An up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of biosurveillance techniques With the worldwide awareness of bioterrorism and drug-resistant infectious diseases, the need for surveillance systems to accurately detect emerging epidemicsis essential for maintaining global safety. Responding to these issues, Disease Surveillance brings together fifteen eminent researchers in the fields of medicine, epidemiology, biostatistics, and medical informatics to define the necessary elements of an effective disease surveillance program, including research, development, implementation, and operations. The surveillance systems and techniques presented in the text are designed to best utilize modern technology, manage emerging public health threats, and adapt to environmental changes. Following a historical overview detailing the need for disease surveillance systems, the text is divided into the following three parts: Part One sets forth the informatics knowledge needed to implement a disease surveillance system, including a discussion of data sources currently used in syndromic surveillance systems. Part Two provides case studies of modern disease surveillance systems, including cases that highlight implementation and operational difficulties as well as the successes experienced by health departments in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Part Three addresses practical issues concerning the evaluation of disease surveillance systems and the education of future informatics and disease surveillance practitioners. It also assesses how future technology will shape the field of disease surveillance. This book's multidisciplinary approach is ideal for public health professionals who need to understand all the facets within a disease surveillance program and implement the technology needed to support surveillance activities. An outline of the components needed for a successful disease surveillance system combined with extensive use of case studies makes this book well-suited as a textbook for public health informatics courses
Dogs are a part of nearly 40 percent of United States households. With this in mind, author Linda P. Case has written the definitive textbook on dogs and their care. Completely updated and revised, the second edition of The Dog covers four areas of compelling interest: the bond between dogs and humans, canine behavior, canine health and disease, and canine nutrition. Aiming to enhance the human-dog bond, author Case uses clear, understandable writing to explain selective breeding, training principles, solution to common behavior problems, diet and nutrition, and preventative health care. Case liberally uses distinctive figures and tables, current references plus suggested readings, and a thorough glossary to aid in comprehension. More in-depth that most dog books, The Dog will prove to be an indispensable tool for undergraduate companion animal courses, veterinary technician courses, and dog care/training courses. In addition, it will serve as a valuable resource for professional breeders, trainers, exhibitors, and veterinary clinicians.
Fully revised and expanded, Goat Medicine, Second Edition includes discussions on new diseases ranging from bovine spongiform encephalopathy to floppy kid disease as well as major updates on important diseases such as scrapie, mycoplasmosis, paratuberculosis, and urolithiasis. Information has also been added on management of transgenic goats and organic goat production. The text begins by outlining fundamentals of goat practice and moves on to sytems-based coverage of the goat. Each chapter provides clinical anatomy and physiology of every system alongside information on relevant clinical signs, differential diagnosis, and system-specific disease.
Bovine Medicine provides practical and comprehensive information on cattle disease and production and is a key reference for all large animal vets. Since the first edition was published in 1991 there have been significant improvements in disease control and management of cattle. Almost all parts of the book have been updated and completely rewritten. There are new chapters on surgery, embryo transfer, artificial insemination, ethno-veterinary medicine and biosecurity, and a new consolidating chapter on the interaction between the animal, environment, management and disease. The previous edition has sold all over the world, and as a result of this a greater emphasis has been placed on conditions and their treatment in areas other than temperate regions. A new section entitled «Global Variation in Cattle Practice» has been included with contributors discussing bovine medicine practice in their part of the world. All in all this is an outstanding resource for any practising vet and an excellent reference for veterinary students.
Poultry Coccidiosis is a valuable, comprehensive reference that reviews the biology of coccidia, covers current diagnostic and testing procedures, and thoroughly covers the anti-coccidial vaccines and drugs that are currently available. This user-friendly guide will provide poultry scientists, poultry disease diagnosticians, and veterinary practitioners with a well-illustrated description of the Johnson and Reid scoring procedure, thorough explanation of laboratory procedures, experiment design, example protocols for testing anticoccidial drugs, a summary of the chemical name, structure, safety, and efficacy of anticoccidial drugs, and a review of anticoccidial vaccines that are currently available. This easy-to-use reference will be an invaluable tool for anyone working with poultry.
A new edition of a highly respected textbook and reference in the rapidly emerging field of equitation science. Equitation Science, 2nd Edition incorporates learning theory into ethical equine training frameworks suitable for riders of any level and for all types of equestrian activity. Written by international experts at the forefront of the development of the field, the welfare of the horse and rider safety are primary considerations throughout. This edition features a new chapter on research methods, and a companion website provides the images from the book in PowerPoint.
Equine Science provides – in one book – all the essential scientific knowledge students require. Describing the structure and function of the various body systems and clearly explaining the scientific rationale behind modern horse husbandry practices, this book has been written specifically for students on National and Higher Diploma courses and equine studies degree programmes, Advanced National Certificate and BHS Stage IV. The second edition has been revised to reflect the changes in the student curriculum, and the book includes two new chapters on the cell and genetics. The Authors Sarah Pilliner is an equine consultant specialising in horse care. She is also an experienced lecturer, competition rider and senior examiner, and the author of several books. Zoe Davies is a former lecturer in equine science, a consultant equine nutritionist, author and external examiner for higher education courses. She has substantial experience in equine management and training.
Written for students and all with a general interest in breeding horses, this book sets out to provide a basic understanding with sufficient practical information for beginners to get started. Enough reproductive physiology of the mare and stallion is included to clarify the management techniques which are explained later in the book, but unnecessary details are avoided. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer are also explained, as are selecting the broodmare and stallion, management at covering and during pregnancy, and post-partum care of the mare and foal.
Designed for the practitioner in the field or the clinic, this quick reference manual provides medical and surgical guidance in a practical, concise manner. Procedural in its approach, this text contains many tables, charts and lists, and step-by-step procedures, diagnostic evaluation, and medical and surgical management of all dental problems in the horse.
There has been a recent explosion of active concern in matters of animal welfare. The science behind animal welfare has progressed significantly, new codes of practice and legislation have come into to being, and innovative methods to assess welfare schemes for food production have emerged. Part of a major animal welfare series, Animal Welfare: Limping Towards Eden is John Webster’s new and groundbreaking work on animal welfare. Building on his first book, the highly acclaimed Animal Welfare: A Cool Eye Towards Eden, it not only critically reviews areas of development, but looks to how animal welfare can be improved in the future. Special consideration is given to: Defining animal welfare (‘fit and happy’) and establishing a systematic approach for its evaluation (the ‘five freedoms’); Providing a sound ethical framework that affords proper respect to animals within the broader context of our duties as citizens to the welfare of society; Developing comprehensive, robust protocols for assessing animal welfare and the provisions that constitute good husbandry; Introducing an education policy that will increase human awareness of animal welfare problems and promote action to reduce suffering. This book is part of the UFAW/Wiley-Blackwell Animal Welfare Book Series. This major series of books produced in collaboration between UFAW (The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare), and Wiley-Blackwell provides an authoritative source of information on worldwide developments, current thinking and best practice in the field of animal welfare science and technology. For details of all of the titles in the series see