Este libro fue concebido como un recurso accesible y útil para los pediatras e incluso para médicos generales y otros trabajadores de la salud, con el objetivo de proporcionar lineamientos claros de diagnóstico y estrategias de tratamiento. Muchos endocrinólogos experimentados en todo el mundo han contribuido a este libro, muchos de los cuales han viajado y han enseñado ampliamente en países en vías de desarrollo. El libro resultante no tiene la intención de ocupar el lugar de los textos estándar; su objetivo es proporcionar información breve y actualizada sobre las afecciones endocrinas, con énfasis en las posibilidades de diagnóstico y las pruebas analíticas y de imagen más útiles y de bajo costo, así como en el tratamiento más apropiado de acuerdo con la posibilidad que se tiene de utilizar recursos terapéuticos cuando, independientemente de que estén indicados, resulten accesibles. También se proporciona una guía sobre cómo acceder a tecnologías más sofisticadas cuando sea necesario. «La influencia de este libro de texto va mucho más allá del diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las enfermedades endocrinas pediátricas en los países en vías de desarrollo. Apoyará las iniciativas existentes que apuntan a la creación de la capacitación en Endocrinología Pediátrica en entornos donde estas condiciones no se reconocen en gran medida. Servirá como un recurso para la capacitación de enfermeras, dietistas, funcionarios de salud y otros profesionales de la salud que trabajan como aliados de los endocrinólogos pediátricos recién capacitados. Les proporcionará una herramienta para abogar por los niños y adolescentes con enfermedades endocrinas y los ayudará a sensibilizar a los legisladores y a las autoridades locales de salud pública sobre la importancia de proporcionar a los pacientes fármacos simples y relativamente asequibles que figuran en la Lista de medicamentos esenciales para niños de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) (tales como insulina, hidrocortisona, fludrocortisona, diazóxido y levotiroxina) pero que, a menudo, no están disponibles a nivel local.» Jean-Pierre Chanoine, Profesor Clínico, Hospital de Niños de Columbia Británica y Universidad de Columbia Británica, Vancouver.
Hyperandrogenism profoundly affects women’s lives from lowering self-esteem to changing cognition and affective motivation. The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common androgen excess disorder worldwide. While it is not the focus of this book, some aspects are discussed. The aim of this book is to improve understanding of androgen excess and its impact on several conditions. Topics include development of adipose tissue in females, insulin sensitivity, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and Cushing’s disease/syndrome. There is also a discussion of PCOS with emphasis on in utero origins and specific genetic and epigenetic factors. This book provides a wealth of relevant information for every endocrinologist and gynecologist who wants to broaden their knowledge of androgens in various conditions.
Die Peritonealdialyse (PD) ist eine valide Nierenersatztherapie, wenn sie in ein Gesamtversorgungskonzept für Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz eingebettet ist. Dennoch hat sich die PD bisher noch nicht als echte Langzeitdialyse-Modalität etabliert. Dieses praktische Handbuch enthält neben praktischen Ratschlägen auch ausführliche Informationen über so gut wie alle klinischen und pathophysiologischen Aspekte der PD in einem einfach zugänglichen Format. Es erklärt die komplexen Zusammenhänge der PD klar und dennoch wissenschaftlich fundiert. Dank seiner handlichen Größe passt es in die Kitteltasche jedes Nephrologen, der auf der Station oder im ambulanten Umfeld mit PD-Patienten zu tun hat. Dieses Buch hilft Nephrologen und in der Nephrologie oder Inneren Medizin tätigen Ärzten, aber auch allen anderen, die an der Versorgung von Patienten mit terminaler Nierenerkrankung beteiligt sind, wie Pflegekräften, Apothekern, Ernährungsberatern, Intensivmedizinern und Medizinstudenten, den wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund der PD zu verstehen.
Diabetic retinopathy (DR), a common microvascular complication, has consistently been shown to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This book provides complete coverage of DR as a potential marker for CVD in those with diabetes. It succinctly reviews the epidemiological and pathogenic links of DR to various cardiovascular events including stroke, coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, heart failure, and mortality. Furthermore, it discusses the usefulness of DR in CVD risk prediction and cardiovascular safety of anti-VEGF therapy in diabetic patients. There are insights from contemporary diabetic trials that demonstrated the enhanced cardiovascular benefit of novel glucose lowering therapy. It also highlights the potential of novel retinal imaging to predict CVD and its risk factors using the state-of-the art artificial intelligence-based deep learning systems. This book will be an invaluable resource for specialists translating research findings into clinical care, including those in cardiology, endocrinology, ophthalmology, and general practitioners. IT will also be of interest to public health practitioners, researchers, graduate students, and biotech companies interested in developing retinal image-based diagnostic and prognostic tools.
Since its introduction 52 years ago, Leksell radiosurgery has become a widely applied technique for the management of a diverse group of vascular, neoplastic, and functional disorders. This publication presents an update on state-of-the-art radiosurgery technology, including outcomes, by the pioneers in the field. Experts have contributed chapters on various topics. They provide a history of the development of Leksell Gamma Knife and its evolution from frame-based to the inclusion of mask-based radiosurgery in the latest Gamma Knife model. For beginners, there is valuable information related to imaging, quality assurance, patient care, anesthesia, and regulatory requirements. Advance users will appreciate the summary of the long-term outcome of important indications. Additional chapters on cavernous malformation, orbital, uveal, and ocular disorders clarify the role of radiosurgery. This book is a concise overview for physicians interested in radiosurgery. It will be of great value to neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, and medical physicists concerned with learning about the indications of radiosurgery.
Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring are innovative tools to provide remote transmission, interpretation, and storage of data for review by the care team. These tools allow for accurate home monitoring of patients enabling the team to improve care through prevention and early identification of problems. This book is structured into four main parts. The first describes the evolution of peritoneal dialysis and related technology. The second part summarizes current unmet clinical needs reported by patients and care teams, the need for innovation in the field, and the technical and clinical issues involved with the modern management of peritoneal dialysis. The third section presents the operational characteristics of the new information communication technology system and, in detail, the features of the Sharesource platform. Finally, a series of field experiences by expert users are reported to describe the benefits and the potential applications of remote patient monitoring in the future. Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring have proven to be useful in the care of patients on peritoneal dialysis. The scope of this publication, therefore, is to present the experiences of clinical key opinion leaders who have been using the application.
This publication is a record of some of the outstanding presentations given at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT). The meeting was held in Kobe in 2018, celebrating the 50-year anniversary of the founding of the JSDT as a voluntary academic association. Therapy for end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) now faces vital issues besides the management of renal anemia and chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder and the selection of the optimal treatment modality for each patient. These issues include the increasing incidence of malnutrition and frailty in the elderly, fragile vascular access, and the balance between medical costs and budgets. Expert members of the JSDT present 15 articles that address these issues. This book serves to promote further progress in understanding the pathogenesis of complications associated with ESKD and providing optimal therapy for patients.
Human milk contains all of the essential nutrients and other functional components thought to have short- and long-term neonatal health benefits, such as positive biological effects on growth, metabolism, cognition, and immunity. This publication brings together the world’s experts who touch on the spectrum of current knowledge, from the history and mechanics of breastfeeding, its physiological and clinical effects, to the new surprises revealed by metabolomics and comparative biology. One of the key points made is that human milk is not only a source of essential nutrients, but also contains a variety of bioactive substances. These include essential microbes, long-chain fatty acids, complex oligosaccharides, nucleotides, and bioactive signaling proteins and hormones. This book provides clinicians and researchers with useful insights from multiple perspectives on the various aspects of human milk and lactation.