Blackwell's Clinical Surgery has established itself as an excellent indispensable resource for undergraduate medical students and house officers. The first edition was Awarded 1997 BMA Certificate of Commendation. Written by an outstanding team of editors and expert contirbutors, the new updaetd and revised edition has been designed as a complete learning guide. Unlike competing titles, Clinical Surgery covers the following all in one book! Symptoms and signs of surgical disease Diagnosis and investigations Treatment and procedures The book is divided into five sections: Clinical Skills and Investigations Perioperative Care The Management Of Acute Surgical Illness and Trauma General Surgery Specialist Surgery The new edition features: Revised chapters with updated and refreshed material, written in a systematic format to aid learning and enhance understanding 15 new chapters with more information providing you with everything you need to know Blackwell's famous At A Glance boxes for the most common surgical conditions and common clinical presentations Must Know/Must Do boxes – to aid learning and revision through self-assessment Clinically orientated information on practical procedures Evidence Based Medicine references for further reading and research Excellent full colour illustrations and a new attractive and easy to use format The second edition of Clinical Surgery is perfect for undergraduate and junior doctors alike as well as other health professionals who need a comprehensive account of surgery in all the major medical specialities. With a strong emphasis on clinical practice and the necessary knowledge and skills, this is a must-buy for anyone going on a surgical rotation. Clinical Surgery is intended to teach you everything you need to know about surgery at the start of your career. Pre-publication quotes «I do not think it is an understatement to say that it is a revolutionary book. It is obviously written with integrated courses very much in mind and manages to integrate the basic sciences with clinical information very well.... Maybe above all things, this is a very practically orientated book and really attempts to mould the medical student in to a very good house officer.» SHO, Leeds
Today the Paralympic Movement is recognised as a global sporting phenomenon attracting thousands of athletes from an ever-increasing number of countries. Athlete First provides a thoroughly researched history and analysis of the Paralympic Movement, including the development and organisation of the International Paralympic Committee. As well as recounting factual achievements and events, the book examines the position of sport and international competition for people with a disability within their changing historical context and in relation to the Olympic Movement and able-bodied sport. The first history of the origins and development of the Paralympic movement Examines disabled sport and international competition within their changing historical context Includes details of key players in the movement – on and off the field Written in an accessible style by a recognised historian Athlete First will prove invaluable to researchers and professionals involved in the field of sport and disability as well as sport scientists and physical education specialists with an interest in sports history. The Publisher appreciates the role played by the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) in bringing this publication to fruition, and acknowledges the financial assistance provided by the International Olympic Committee.
Patellofemoral complaints are a major problem for all those working in sports medicine and orthopaedics. The correct diagnosis at an early stage is essential if subsequent treatment is to be successful and secondary complications are to be avoided. Written by an internationally known team of experts this book looks at the various diagnostic techniques currently available, cites examples of unsuccessful treatments and proposes the most appropriate ones on the proven basis of the latest research. The core of the book is the 20 case studies ranging from simple non-operative treatment to multi-operated patients with salvage procedures. The underlying theme of the book is that treatment of patellofemoral problems must, in the first instance, be somewhat conservative. Surgical interventions should be performed in a response to a clear underlying pathology and only after non-operative treatment has failed. Patellofemoral Disorders is enhanced by the inclusion of some superb specially drawn illustrations and numerous colour photographs in the case studies section.
Coaching Science and Coaching Studies courses are appearing in increasing numbers in many universities. The textbooks used in most of these courses are either theoretically based sports science texts or practically based coaching books. The former are generally lacking in application while the latter rarely have any scientific input. The reader is, therefore, left to make the links themselves. Coaching Science will bridge that gap covering both theory and practice and, most important, showing how theory informs practice. The book will be multi- and, to some extent, inter-disciplinary, as it is not possible to examine the interaction between coach, performer and task from a single discipline perspective. Each chapter will include overviews of the main theories, but the bulk of the material will be concerned with how such theories can be applied in practice. Good and frequent use of examples will be provided. Throughout, the student will be given problems to solve. At the end of each chapter there will be revision notes, recommended readings and questions on chapter content.
Radiography is an integral part of paediatric health care. It is frequently requested to assist in the diagnosis, management and treatment of childhood disease and illness. Accurate interpretation of paediatric radiographs can depend entirely on the quality of images produced by the radiographer, yet there are few books available on this crucial aspect of radiographic practice. Paediatric Radiography fills a gap. It explores radiographic practice within the context of the modern health service and focuses on how our knowledge and understanding of paediatric growth, development and illness can inform and influence radiographic procedures. It includes detailed coverage of specific paediatric techniques and good practice models, including the role of multi-modality imaging, and looks specifically at radiation protection, the chest and upper airways, the abdomen, neonatal radiography, trauma, orthopaedics, and non-accidental injury.
The only text to cover lung function assessment from first principles including methodology, reference values and interpretation New for this edition: – More illustrations to convey concepts clearly to the busy physician – Text completely re-written in a contemporary style: includes user-friendly equations and more diagrams – New material covering the latest advances in the treatment of lung function, including more on sleep-related disorders, a stronger clinical and practical bias and more on new techniques and equipment – Uses the standard Vancouver referencing system What the experts say: «I have always considered Dr Cotes' book the most authoritative book published on lung function. It is also the most comprehensive.» —Dr Robert Crapo, Pulmonary Division, LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, USA «I think I can fairly speak on behalf of staff in lung function departments the length and breadth of the country – that a sixth edition of Cotes would be gratefully received.» —Dr Brendan Cooper, Clinical Respiratory Scientist, Nottingham City Hospital
On average people spend one third of their life sleeping. An understanding of the physiology and pathophysiological changes that take place during this time is, therefore, essential to the medical care of patients. Sleep disorders can arise from a variety of causes including respiratory, psychiatric and neurological conditions, as well as pain and lifestyle changes. Consequently, their understanding is pertinent to a wide range of clinicians who require an overview of their diagnosis and treatment. Written by one of the UK's leading authorities on sleep medicine, Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and its Disorders presents a practical guide to the clinical problems related to sleep disorders. An experienced author, John Shneerson writes concisely and presents the information in a most accessible way. The text is clearly organised and full use has been made of tables and line diagrams. Whilst the body of the text is clinical in approach, the scientific basis of sleep and sleep medicine and the technical aspects of sleep investigations are explained fully. The book is divided into three sections. The first group of chapters considers the fundamentals of sleep, the effects of drugs on sleep and how to assess sleep complaints. The main body of the book consists of chapters on individual sleep disorders. Each of these has a structured approach, outlining both assessment and treatment. Insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, awareness during sleep and behavioural abnormalities are covered. The final chapters deal with the important respiratory consequences of upper airway dysfunction, changes in the control of breathing during sleep and the social implications of sleep problems. Sleep medicine is a fast developing discipline which interfaces with many of the medical specialties. Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and its Disorders enables doctors and other health professionals to access recent advances ensuring that their patients receive the optimum treatment for their sleep disorders.
Practical Immunology is a basic text aimed at immunology students and researchers at all levels who need a comprehensive overview of the methodology of immunology. The rapid and startling innovations in immunology over the past two decades have their root in sound experimental practice and it has always been the aim of this book to educate researchers in the design and performance of complex techniques. It will appeal to students of immunlogy, graduate students embarking on bench science, or specialised immunologists who need to use an immunological technique outside their sphere of expertise. The definitive lab «bench book». A one stop resource. Techniques explained from first principles. Basic forms of apparatus described in detail. Totally revised with new user friendly layout to aid use in the lab. Includes useful hints and tips.
Written by some of the world's leading practitioners – and pioneers – in the field, Thoracic Endoscopy is the first up-to-the-minute, expert reference for clinicians with a solid foundation in diagnostic bronchoscopy and chest medicine needing to extend their clinical expertise in response to two decades of rapid development. Thoracic Endoscopy covers four key areas of practice: advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy the latest techniques for interventional bronchoscopy – including the traditional rigid bronchoscopy techniques, ablative instruments and stents – and a discussion of endobronchial lung reduction and gene therapy a window to the pleura, covering the field of pleuroscopy and the advances in diagnosis and treatment clinical problems and methodologies, and strategies for solving them using interventional techniques Thoracic Endoscopy presents the only coherent guide to the full range of techniques and practice patterns, and is the essential reference for both experienced interventional pulmonologists and students beginning to practice in this rapidly-developing field.
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.