
Различные книги в жанре Математика

Квант. Научно-популярный физико-математический журнал. №10/2017


Если вы интересуетесь математикой и физикой и любите решать задачи, то вашим другом и помощником станет научно-популярный физико-математический журнал «КВАНТ». Он выходит с 1970 года и рассчитан на школьников старших классов и их учителей, а также на студентов младших курсов. На страницах журнала – рассказы о достижениях науки и ее применениях, творческие задачи, истории замечательных идей и замечательных людей, головоломки, занятия факультативов и кружков, помощь в трудных вопросах школьной программы, интересные физические опыты, материалы для поступающих, задачи турниров и олимпиад по математике и физике (от городских до международных), полезная информация о научных обществах учащихся, физико-математических турнирах и праздниках, заочных и вечерних школах при различных вузах страны. А задачи раздела «Квант» для младших школьников» обычно интересны всем – от шестиклассников до академиков. Журнал выходит 12 раз в год. В номере: «Квант» для младших школьников Как Бусенька проиграла кулинарный конкурс Школа в «Кванте» Трансформатор Тесла – что это такое. Калейдоскоп «Кванта» Бионика Физический факультатив Скорость звука в газе: Ньютон или Лаплас? и многое другое

Математика. Методический журнал для учителей математики. №12/2017


«Математика» – методический журнал для учителей математики. До 2017 года он 24 года входил в число периодических изданий Издательского дома «Первое сентября», а теперь издается Московским центром непрерывного математического образования при участии Российской ассоциации учителей математики. В журнале публикуются статьи о работе региональных отделений Российской ассоциации учителей математики, о международных исследованиях качества математической подготовки, по истории математики, методические материалы для подготовки к ЕГЭ (базовый и профильный уровни), для повышения квалификации учителей, для кружковых занятий, разборы уроков, головоломки. Журнал издается с 1992 г., выходит 10 раз в год. В номере: Методобъединение / Мастерская Как повысить качество геометрической подготовки На уроке / Открытый урок Система обучения Д. Эльконина и В. Давыдова Повышение квалификации / Проверь себя XIV Творческий конкурс учителей математики Повышение квалификации / Проверь себя Победители и призеры XIV Творческого конкурса учителей математики После урока / Олимпиады, конкурсы, турниры Турнир Архимеда. Московская математическая регата. 11 класс После урока / В кладовой головоломок Кинато и многое другое

Pre-Calculus For Dummies

Yang Kuang

The fun and easy way to learn pre-calculus Getting ready for calculus but still feel a bit confused? Have no fear. Pre-Calculus For Dummies is an un-intimidating, hands-on guide that walks you through all the essential topics, from absolute value and quadratic equations to logarithms and exponential functions to trig identities and matrix operations. With this guide's help you'll quickly and painlessly get a handle on all of the concepts – not just the number crunching – and understand how to perform all pre-calc tasks, from graphing to tackling proofs. You'll also get a new appreciation for how these concepts are used in the real world, and find out that getting a decent grade in pre-calc isn't as impossible as you thought. Updated with fresh example equations and detailed explanations Tracks to a typical pre-calculus class Serves as an excellent supplement to classroom learning If «the fun and easy way to learn pre-calc» seems like a contradiction, get ready for a wealth of surprises in Pre-Calculus For Dummies!

Basic Maths Practice Problems For Dummies

Colin Beveridge

Learn to: Master maths with more than 2,000 practice questions Add, subtract, multiply and divide with confidence Work with decimals, fractions and percentages Size up weights and measures Fun, friendly coaching and all the practice you need to tackle maths problems with confidence and ease In his popular Basic Maths For Dummies, professional maths tutor Colin Beveridge proved that he could turn anyone – even the most maths-phobic person – into a natural-born number cruncher. In this book he supplies more of his unique brand of maths-made-easy coaching, plus 2,000 practice problems to help you master what you learn. Whether you're prepping for a numeracy test or an employability exam, thinking of returning to school, or you'd just like to be one of those know-it-alls who says, 'Oh, that's easy!' about any maths problem that comes your way, this book is for you. Master basic arithmetic, fast – in no time, solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems will seem as easy as tying your shoes Face down fractions – you'll never again feel shy around fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios Juggle weights and measures like a pro – whether it's a question of how much it weighs, how long (or far) it is, or how much it costs, you'll never be at a loss for an answer Make shapes your playthings – circles, squares, triangles and rectangles – you'll measure them, draw them and manipulate them with ease Open the book and find: 2,000 pencil-and-paper practice problems The keys to mastering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division The lowdown on fractions, decimals and percentages Basic geometry made easy How to handle weights, measures and money problems How to read charts, tables and graphs at a glance

Mathematics of the market. Service random flow

Alexandr Berlin

The book offers a new approach to the calculation of economic processes. This approach allows to obtain very interesting data: – to define a generic mathematical description of the goods. In book gives a mathematical market model, it is shown that calculations of the parameters of the market can be carried out according to the formulas of the Queuing theory, in particular according to the formulas of erlang, Engset, etc; to define formulas that reflect the relationship between supply and demand

Basic Maths For Dummies

Colin Beveridge

Whether you are returning to school, studying for an adult numeracy test, helping your kids with homework, or seeking the confidence that a firm maths foundation provides in everyday encounters, Basic Maths For Dummies, UK Edition, provides the content you need to improve your basic maths skills. Based upon the Adult Numeracy Core Curriculum, this title covers such topics as: Getting started with the building blocks of maths and setting yourself up for success Dealing with decimals, percentages and tackling fractions without fear Sizing Up weights, measures, and shapes How to handle statistics and gauge probability Filled with real-world examples and written by a PhD-level mathematician who specialises in tutoring adults and students, Basic Maths For Dummies also provides practical advice on overcoming maths anxiety and a host of tips, tricks, and memory aids that make learning maths (almost) painless – and even fun.

Algebra I For Dummies

Mary Sterling Jane

Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119293576) was previously published as Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9780470559642). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. Factor fearlessly, conquer the quadratic formula, and solve linear equations There's no doubt that algebra can be easy to some while extremely challenging to others. If you're vexed by variables, Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides the plain-English, easy-to-follow guidance you need to get the right solution every time! Now with 25% new and revised content, this easy-to-understand reference not only explains algebra in terms you can understand, but it also gives you the necessary tools to solve complex problems with confidence. You'll understand how to factor fearlessly, conquer the quadratic formula, and solve linear equations. Includes revised and updated examples and practice problems Provides explanations and practical examples that mirror today's teaching methods Other titles by Sterling: Algebra II For Dummies and Algebra Workbook For Dummies Whether you're currently enrolled in a high school or college algebra course or are just looking to brush-up your skills, Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you friendly and comprehensible guidance on this often difficult-to-grasp subject.

Math For Real Life For Dummies

Barry Schoenborn

The easy way to brush up on the math skills you need in real life Not everyone retains the math they learned in school. Like any skill, your ability to speak «math» can deteriorate if left unused. From adding and subtracting money in a bank account to figuring out the number of shingles to put on a roof, math in all of its forms factors into daily life. Math For Real Life For Dummies provides you with the simple formulas and theorems that you're likely to encounter in the workplace, the kitchen, and even when playing games. You can turn to Math For Real Life For Dummies to brush up on your math skills or to handle everyday encounters, like calculating restaurant tips, understanding interest rates, and figuring out percentages and odds. Packed with real-world examples that make sense, Math For Real Life For Dummies takes the stress out of your daily calculation encounters. Provides tips for understanding and using basic mathematical concepts Shows you how math helps the mind to reason and organize complicated situations or problems into clear, simple, and logical steps Covers all of the math skills you're likely to need in everyday situations If you're looking for a practical, plain-English guide to mastering everyday math skills, Math For Real Life For Dummies has you covered.

Geometry: 1,001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)

Allen Ma

Practice makes perfect! Get perfect with a thousand and one practice problems! 1,001 Geometry Practice Problems For Dummies gives you 1,001 opportunities to practice solving problems that deal with core geometry topics, such as points, lines, angles, and planes, as well as area and volume of shapes. You'll also find practice problems on more advanced topics, such as proofs, theorems, and postulates. The companion website gives you free online access to 500 practice problems and solutions. You can track your progress and ID where you should focus your study time. The online component works in conjunction with the book to help you polish your skills and build confidence. As the perfect companion to Geometry For Dummies or a stand-alone practice tool for students, this book & website will help you put your geometry skills into practice, encouraging deeper understanding and retention. The companion website includes: Hundreds of practice problems Customizable practice sets for self-directed study Problems ranked as easy, medium, and hard Free one-year access to the online questions bank With 1,001 Geometry Practice Problems For Dummies, you'll get the practice you need to master geometry and gain confidence in the classroom.

Calculus: 1,001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)

Patrick Jones

Practice makes perfect—and helps deepen your understanding of calculus 1001 Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies takes you beyond the instruction and guidance offered in Calculus For Dummies, giving you 1001 opportunities to practice solving problems from the major topics in your calculus course. Plus, an online component provides you with a collection of calculus problems presented in multiple-choice format to further help you test your skills as you go. Gives you a chance to practice and reinforce the skills you learn in your calculus course Helps you refine your understanding of calculus Practice problems with answer explanations that detail every step of every problem The practice problems in 1001 Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies range in areas of difficulty and style, providing you with the practice help you need to score high at exam time.