
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Pathogenic Mycoplasmas

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Congenital Malformations

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Ophthalmic Pathology

William Lee R.

Highly Commended at the Society of Authors and Royal Society of Medicine Medical Book Awards 2006 This outstanding atlas of ophthalmic pathology brings together the world famous collection of digital images from the Tennant Eye Institute in Glasgow. Weng Sehu and William Lee have produced a unique body of information, moulding Ophthalmic Pathology and the accompanying interactive CD-Rom into the essential ‘must-have’ revision aid and reference book for ophthalmologists in training, teachers and clinical ophthalmologists worldwide. Ophthalmic Pathology is a concise, yet informative, user friendly textbook whose unparalleled image collection will more than meet the expectations of the ophthalmological community.

Hereditary Tumors

Simone Fulda

Summarizing molecular aspects, diagnostic as well as therapeutic issues, this book is the very first and most comprehensive on hereditary aspects of tumor diseases. All the contributors have been made fellows of the Ingrid zu Solms Foundation due to their outstanding achievements in scientific research, and they discuss here the latest aspects in the diagnosis, disease management, and treatment of hereditary tumor diseases and syndromes. A must-have ready reference for medical and biology students, MDs, PhDs, physicians, and researchers.

Occupational Hygiene

Kerry Gardiner

Employees, employers and the government have all become very aware of the effects on health of the work environment. As a result, this subject area is rapidly developing with recent changes in legislation, sampling and measurement methods, as well as a new emphasis on the psychological impact of work, and the importance of an appropriate work-life balance. The purpose of this book is to provide a clear and concise account of the principles of occupational hygiene and, as such, it is suitable for students studying for degree courses in this subject and for the MFOM. It is also suitable for occupational physicians and nurses, to safety representatives and to trade unionists. This edition sees the introduction of nine new chapters covering recently emerged topics such as work/life balance, work organisation and pyschological issues.

Metabolic Regulation

Группа авторов

The important Third Edition of this successful book conveys a modern and integrated picture of metabolism and metabolic regulation. Explaining difficult concepts with unequalled clarity, author Keith Frayn provides the reader with an essential guide to the subject. Covering topics such as energy balance, body weight regulation and how the body copes with extreme situations, this book illustrates how metabolic regulation allows the human body to adapt to many different conditions. Changes throughout the new edition include: Extensive chapter updates Clear and accessible 2-color diagrams Q&A sections online at www.wiley.com/go/frayn to facilitate learning Frayn has written a book which will continue to be an extremely valuable tool for scientists, practitioners and students working and studying across a broad range of allied health sciences including medicine, biochemistry, nutrition, dietetics, sports science and nursing.

Food Hypersensitivity

Isabel Skypala

Specialist dietitians, Isabel Skypala and Carina Venter assemble a team of expert authors to separate fact from fiction and provide the reader with an authoritative and practical guide to handling the difficult issue of food hypersensitivity. Offering advice for treating children and adults in one book and written in an accessible style, the book is split into three main sections: Diagnosis Dietary management Allergy prevention and nutritional considerations This exceptional volume is essential reading for all dietitans, nutritionists, paediatricians, allergists, family practitioners, GPs, practice nurses, health visitors and other health care professionals who work in this area or have an interest in food allergy. The book is also an excellent reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying allergy, immunology or nutrition and dietetics. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where nutrition, dietetics, food science, medicine and health sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this important work on their shelves

Lipid Biochemistry

John Harwood L.

Since the publication of the first edition of this successful and popular book in 1970, the subject of lipid biochemistry has evolved greatly and this fifth up-to-date and comprehensive edition includes much new and exciting information. Lipid Biochemistry, fifth edition has been largely re-written in a user-friendly way, with chapters containing special interest topic boxes, summary points and lists of suggested reading, further enhancing the accessibility and readability of this excellent text. Contents include abbreviations and definitions used in the study of lipids, routine analytical methods, fatty acid structure and metabolism, dietary lipids and lipids as energy stores, lipid transport, lipids in cellular structures and the metabolism of structural lipids. The book provides a most comprehensive treatment of the subject, making it essential reading for all those working with or studying lipids. Upper level students of biochemistry, biology, clinical subjects, nutrition and food science will find the contents of this book invaluable as a study aid, as will postgraduates specializing in the topics covered in the book. Professionals working in research in academia and industry, including personnel involved in food and nutrition research, new product formulation, special diet formulation (including nutraceuticals and functional foods) and other clinical aspects will find a vast wealth of information within the book's pages. Michael Gurr was a Visiting Professor in Human Nutrition at the University of Reading, UK and at Oxford Brookes University, UK. John Harwood is a Professor of Biochemistry at the School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK. Keith Frayn is a Professor of Human Metabolism at the Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Oxford, UK.

Cardiovascular Disease

Sara Stanner

This important and timely book comprises the comprehensive and authoritative independent report of the British Nutrition Foundation Task Force on the link between emerging aspects of diet and cardiovascular disease, a major cause of early death and disability. Written by leading experts in the area, Cardiovascular Disease: Diet, Nutrition and Emerging Risk Factors looks further than the well recognised factors such as high blood cholesterol and smoking to identify and explore more subtle markers of risk. Chapters include coverage of novel lipid factors, vascular function, clotting factors, inflammatory factors, oxidative stress and homocysteine and early origins of adult disease. The impact of obesity, insulin resistance, genetic predisposition and factors related to adipose tissue are also addressed. Of vital use to a wide range of health professionals this cutting-edge book provides the reader with: core information for health professionals as well as those involved in food formulation in the food industry a dedicated question and answer chapter important conclusions and recommendations with 'take-home messages' Dietitians, nutritionists, general and family practitioners, cardiologists, cardiovascular specialists, community nurses, personnel in the food industry involved in product formulation, production, labelling of packaging and marketing will find this a valuable reference. Lecturers, undergraduates and postgraduates in nutrition, dietetics, food science and medicine; libraries in all research establishments, commercial organisations, medical schools and universities where these subjects are studied or taught will also find this an important addition to their shelves.

Healthy Ageing

rachel Thompson

Year on year, countries across the world continue to see an increase in life expectancy, largely attributed to the impact of modern medicine and disease eradication. There is now increasing evidence that environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle also have a significant role to play. However with this increase in years there often comes an unfortunate rise in chronic morbidity, with the quality of later life severely compromised by ill health. With age being the single greatest risk factor for a large proportion of common medical conditions, this latest report from the British Nutrition Foundation looks in detail at the role nutrition and physical activity can play in ensuring that the older adults of tomorrow can lead not only longer, but healthier lives. Written by a team of well known and respected experts Describes the role of diet and lifestyle in the ageing process of the major body organs and tissues including the brain, heart, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal tissues, eyes, teeth and skin, as well as immune and endocrine systems Provides essential information for anyone involved in promoting health and quality of life for older people Each chapter includes a summary of the key points, as well as important recommendations to help identify long-term strategies for healthy ageing An overview of the main messages of the report are provided in a practical question and answer format suitable for lay readers Full of invaluable information on a subject which is set to increase in importance as the average age of populations rise worldwide, this book is crucial reading for students of nutrition, dietetics and food science, clinical nutritionists, public health nutritionists and policy makers. It will also provide an excellent reference for those working in the food industry and for nutritional supplement manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies.