Introduced by beloved Cuban science fiction author Yoss as one of the foundational novels of the genre, Miguel Collazo’s 1960s classic The Journey is a mind-opening parable of social progress, prophets and reluctant masses, and humanity’s metaphysical voyage inward. On planet Ambar, long ago colonized by scientists who arrived by spaceship, inhabitants no longer live in cities. Generation after generation, Ambarians wander through the desert, the valley, and the ruins as the mysterious “symbols” loom in the sky. Once a new generation develops the ability to broadcast images, feelings and memories to others, they start to hope and wait for a life-changing transformation: The Journey. Filled with intricate family trees, huge desert flowers, and intelligent automatons, Miguel Collazo’s evocative world traces the makings of a civilization that has lost its way and gradually rebuilds itself in a desolate landscape. This multi-generational saga highlights what binds us together as a community and the roles that memory, affection, and hope play in our history. One of what Cuban science fiction great Daína Chaviano calls the “hexagon of top-notch, almost inimitable Cuban books of the genre,” The Journey is essential reading for anyone interested in the roots of Cuban literature and science fiction.
Действие повести «Скрещивание миров» начинается в наши дни.Главный герой повести не успев выпутаться из одной передряги, практически немедленно попадает в другую. Не разбираясь в тонкостях нового мира, обладая трудным характером и имея неразбериху на любовном фронте, он прямолинейно движется вперед, ломает преграды и тут же находит или создает новые.Автором в повести также рассматривается вопрос о том, что такое есть само человечество и каково его предназначение.
В романе представлена авторская версия появления человечества на Земле. События повествования происходят около 65 миллионов лет назад. Звёздная Армада Покорителей годами движется в сторону Солнечной системы в поисках новых жизненных пространств. По прибытии в систему начинается осваивание Земли и Марса! Но не всё так просто, ведь помимо агрессивных жизненных форм, на Земле покорителей ждут и столкновения с инопланетными завоевателями…
Молодая пара решает провести отпуск в уединении на озере, но там влюбленные сталкиваются со странным и необъяснимым явлением, которое втягивает их в новую реальность. Города становятся безлюдными, а время начинает идти каким-то странным образом. Молодые люди хотят понять, что происходит вокруг и найти выход, но кто-то или что-то уже начало охоту на них. Обложка создана из личных фото автора и обработана с помощью Adobe Photoshop.
In a crystalline death lay the only release for those prisoners of that Ionian hell-outpost. Yet MacVickers and the men had to escape—for to remain meant the conquering of the Solar System by the inhuman Europans.
The green fleck on the radar screen hadn’t altered in size for three days now and Lieutenant Polton was getting discouraged.<P> “I can’t understand it,” he grumbled. “Police craft are supposed to be able to overtake anything in space. How come that Broman can hold his lead?”<P> “He’s in a souped-up sports model.” Captain Wheeland didn’t appear to be worried. “He torched his jets when he spotted us.” He leaned back in his chair. “Don’t fret, he’ll get what’s coming to him.<P>” “Maybe.” Polton glowered at the position screen showing the swirling kaleidoscope of hyper-space. He was younger than Wheeland and took it as a personal challenge that Broman should have eluded capture for so long. He said so. Wheeland shrugged.<P> “Broman was clever,” he admitted, “but not clever enough. He had the imagination to commit the crime but not enough to foresee the inevitable result. That’s the trouble with criminals,” he went on conversationally. “They know before they commit the crime that we’ll catch up with them but they go ahead just the same. Even at that Broman was more clever than most. He had a get-away ship planned and ready.”
A science fiction classic by British master Philip E. High!<P> Harcourt smiled his professional smile. “Now, you came to me because you felt something was wrong, some probably frightening aberration which we will deal with later. Were you under pressure at the time.”<P> “A policeman is always under pressure.” Nevinson sighed. “Unfortunately this happened three weeks ago while on a holiday in Europe. Before I left everyone told me I should visit the Spatza, you’ve heard of it no doubt, one of the showpieces of the world.” He paused and shook his head. “Can’t quite recall what time of day I got there—was it evening?”<P> “It doesn’t matter,” said Harcourt gently. He had been watching Nevinson closely for pupil-dilation and was relieved to see it had begun.<P> “Doesn’t it? No, I suppose it doesn’t, time isn’t all that—” A film seemed to descend over his eyes and he lost contact. He was still speaking but Harcourt and the consulting room had disappeared. He was living it again. He was back in the small European hotel which, although prohibitively expensive, was literally a museum piece.<P> Real glass in windows which opened outwards on metal rods, radiators, electric light, every piece of equipment in the hotel dated back five hundred years…
Like tiny meteors, the space-ships plunged into Earth's atmosphere, carrying death for all who opposed their flight. The fate of a world rested in Hammond's hands—and his wrists were fettered at his sides.