
Различные книги в жанре Медицина


Fernando Suarez

This expansive textbook covers a broad range of topics to prepare aspiring periodontists for exams as well as serving as a guide or reference for more senior practitioners. Concepts are explained in language simple enough for students but technical enough to communicate the important points and subtleties of the topic. Over 100 vocabulary words are clearly defined and explained in context to facilitate understanding of the material, and the text is accompanied by a great variety of tables, diagrams, and illustrations to allow readers to visualize the area and provide additional context for the information. The textbook begins with a basic overview of periodontal anatomy, then leads the reader through the process of diagnosis, identifying different diseases and potential risks before obtaining a prognosis and creating a treatment plan. This is followed by over a dozen chapters on various treatment methods from SRP to complex surgery and then maintenance. The book concludes with additional concepts important for young dentists to know, including an overview of relevant medications as well as abnormalities and emergencies that may be encountered in daily practice. Nothing is left out in this handy study guide, and both current students and recent graduates will find it invaluable in beginning their careers.

Der Immun-Code

Dr. Dorothea Schleicher-Brückl

Ein starkes und leistungsfähiges Immunsystem ist die wichtigste Voraussetzung, um Bakterien, Viren und andere Krankheitserreger erfolgreich zu bekämpfen und dauerhaft gesund zu bleiben. Für die Stärkung der körpereigenen Abwehr gibt es viele Möglichkeiten: von gesunder Ernährung, genügend Bewegung und ausreichender Entspannung bis hin zu gezielten Prophylaxemaßnahmen und neuen Therapieverfahren wie der paraspezifischen Immunabwehr bei akuten Krisen. Wenn unsere Immunabwehr geschwächt ist, kann sie die alltäglichen Herausforderungen nicht mehr gut meistern, und unser Organismus ist nicht länger gegen Krankheitserreger geschützt. In ihrem Buch Der Immun-Code beschreibt Dr. Schleicher-Brückl den Aufbau des Immunsystems und seine wichtigsten Bestandteile. Sie gibt Ratschläge und Tipps, wie wir unsere Abwehr durch eine entsprechende Ernährung und Lebensweise effizient unterstützen und wie wir erfolgreich vor Infektionen – und somit auch vor dem Coronavirus – schützen können.

Better Births

Anna Brown

Better Births: The Midwife 'with Woman’ provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts at the heart of all midwifery practice. Written for student midwives and qualified practitioners alike, this evidence-based textbook examines what it means to be 'with woman' from a range of perspectives, in a variety of contexts, and in diverse areas of practice. Based on Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis—the theoretical approach to developing knowledge in nursing science—this authoritative resource systematically examines and analyses the most recent literature and evidence, presenting findings of high relevance to midwives and childbearing women with contributions from international experts. Introduces the concept of being 'with woman' and explains the evolutionary concept analysis approach Provides insights on the relationship between woman and midwife and on fulfilling the 'with woman' concept Reviews contemporary literature to identify new knowledge and generate questions about the concept Includes discussion of global and historical perspectives, high risk midwifery, mental health issues, supporting the bereaved woman, delivering nurturing care to the older childbearing woman, midwifery education, public health, the future of midwifery, and more Better Births is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students in midwifery programmes, scholars and educators in the field, sociologists and researchers in related disciplines, and general readers interested in women’s position in society, birth and motherhood, and feminism.

Better Births

Anna Brown

Protocols for Mobile Dental Photography with Auxiliary Lighting

Louis Hardan

Billions of photographs are taken worldwide each day, and most of them are captured with a smartphone. In the context of clinical dentistry, many clinicians use their smartphone to take clinical photographs for communication or documentation simply because they cannot operate or afford a professional camera. Author Louis Hardan understands too well how a poorly taken photograph can compromise the quality of dentistry delivered to the patient, which is why he launched the Mobile Dental Photography (MDP) project in 2012. He wanted to find a way to make documentation and communication easy and affordable to all dentists and laboratory technicians, including students. In this book he outlines how to use the smartphone camera with auxiliary lighting and accessories to take photographs for treatment planning, documentation and self-evaluation, communication with the patient and laboratory technician, tracking the evolution of treatment, as well as for publishing, lecturing, and insurance and medicolegal purposes. He also shows how to take artistic photographs to wow your followers on social media and effectively market your practice online. You really can get similar-quality images with a smartphone camera as with a DSLR camera; you just need to know how to use it. This book is the key.

Meine Praxis in gute Hände

Jens-Peter Jahn

Die Abgabe der eigenen Praxis beschäftigt irgendwann jeden selbstständigen Zahnarzt. Dieser große Schritt mit beträchtlichen Folgen für Patienten, Team und das eigene Lebenswerk sollte gut geplant werden. In diesem Buch vermitteln Experten, die sich mit der besonderen Situation der Zahnärzte auskennen, einen Überblick zu den Themen Recht, Steuern, Finanzen, Versicherungen, Praxiswert und -positionierung und persönlichen Faktoren rund um eine erfolgreiche Praxisabgabe. Dieses Buch will Zahnärzte gut vorbereiten, damit Sie ihren eigenen Weg bis zur Praxisabgabe sicher gehen und mit einem guten Gefühl abschließen können.

Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office

American Dental Association

This resource from the American Dental Association helps train the dental team to prepare for, identify, and manage any health issues that may arise on site. Duty sheets with detailed instructions and four accompanying videos train each team member to prepare forf their tasks during a medical emergency. Topics include fainting, asthma attacks, allergic reactions, seizures, diabetic events, high and low blood pressure, strokes, cardiac arrest. provides three CE credits. Features: List of recommended equipment and supplies for a dental emergency kit; Detailed duty sheet instructing each team member of their tasks during a medical emergency; Step-by-step instructions to aid in identifying and managing common medical emergencies, such as: Fainting, Asthma attacks, Allergic reactions, Seizures, Diabetic events, High and low blood pressure, Strokes, Cardiac arrest. Staff training videos: It Won t Happen Here: Explains what constitutes a medical emergency, factors that increase the likelihood of a medical emergency, and the components of a medical emergency kit; My Role in a Crisis: Details the assignment and duties of roles in a medical emergency; Using Medical Equipment: Provides a brief overview on how to use common medical equipment during an emergency; Crisis in a Clinic: Shows a dental team successfully managing a medical emergency. Includes 3 hours of CE.