scientist, Dr. Cavor, who is developing a new material, 'cavorite', which is designed to shield off gravity. When it is discovered that the material works and can be practically fashioned into a spaceship, the two undertake a mission to the moon. There they discover that the moon is inhabited by a sinister alien civilization, whom the call «the Selenites». Fashioned as a criticism against imperialism, «The First Men in the Moon» draws upon a theme common to Wells' work, that of the impact of technology on society and the challenges that humans face in the modern world.