
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Актуальные проблемы развития донорства крови и ее компонентов в России

Елена Ивановна Стефанюк

Социологическое исследование «Актуальные проблемы развития донорства крови и ее компонентов в России» проведено в рамках социального проекта Национального фонда развития здравоохранения «#ДОНОРСТВОКРОВИРОССИИ: пространство взаимодействия – модельные решения по развитию регулярного безвозмездного донорства крови в регионах России» при поддержке Фонда президентских грантов. В исследовании, в частности, отражены такие вопросы, как общая оценка текущей ситуации в сфере донорства крови и костного мозга, мотивация и барьеры донорства крови, меры для подготовки к сдаче крови и/или ее компонентов, оценка информированности и потребности в информации. Издание адресовано организаторам и координаторам донорского движения, представителям добровольческих объединений, инициативных групп, некоммерческих организаций, специалистам учреждений Службы крови, а также тем, кто интересуется состоянием и развитием донорства крови и ее компонентов в Российской Федерации и запросами участников донорского движения.

A Clinical Guide to Urologic Emergencies

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A Clinical Guide to Urologic Emergencies A Clinical Guide to Urologic Emergencies An ageing population and a predicted shortfall in the number of urologists means that, increasingly, the management of complex urological problems will fall to hospital emergency departments and the surgeries of primary care physicians. With many doctors and medical students now having less exposure to urology, there is a real and urgent need for accessible and practical guidance in managing urologic emergencies. A Clinical Guide to Urologic Emergencies offers practical guidance to the best practices in diagnosis, treatment and management of patients with urgent urological conditions. Designed to be an extremely useful tool to consult in the clinical setting, it will be a vital source of information and guidance for all clinicians, irrespective of their level of urologic knowledge.Edited by an outstanding international editor team, this book is particularly aimed at physicians, advanced practice providers, and urology and emergency medicine trainees managing patients in diverse healthcare settings across the globe. A Clinical Guide to Urologic Emergencies is accompanied by a website featuring video content at www.wiley.com/go/wessells/urologic

The Esophagus

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THE ESOPHAGUS The Esophagus investigates the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the esophagus. This sixth edition, revised and updated throughout, also explores the diagnosis and treatment of various esophageal conditions. It includes treatment guidelines approved by the two largest gastroenterology societies, the ACG and AGA, as befits a work co-edited by two former presidents of those organizations. Advancements in diagnostics are presented, as are developments in the surgical and drug therapies.Presented in full colour, and boasting an unrivalled team of editors and contributing authors, The Esophagus Sixth Edition will find a home wherever the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the esophagus are studied and taught.This book is accompanied by a website containing all the figures from the book in PowerPoint format. www.wiley.com/go/richter/esophagus6e Praise for the Fifth Edition: “There is absolutely no doubt that this edition of the textbook will maintain its status as the go-to reference for esophageal conditions, and will remain a highly utilized and clinically useful resource for novice and experienced physicians and surgeons alike.” ( Gastroenterology , 1 July 2013)