
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Дыхательные гимнастики при COVID-19. Рекомендации для пациентов: восстановление до, во время и после коронавируса

А. С. Шумейко

Методические рекомендации по проведению дыхательных гимнастик в различных жизненных ситуациях, связанных с пандемией коронавируса – от профилактических практик, позволяющих укрепить легкие в состоянии условного здоровья, до четкой, утвержденной Министерством здравоохранения дыхательной гимнастики во время болезни или в период восстановления. Лечебные дыхательные гимнастики в течение многих десятилетий показывали свою эффективность при различных респираторных заболеваниях, в том числе вирусных пневмониях, и незаслуженно забыты в настоящее время. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Проблески вечности. Общий опыт на пути в жизнь после жизни

Рэймонд Моуди

Рэймонд Моуди – философ, психолог и психиатр – впервые описал околосмертные переживания в своем бестселлере «Жизнь после жизни» (1975), навсегда изменившем отношение общества к смерти и умиранию. В новой книге, написанной в 2010 году в соавторстве с писателем и режиссером-документалистом Полом Пэрри, он исследует еще более необычное явление: разделенный околосмертный опыт, то есть совместное переживание смерти вместе с близкими и любимыми людьми. Здесь снова анализируется большой корпус личных свидетельств, включая собственные воспоминания доктора Моуди о смерти матери. Эта книга дарит утешение и надежду и проливает свет на таинственное приключение, которое неминуемо ожидает каждого из нас в конце пути. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

Аиф. Здоровье 03-2021

Редакция газеты Аиф. Здоровье

Газета «АиФ Здоровье» – оперативная информация о последних достижениях в области здравоохранения в России и за рубежом.

Medical Communication: From Theoretical Model To Practical Exploration

Tao Wang

People in general are concerned about the health of themselves and their families, but they lack reliable access to health knowledge. In order to ensure that people get accurate medical knowledge, dissemination of such knowledge by medical professionals is advocated. This is the basis of medical communication. This book covers the theoretical model of medical communication, explains the differences from medical science popularization and health communication, and from the perspective of medical practice, provides many examples to illustrate the practical application and significance of medical communication. It is hoped that this book will attract more people to join the team of medical communicators, pass the correct medical knowledge to the public, and ultimately the incidence and mortality of diseases can be reduced and the health level of people improved.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li><b><i>Generality:</i></b><ul><li>Definition and Characteristics of Medical Communication</li><li>Basic Model of Medical Communication</li></ul></li><li><b><i>Doctor-Patient Communication: Medical Communication in the Clinic:</i></b><ul><li>Basic Models and Characteristics of Doctor-Patient Communication</li><li>Principles and Skills of Doctor-Patient Communication</li><li>Challenges and Countermeasures of Doctor-Patient Communication in the New Period</li></ul></li><li><b><i>Medical Communication for Specific Populations:</i></b><ul><li>Health Education, Health Promotion, and Health Management</li><li>Health Education, Health Promotion, and Health Management Process</li><li>Cases of Medical Communication to Specific Populations: A Case Study of Osteoporosis</li></ul></li><li><b><i>Medical Communication for the General Public:</i></b><ul><li>Medical Communication for the General Public</li><li>Science Popularization Principles and Skills of Doctors, Nurses, and Technicians</li></ul></li><li><b><i>Practice:</i></b><ul><li>Medical Communication Practice &#x2014; Taking 'Da Yi Xiao Hu' Medical Communication Think Tank as an Example</li><li>Medical Communication Scenarios in Different Contexts</li><li>Exploration of Innovative Medical Communication</li></ul></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Medical staff, medical students, public health officials, commmunications specialists.Medical Communication;Health Communication;Medical Model;Doctor-Patient Communication;Doctor-Patient Relationship;Health Education;Health Promotion;Health Management;Healthy Behavior Model0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>Provides theories and practical examples for medical and communication scholars</li></ul>

Viruses: More Friends Than Foes (Revised Edition)

Karin Moelling

Coronavirus, AIDS, and Ebola: Viruses are normally defined as pathogens. Most viruses are, however, not enemies or killers. Well-known virologist and cancer researcher Karin Moelling describes surprising insights about a completely new and unexpected world of viruses. Viruses are ubiquitous, in the oceans, our environment, in animals, plants, bacteria, in our body, even in our genomes. They influence our weather, can contribute to control obesity, and can surprisingly be applied against threatening multi-resistant bacteria. The success story of the viruses started more than 3.5 billion years ago in the dawn of life when even cells did not exist. They are the superpower of life. There are more viruses on earth than stars in the sky. Viruses are everywhere. Some of them are incredibly ancient. Many viruses are hundredfold smaller than bacteria, but others are tenfold bigger and they were discovered only recently &#x2014; the giant viruses, even deep within the permafrost where they were reactivated after 30,000 years.The author talks about a completely new world of viruses, which are based on the most recent, in part her own research results. Could viruses have been our oldest ancestors? Have viruses even 'invented' social behavior, do they lead to geniuses such as Mozart or Einstein &#x2014; or alternatively to cancer? They can help to cure cancer. In this book, the author made a clear distinction between what is fact and what is her vision. This book is written for a general audience and not just for the experts. Its aim is to stimulate thinking, and perhaps to attract more young scientists to enter this field of research.This revised edition is brought up to date by a new chapter on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. <b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>SARS-Coronavirus-2 Pandemic</li><li>Viruses &#x2014; Not as You Pictured Them</li><li>Viruses &#x2014; How They Make Us Ill</li><li>Retroviruses and Immortality</li><li>Viruses and Cancer</li><li>Viruses That Do Not Make Us Ill</li><li>Viruses &#x2014; 'Giant' as Cells</li><li>Viruses as Fossils</li><li>Viruses &#x2014; Our Oldest Ancestors?</li><li>Viruses and Antiviral Defense</li><li>Viruses and Phages for Survival?</li><li>Viruses for Gene Therapy</li><li>Viruses and the Future</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> All.Genome;Retrovirus;Gene Therapy;HIV;Viruses and Cancer;SARS-CoV-2;COVID-19 Pandemic00

Bridging the Gap

James Eugene Munson

The book's inherent value, currently, is in its uniqueness. There are few books on Integrative Oncology (IO). There are few books on the entirety of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of cancer. There are even fewer, if any, books that deal with the topics of Integrative Oncology and the use of traditional Chinese medicine as a whole in the treatment of people with cancer. While very broad and deep topics, this makes for a varied audience of interest that includes not just the TCM practitioner or student, but Western health practitioners and patients as well as laypeople interested in the topic of oncology.For those interested in the topic of IO, it gives one of the few non-biased, honest and critical views of the state of IO in contrast to what is promoted by various institutions and societies.For the Western health practitioner and/or patient, many of whom are completely unfamiliar with TCM and how it works or can be used, it provides information on the breadth of TCM and how it can be applied in various ways to help improve outcomes.For the TCM practitioner or student, it provides much needed information on how to go about caring for a patient with cancer to include clinical pearls and important Western medical information and terminology.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Acknowledgments</li><li>Prologue</li><li>Foreword</li><li>Introduction</li><li>What is Integrative Oncology?</li><li>History of Oncology through Western and Chinese Medicine</li><li>Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Acupuncture</li><li>Moxibustion Therapy</li><li>Chinese Herbal Medicine</li><li>Manual Therapy</li><li>Chinese Nutrition and Dietary Therapy</li><li>Eight Extraordinary Meridians</li><li>Therapeutic Exercise</li><li>Case Studies</li><li>Bridging the Gap</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> TCM practitioners, TCM students, Western health practitioners and patients, laypeople interested in the topic of oncology.Cancer;Oncology;Integrative Oncology;Acupuncture;Traditional Chinese Medicine;Herbal Medicine;Moxibustion;Collaborative Cancer Care;Integrative Medicine0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>Unique: specific book on integrative oncology and how the full scope of TCM can be used in the treatment of patients with cancer in therapeutic settings designed to be informative for the general reader or healthcare practitioner, approachable for the new TCM doctor/practitioner, and informative for the established TCM physician seeking broader knowledge base on the subject of IO and Chinese medicine</li><li>The topic of Integrative Oncology is rapidly evolving with few other significant competing works, particularly for the field of Chinese medicine</li><li>Patients with cancer are seeking complementary therapies and TCM is one of the first avenues of support. Therefore, TCM practitioner's are beginning to see patients at increasing rates in the clinical setting, yet, it is not a topic that most practitioners are prepared to adequately treat. This is due to the fact that it is a complex specialty, not covered in most schools or in the continuing education side of teaching</li></ul>

Fundamentals Of Glaucoma: A Guide For Ophthalmic Nurse Practitioners, Optometrists And Orthoptists

Группа авторов

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Robust screening alongside early diagnosis and prompt management is essential for preserving vision. Advanced ophthalmic nurse practitioners, optometrists and orthoptists are increasingly becoming part of a multi-disciplinary team approach that is designed to provide the best outcomes for our patients.This full-colour book has been written by experienced ophthalmologists and optometrists, and details all that a practitioner needs to know about the condition. It will also serve as a useful reference for junior ophthalmic trainees and medical students.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Foreword</li><li>Acknowledgements</li><li>List of Contributors</li><li>Introduction</li><li>Anatomy <i>(Pierre Rautenbach)</i></li><li>Definition and Classification <i>(Neil Bowley)</i></li><li>Examination Techniques <i>(Neil Bowley)</i></li><li>Investigations <i>(Thomas Sherman)</i></li><li>Eye Drops <i>(Andrew Swampillai)</i></li><li>Lasers <i>(Adam Booth)</i></li><li>Surgery <i>(Abhijit A Mohite and Imran Masood)</i></li><li>Improving Quality of Life <i>(Katie Smith and Pam Adams)</i></li><li>Developing a Holistic Approach to Glaucoma Management <i>(Michael Smith)</i></li><li>Useful Resources</li><li>Index</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Ophthalmic nurse practitioners, opticians, orthoptists, ophthalmologists. Glaucoma;Ophthalmic Nurse Practitioners;Optometrists;Opticians;Orthoptists0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>Focused, yet comprehensive, introduction to glaucoma</li><li>Dedicated chapters on anatomy, clinical examination techniques, imaging (visual fields, optical coherence tomography and ultrasound biomicroscopy) and common medical treatments</li><li>Introduction to available laser options</li><li>Overview of surgical techniques including Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) and Aqueous Shunt Devices</li><li>Advice on helping patients maintain quality of life, and towards developing a holistic approach to management</li><li>Well-illustrated with both hand-drawn illustrations and colour photographs</li></ul>


Kate Cole-Adams

"An obsessive, mystical, terrifying, and even phantasmagorical exploration of anesthesia’s shadowy terra incognita." — The New Yorker Anesthetize: to render insensible First there’s the injection, then the countdown—and next thing you know, you’re awake. Anesthesia: The Gift of Oblivion and the Mystery of Consciousness is the story of the time in between, an exploration of that most crucial and baffling gift of modern medicine: the disappearing act that enables us to undergo procedures that would otherwise be impossibly, often fatally, painful. In the past 150 years, anesthesia has made surgical intervention routine, from open-heart surgery to the facelift. But how much do anesthesiologists really know about what happens when their patients go under? Can we hear and retain what’s going on? Is pain still pain if we don’t remember it? How does the unconscious mind deal with the body’s experience of being sliced open and ransacked—and how can we help ourselves through it all? Kate Cole-Adams weaves her own personal experiences with surgery and its aftermath with the explorations and personal accounts of others, doctors and patients alike—accounts of people who wake under the knife, who experience traumatic reactions, dreams, hallucinations, and submerged memories—accounts that evoke and illuminate the provisional nature of the self. Haunting, lyrical, sometimes shattering, Cole-Adams leavens science with personal experience, and brings an intensely human curiosity to the unknowable realm beyond consciousness.

Трезвый взгляд на антистарение

Магомед Саидович Хайдаков

Геронтология, наука о биологии старения и продления жизни, всегда была воплощением оптимизма. В течение многих столетий, шарлатаны и ученые – иногда их трудно различить – уверенно утверждали, что эликсир вечной молодости либо уже найден, либо будет найден в ближайшем будущем. Современные геронтологи обладают гораздо большими познаниями и возможностями и – как и их предшественники – также полны уверенности и оптимизма. За последние десятилетия было сделано много изумительных открытий, так что для надежд есть все основания. Что касается уверенности… давайте попробуем сделать объективный анализ.