
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

The New Kinship

Naomi R. Cahn

No federal law in the United States requires that egg or sperm donors or recipients exchange any information with the offspring that result from the donation. Donors typically enter into contracts with fertility clinics or sperm banks which promise them anonymity. The parents may know thedonor’s hair color, height, IQ, college, and profession; they may even have heard the donor’s voice. But they don’t know the donor’s name, medical history, or other information that might play a key role in a child’s development. And, until recently, donor-conceived offspring typically didn’t know that one of their biological parents was a donor. But the secrecy surrounding the use of donor eggs and sperm is changing. And as it does, increasing numbers of parents and donor-conceived offspring are searching for others who share the same biological heritage. When donors, recipients, and “donor kids” find each other, they create new forms of families that exist outside of the law. The New Kinship details how families are made and how bonds are created between families in the brave new world of reproductive technology. Naomi Cahn, a nationally-recognized expert on reproductive technology and the law, shows how these new kinship bonds dramatically exemplify the ongoing cultural change in how we think about family. The issues Cahn explores in this book will resonate with anyone—and everyone—who has struggled with questions of how to define themselves in connection with their own biological, legal, or social families.

Revolutionary Doctors

Steve Brouwer Brouwer

Revolutionary Doctors gives readers a first-hand account of Venezuela’s innovative and inspiring program of community healthcare, designed to serve—and largely carried out by—the poor themselves. Drawing on long-term participant observations as well as in-depth research, Brouwer tells the story of Venezuela’s Integral Community Medicine program, in which doctor-teachers move into the countryside and poor urban areas to recruit and train doctors from among peasants and workers. Such programs were first developed in Cuba, and Cuban medical personnel play a key role in Venezuela today as advisors and organizers. This internationalist model has been a great success—Cuba is a world leader in medicine and medical training—and Brouwer shows how the Venezuelans are now, with the aid of their Cuban counterparts, following suit.But this program is not without its challenges. It has faced much hostility from traditional Venezuelan doctors as well as all the forces antagonistic to the Venezuelan and Cuban revolutions. Despite the obstacles it describes, Revolutionary Doctors demonstrates how a society committed to the well-being of its poorest people can actually put that commitment into practice, by delivering essential healthcare through the direct empowerment of the people it aims to serve.

Autism and the Myth of the Person Alone

Douglas Biklen

Autism has been defined by experts as a developmental disorder affecting social and communication skills as well as verbal and nonverbal communication. It is said to occur in as many as 2 to 6 in 1,000 individuals. This book challenges the prevailing, tragic narrative of impairment that so often characterizes discussions about autism. Autism and the Myth of the Person Alone seriously engages the perspectives of people with autism, including those who have been considered as the most severely disabled within the autism spectrum. The heart of the book consists of chapters by people with autism themselves, either in an interview format with the author or written by themselves. Each author communicates either by typing or by a combination of speech and typing. These chapters are framed by a substantive introduction and conclusion that contextualize the book, the methodology, and the analysis, and situate it within a critical disability studies framework. The volume allows a look into the rich and insightful perspectives of people who have heretofore been thought of as uninterested in the world.

Low-intensity CBT Skills and Interventions

Группа авторов

This book takes you step-by-step through the Low-intensity CBT interventions and clinical procedures. With an Online Resource site of accompanying workbooks and worksheets, it provides a comprehensive manual for trainee and qualified Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners.   

How China's Communist Party Made the World Sick

Bill Gertz

The outbreak of a deadly new form of pneumonia that began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 has shown the world that the regime in Beijing poses the most serious threat to world peace and freedom since the Soviet Union. Early missteps by China’s ruling Communist Party – repressing doctors who sought to alert China and the world to the dangers of the novel coronavirus and permitting millions to travel out of Wuhan for a holiday – caused the global pandemic now devastating populations and economies around the world. In this important essay, Bill Gertz shows how China’s lies and obfuscations imperiled the world.

Spannungsfelder der Krisenintervention

Claudius Stein

Jeder Mensch kann durch äußere Belastungen wie Todesfälle, Trennungen, Unfälle, Gewalthandlungen oder veränderte Lebensumstände in Krisen geraten. In diesem praxisorientierten Handbuch mit zahlreichen Fallbeispielen werden zunächst die gängigsten Krisentheorien erklärt. In weiteren Kapiteln wird auf die Gefahrenpotenziale von Krisen eingegangen und eine systematische Darstellung der Methodik und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Krisenintervention vorgenommen. Die 2. Auflage wurde um die Kapitel E-Mail-Beratung in Krisen sowie Krisenintervention für Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund erweitert.

Medico cirujano del interior

Amadeo Papa

La experiencia de 47 años de cirujano han sido volcadas en estas líneas, como una autoreferencia, pero intenta dejar una enseñanza en el desempeño de esta humana especialidad de servicio para intentar sanar o calmar el dolor de las enfermedades.

Ginecología General y Salud de la Mujer

Victor Miranda

Desde su publicación hace más de diez años, Pautas de Práctica Clínica en Ginecología ha acompañado la formación de múltiples generaciones de alumnos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y de muchas otras facultades de medicina de Chile y Latinoamérica. El libro tuvo como fin dar ciertas pautas para facilitar el aprendizaje y la incorporación de los estudiantes a la práctica ginecológica y fue un fiel reflejo del espíritu innovador de esta universidad y de la importancia que tiene la tutoría para la formación de los académicos. Esta nueva edición llamada Ginecología General y Salud de la Mujer se presenta completamente renovada, ampliada y actualizada y en ella han colaborado numerosos especialistas chilenos y extranjeros, tanto de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, como de otras instituciones, lo que aporta una mirada inclusiva y global de la realidad. El resultado es un texto que a través de más de setenta capítulos aborda de manera didáctica y concreta todos los grandes temas relativos a la ginecología y salud de la mujer, lo que lo convierte en un libro imprescindible no solo para los alumnos de pregrado, sino también para los residentes que se inician en la especialidad, enfermeras matronas y médicos generales.

Recht für Pflegeberufe

Theo Kienzle

Das Werk liefert ein genau auf die Lernbedürfnisse von Auszubildenden in der Pflege abgestimmtes umfassendes Nachschlagewerk zu allen relevanten Rechtsthemen in der Pflege. Die Themengliederung orientiert sich an den Rahmenlehrplänen für die Ausbildung zur Pflegefachfrau/zum Pflegefachmann, wobei die jeweiligen Kapitel den einzelnen Curricularen Einheiten entsprechen. Die für die Aus- und Weiterbildung wichtigen Rechtsthemen wie Haftungsrecht, Sozialrecht, Arbeitsrecht etc. werden verständlich und praxisnah erklärt. Ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter, um Rechtssicherheit bereits während der Ausbildung zu vermitteln und von Anfang an souverän in den Pflegealltag zu starten.